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Cannabis Oil

Grandmother Arrested at Disney World for Mislabeled CBD Oil – SCAM Alert Select CBD

Grandmother gets arrested at Disney World for carrying CBD Oil with THC. The CBD label is from Select CBD company. Make sure when you buy cbd oil you get …

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  1. She was arrested for carrying a substance that is illegal in the state of Florida. Even her lawyer has acknowledged that CBD is illegal in Florida.
    It doesn't matter that it is a stupid law or that thousands ignore it. It is in fact an illegal substance in Florida until July1rst (probably).
    THC content is irrelevant

    It is not an illegal arrest if you are arrested for being in possession of an illegal substance.
    There is no law that says that cops have to be polite about it.
    It is not a violation of civil rights to be arrested for a codified violation of the law.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that she played a game of who's the boss with a cop and lost

  2. No thank you, it is not worth what this poor woman went through. I will stick with Garlic, Ginger, Pineapple, and Turmeric. I did my own legal research on CBD oil and it states that CBD oil with .3% THC is legal in all 50 states. Yet, the state of Florida says it will arrest you if you have any amount of CBD oil. I say it is time to hold someone accountable for this ambiguity. Not to mention, this woman had a doctor's note. Since when do law enforcement officers get to override doctor's prescriptions? I have two friends who have doctor's prescriptions for CBD and one of the doctors sell it in his office.

  3. Where are those CBD companies/product recommendations you mentioned? Do they contain isolated CBD and less than .3% THC? If so they don't exist in the real medicinal world of cannabis nutraceuticals and you shouldn't be recommending them to everybody for ailments, illnesses or disease. Again be careful to bash a company without having extensively more knowledge than you displayed in this video. Good luck acquiring that knowledge and I would recommend going to as many medical cannabis conferences as possible. I have 7 under my belt so far but the doctors in this state are catching up to me fast. Again best of luck finding the truths about this wonderful plant called CANNABIS. There is a reason you have never heard of a Medical Hemp Conference sir. Because there is a very very very very very very microscopic amount of medicinal compounds such as cannbinoids, sub-cannabinoids, terpenes, sequiterpenes, flavanoids, vitamins and minerals in the hemp plant which has been bred for 1000's of years for TEXTILES (ropes for tying World War ships for example) AND CLOTHING NOT MEDICINE! Henry Ford built a car out of hemp bioplastic is another great example. That is why they have to harvest an entire acre of hemp to get a tiny amount of isolated CBD. One CBD dominant cannabis plant can produce a total pound or more of CBD extract rich in the incredible medicinal compounds and a much more desirable percentage of THC. By the way Captain Keto- THC is not evil. Please get this correct- hemp based CBD products suck-ass and are a scam UNLESS there are a whole lot of other previously mentioned critical compounds added back into this "hemp extract" to help it become closer real medicine that will give you consistent results. Feel free to ask any questions……

  4. this is definitely a publicity stunt. disney has band all smoking. these vape pens carry thc and they know that. this was to insight fear

  5. Correction I said .03% it is actually .3% the main point is get a certificate of analysis from a 3rd party. Anyone can slap a label on their cbd products and sell them cheap. At the state level there is no regulation. It is the wild west for cbd products so be sure to check what you are buying with a 3rd party lab result then contact the lab to verify.

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