Grand Rapids police speaks after shots fired at federal agent by parolee
Sergeant John Wittkowski speaks to media about a shooting incident at the 900 block of Sherman where a U.S. marshall was shot at on Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2020.
criminals will always have guns. even if libs disarm all white Christian males in America… criminals will always have guns. remember that… democrats are the true enemy of the people.
Well dam so dude shoot the marshalls rad so he couldnt chase up. Dam was he a rookie marshal
Marshall is embarrassed? How many shots did he fire ?
Shooting at the Feds? Extra dumb, when they find him they will return fire.
See I can't trust that cop
Damn Swedes!
criminals will always have guns. even if libs disarm all white Christian males in America… criminals will always have guns.
remember that… democrats are the true enemy of the people.
Well dam so dude shoot the marshalls rad so he couldnt chase up. Dam was he a rookie marshal
Marshall is embarrassed? How many shots did he fire ?
Shooting at the Feds? Extra dumb, when they find him they will return fire.