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Heated Marijuana Debate – Gloves Off with Patrick Bet-David – Ep 1

Is Marijuana good or bad? Should Marijuana continue being legalized or not? Gloves Off is a debate style segment where host (mediator) Patrick Bet-David …

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  2. Some of the hardest workers are heroin addicts, he is full of shit with his addicts cant hold a job statement. The only reason that may be true in some cases is because they lose their car or license because drugs are illegal.

  3. Drugs like heroin wouldn't destroy as many lives if they were legal. They would cost significantly less so people wouldn't have to live unsustainable lives if they were addicted. Not to mention they wouldn't be raped for thousands of dollars every year by the state arresting them over and over again. Because anyone who uses heroin knows that once you get arrested that first time, every cop in the state has a constant hard on for you until the day you die. If your plate gets ran and you have a dope charge they will pull you over illegally just to search you. Paying the courts and all the tickets is what makes being addicted to heroin unsustainable. Losing your car because you got caught with a tiny amount of drugs makes life unsustainable. Losing your legal right to drive because you got caught with dope makes life unsustainable, because you lose your job once you lose your car. Then you are forced to become an actual criminal to make a living, and that is when your problems finally start causing the people around you problems. It's much harder to get a legit job when you cant pass a background check. All of this would not exist if it was legal. Harm reduction would skyrocket as well of heroin was legalized because it would be pure. No fentynyl or harmful cutting agents in your heroin which causes the vast majority of overdoses and deaths.

  4. A simple brain storm between Pat and Jenn would've been fine, the Narcissist to the right spewing all that 🐃💩 blowing alternative facts out of his @ss sounds ignorant and salty, poor debater, kept yelling like a toddler, probably got his money invested in private jails, weird control freak 🤮🗑

  5. "so this isn't just about marijuana its about outright drug legalization, let people do what they want to do."
    No shit Sherlock… People can go kill themselves legally with a bottle of alcohol, prescription drugs, chemicals not meant to be ingested, TODAY, yet heaven forbid we let people have the right to alter their consciousness in any other way than getting smashed or high off nicotine, tobacco, prescription drugs, or shisha… Such fucking hypocrites. Alcohol has and will always destroy more families than Marijuana – the only reason Marijuana destroys families as is it is because those who choose to use it now, are Demonized – because of the stigma criminalizing has behind it – or thought as being CRIMINALS. We hear time and time again how SECOND HAND smoking is WORSE than smoking itself, yet you dont see any policy to protect those that dont wish to smoke outside of public places…. I can get in a vehicle with somebody and they can light it up, I can almost smell nothing but the cigarette(which means its being inhaled into my lungs) – yet if you say anything about it, you are seen as the douchebag, not the person harming you with their personal choices… I dont mind people that dislike ALL DRUG USE, but when its selective, I think they are fucking douchebags, just because your preferred coping/consciousness altering methods aren't illegal doesnt meant you should demonize other peoples preferences… Any if you really need the gov't to dictate what you can and can not do, you obviously arent taking mattering into your own hands where they need to be dealt with.

    Oh yeah on a personal note, if you were making these terrible decisions at 12? you obviously grew up with scumbags as influences, that means some dealer was selling to kids, it wasn't a matter of you or your friends parents having alcohol locked up in the house and you stealing it, It was an adult willingly choosing to profit off of kids… If you were getting the alcohol given to you or sold to you by adults, thats a major crime, if Marijuana had similar punishments then maybe it wouldn't be in middle schools… and hopefully not in high schools either, its disgusting to think about drugs being common place around kids as young as 10, BUT AS YOU ALREADY KNOW, THATS REALITY TODAY. ITS TIME FOR A CHANGE. Furthermore, this as you already alluded to is a PARENTING ISSUE. Almost nobody is introduced to drugs legal or otherwise, through strangers, its NEARLY always people you know, family or friends.

  6. This guy looks like a moron. His “fact” after “fact” being wrong makes him less and less creditable. I wonder if he watches this and feels like an idiot. I’m half way through and can’t stand listening to the garbage coming out of his mouth.

  7. Dude! I did't know you started doing debates. I only learned about this video from the freeway the Freeway Rick Ross interview. You should do more. I would love to see you do political debates. I believe we should legalize, tax and regulate all drugs,gambling And prostitution. That way law enforcement can focus on more important things, like protecting our schools from mass shooters.

  8. Well, the weed debate takes so many avenues, I say even if its illegal, and you use pot, and its helping you, then use it. The problem I see is (at least in the past in California, now not so much) the problem goes in hand with "privatized prisons" and the business men/politicians who are owners and partners, want to fill these prisons up because they make boatloads of money because they are full. These guys lobby laws that will benefit them and not really benefit the people of the state these law, it's simple greed by those types of people that make it seems so bad. Look Marijuana has been on this planet for thousands of years, and still to this day not one person has died due to " weed overdose" my advice is to really educate yourself on the issue, and then and only then will you be able to make a good informed decision. I have known and still know people who use, some just use for pain because they done want to get on opioids, others use for recreational, I've have noticed the ones who use for recreation are a little less motivated as some others. I believe if it works for you good, just do t let it dictate your life.

  9. The one thing I hate about potheads is they ALL have a reason why they smoke weed. Pain,stress,etc. None of them say I enjoy to get high. Most potheads also smoke with pothead friends. It's a social thing.

  10. Now he's pissed me off! Pot doesn't cause "physical" addiction. I too consumed pot as a youth but, quit it with no problems whatsoever. Hell…in my most recent years, ( I'm over 60 ) I was treated with massive opiates for ten years. Now, due to the "war on opiates," I am opiate free. Only a week of "Kratom" save me from withdrawal. I also don't drink. What this dumb bastard fails to understand is the fact addicts have other mental problems that allow dependence. So, this dude is just another garden variety far-right overzealous and self-described example of superior DNA and family values of the police nanny state. Have you noticed he's the only one who speaks? The NORML lady is left alone. why? Because the host is letting him prove what we all know. That he is "clueless."

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