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SOME GOOD NEWS (but for asians)

As YouTubers do, we rip off trends and popular formats. This time, it’s going to be a riff off of John Krasinski and his genuinely amazing channel, SOME GOOD …

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  1. Well done! I have also been inspired to become an SGN Global correspondent with my ‘Barbie SGN with Emily Blunt’! Visit my channel and subscribe for new videos every Sunday!

    I started a facebook group that's seeking for only good news and positive posts.
    It's called " ALL ASIAN AMERICANS MATTER" and I'm going to post your video there!!

  3. You missed the whole point of John Krasinki’s SGN! His entire purpose is to stay positive and report ONLY good and happy things and steer clear of politics. Try again.

  4. Like the video and be am happy to hear some positivity on China. My wife is Chinese, and yeah it's a bit rough right now, especially here in the South.

    Just be careful with using WHO stats. That's actually a hot button politics topic right now.

    I feel alot of the problems are linked to the growing anti CCP sentiment that started last year with the Confucius Institute, as well as other stories of aggression by the CCP. The virus just adds fuel to the fear of war many Americans feel.

  5. That's odd, I thought all these were supposed to be good news stories, you know, positive and uplifting. Change the title, please!

  6. One concept to report on: Students have been “sent home” from universities across the country. But what about the international student population? Are they still in dorms? Who is feeding them? How do they social distance in a dormitory — shared bathrooms, anyone? When will they have a positive change in living situation? What are they doing to cope? Who would they like to thank for contributing directly to their wellbeing? You might try soliciting feedback from the University of Michigan where we have a large population of Asian students.

  7. If this Asian lady was authentic she would not have deleted my comment. People need to see different sides of the argument in terms of racism. Asians are not on a higher level than other ethnic groups who face racism and discrimination even from Asians. Im not stating that I hate Asians but the idea is, if most Asians have not been a team player against racism for certain ethnic groups other then their own this lady and other Asians would receive support for the anti xenophobia movement. However, go do what you do best lady and delete my relevant comment. I never implied hatred towards Asians I’m just speaking the facts. Before you express anti discrimination for Asians you need to express that Asians themselves should ditch the practice and behavior of discrimination against other ethnic groups, typically black people of African descent. Don’t be a coward

  8. Great video! As a scared Asian, this feels nice. The last one really shocked me. I hadn't heard people were being racist to us because of all of this! At times like this, people should team up (at a safe distance, of course) and bring spirits up as you do! And I'd also like to say thank you to the SF Peace Collective!

    I hope you do more episodes of this!

  9. Thank you for doing this in this dire time. Everyday there are violent incidents with Asians and it needs to be addressed but also positive news as well. I hope to see more of these videos to come.

  10. people be fighting for toilet paper and now people be beating up asians because…they're asians??? the world is slowly going insane over this virus

  11. You could have told about othere asians you know, central asians and middle eastern people are also asians… I mean not hating or anything but othere asians countries and communities most likely done somthing to help. As a turk for exampel i know for a fact that we sent help to italy by providing health suplies and volunteers. Just saying that asian doesnt really mean just east asians, it means asia as whole.

    But cool consept i like it, and sorry for my grammar, im dyslexic and speak like 3-4 languages.

  12. Wow more thing which questions the moto of channel and act as a great initiative of the mess that channel is but still keep up with sgn i will send links on ig if you see dm's

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