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Gov. Andy Beshear May 7 5:00 pm Update | Coronavirus | KET

In his Thursday update, Gov. Beshear reports 208 new COVID-19 cases, for a total of 6129. There are 11 new deaths, for a total of 294 fatalities. 2177 people …

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  1. BANK OF AMERICA I believe is holding the unemployment funds from Americans, so they can use the money to purchase stocks. Maybe that's why BANK OF AMERICA stock is going up and people aren't receiving their unemployment? Which if, this is true it is illegal.

  2. Every day Andy Beshear does not reopen the economy, more people die from his shutdown. More depressed people commit suicide. More abused spouses or children are killed (or their lives ruined for decades even if they survive) as their stressed-out abusers go too far. Cancer patients die from missed treatments or diagnoses. Heart patients missing appointments die from heart attacks and stroke. All because the economy is still shut down. And for perspective, this is a number of victims far larger than the deaths from COVID-19, and they can't be blamed on any virus. There's admittedly others at fault, like the abusers themselves, but you're to blame, too, Andy. You can't wash the victims' blood off your hands, but you can prevent more needless deaths. Stop playing politics and do the right thing. #Openkentucky

  3. I can’t wait for you snow flakes to learn the details of this “Contact Tracing “! Btw I’d suggest you not take the Bill Gates vaccine mandated by Beshear .

  4. Dr Stack, do you even know what the definition and the meaning of the word integrity is? I doubt it. Most dirt bags and good for nothing people who served our country honorably learned what that word means by the time they came back home. What you have done using your power drunk portion of authority has been dishonorable. Your cure has always been worse than the virus and you if you had any sense as a Doctor must know that. You have killed thousands of people here supporting the everything lockdown lining your pockets talking your books. The future of your reputation doesn't look that good to me. I think you might be better off moving to Communist China.

  5. "Team Kentucky" is a spit in the face. Ive lived in this state my whole life. Its so hard for me to believe how we could of ever allowed this sort of thing to happen. We have this state government now that gets to declare the people non essential and can use deadly force against those they call non essential just for owning a legitimate bussiness or going to work. That's not OK Andy Beshear. You have ruined our country. You have caused trillions of dollars in damages. You are standing on the side of cops violently face down body slamming women in public for not wearing a face mask. The sooner people like you are no longer in charge the better off we will be. And I don't give a damn about when your son gets Baptized. Look at all the damage you have done.

  6. You cannot be a Christian, and support abortion! That being said, This Gov. has lied to Kentuckians, when he first started to talk about reopening Ky. He said we would follow the Gov. outlines, that we would have to see 14 days of steady decline of covid cases before Ky. Would start to open. That was a lie. We haven’t had that to even begin, and we are open. He acts like these deaths really bother him, yet he supports the killing of innocent babies, and keeps the baby killing mills open during this pandemic. If you support abortion, that is between you and God, but don’t say how precious life is, and support the slaughter of innocent children.

  7. It wouldn't make any difference now if Andy Beshear got 1 million testing kits a day. Nobody wants to get tested. People are done with this now. They just want Freedom.

  8. The people of Kentucky are smart and strong. Voting in Bashear is a Godsend. Vote out McConnell-Amy McGrath is military and will bring jobs and respect to Kentucky once we are through this. It's about common sense. The virus doesn't care if you believe Chump conspiracies. It does not matter if you open up the whole country, most people aren't going to endanger themselves and their families to bring back the economy so Chump can get reelected. #wearamask #kentuckystrong

  9. the racists guy that thought tupac wasn't a name before tupac lol which actually is a name that came from the Aztecs lol Moron

  10. This is my daily dose of folklore. He is now a national embarrassment. Australia even has him on the news. Christian bashers love him

  11. Okay how are you going to have childcare? Children cant stay 6 feet apart unless they are infants. What , are you going to punish a child every time they try to play with one another? It will be like a prison. Are you going to go around and spray everything with lysol all day long till the kids are poisoned. You cant breathe chemicals all day. You'll give them chemical pneumonia.Lysol also causes rashes on the skin if youre exposed to it continually. That happened at an infant care I worked at years ago when they sprayed the changing table between each infant.

  12. I had to take a bunch of cardboard to our dump today. As I passed fast food places , I could see the employees in the drivethru . As I was at stop lights I could see at the auto repair and gas stations etc… Lots of employees weren't wearing masks and serving customers. Walmart employees were mostly doing great. I think our county is going to go up. More people were wearing masks but others in flip flops and shorts with their family and kids weren't being wise. Though I did see one lady protecting her small child about 10 with a mask. Kudos to her. great mom.

  13. How about adding the building daily deaths due to addiction and depression caused by unemployment and loss of businesses, not getting unemployment checks promised, etc, in the state caused by your unreasonable extended shutdown! Attorney General Cameron will defeat him by 200000 votes in 2023!!!

  14. Who cares what Senator Paul Rand’s opinion is? Senator Paul Rand willingly walked around Congress, went swimming, and used their gym, all whilst knowing he was infected with the coronavirus. With ethics, a lack of emotional intelligence, and a morality like that, I think Senator Paul Rand should keep his opinions to himself.

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