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Adobe Photoshop has a large library of layers and filters to make your images unique. It also has tools to make your images smooth, and easy-to-make adjustments to the depth of colors. Image editing tools can turn your photographs into works of art in no time.

What You’ll Need

An image editor

Adobe Photoshop Elements

Adobe Photoshop

A photography-focused computer

You can use any image editor, but Adobe Photoshop Elements is very popular among graphic designers and independent photographers. With the Adobe Photoshop you need access to a graphics card with 4 GB of RAM. While you don’t need much RAM to use Elements, you need more than one GB to make the most of the features.


The image editing tools in Adobe Photoshop Elements are not as robust as Photoshop, but they are still quite useful. You can edit and retouch images without difficulty. You can also use the tools to create new, high-quality images. This is achieved through adjustments to color and contrast.

Adjust Image (Image Adjust)

It is the default tool for editing images and its options are very helpful and intuitive. You can use it to adjust brightness, contrast, exposure, color tones and more. You can choose from black and white (tinting) or grayscale (monochrome) images. You can also change the size of the image, and adjust the layers.

Adjust Curves (Adjust Color)

This tool also allows you to change the brightness, contrast and saturation of your image. You can use the curves to make the colors more intense or less intense. By adjusting the curves, you can create a brighter image or a duller one. The tool allows you to make complex adjustments to color. It gives you the ability to make adjustments for more natural colors.

Adjust Levels (Image > Adjustments > Levels)

This tool is very helpful if you want to adjust your image’s contrast. It allows you to make fine adjustments to the image brightness and contrast. The tool has some similar functions to the Contrast tool in Photoshop.

Add a New Layer (Layer > New > Layer)

The tool allows you to make new layers. This tool can be used to add a new background, texture or a new layer to an image. You can also combine layers. You can also use the auto-merge tool to combine layers.

Adjust Opacity

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Many other features are common: Layer Masks, Selection Tools, etc. As you learn Photoshop, you will be able to add and use those features quickly and easily.
You may have to learn how to use certain tools well to get the most from them, but many Photoshop features are pretty straightforward to use.
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to use a Brush, Layer Masks, and the Retouching tools. You can download Photoshop at

Use a Brush

Brushes work like pens or pencils. You can use them to create shapes, change colors, and erase areas of an image. Many Brush tools have special effects that can make your artwork look different. For example, you can create floating, luminous or burning Brushes that make the image look weird and exciting.
But creating Brushes is not as easy as just using a pen or pencil. In fact, you have to be an artist to use a Brush well.

A Brush has two main features: the Brush type and the Stroke.

▪ Brush Type: A Brush can be a regular brush, a Gradient brush, a Halftone brush, a Vector brush, a Pattern brush, a Pencil, a Line tool, or a Lasso. If you are not sure which Brush to use for a certain project, choose the Regular Brush and then adjust the size and other properties.

▪ Stroke: A Brush has a Stroke. You can use a Stroke to draw lines, create shapes, make images round, change colors, and retouch images. You use the Stroke by drawing it on the tool’s handle, then just move the handle over the image.

Some Brushes come with built-in effects. If you apply an effect to a Brush, you have to adjust the size and other properties of the Brush to make sure the effect remains visible. To find the effects that come with a Brush, go to Edit > Brush Presets and select one that applies to that Brush.

You can use a Brush to paint, draw, draw lines, or make other artistic effects on an image. The following steps teach you how to use a regular Brush.

1. Choose a Brush tool in the Tools panel. To open the Brush Presets window, choose Filter > Brush Presets > Brushes (Figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1: Use the

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Codeigniter query with $this->db->insert_id()

I want to use insert_id() function inside a Codeigniter function.
When I use insert_id() as such:
function insert_record( $data ) {
return $this->db->insert(‘tbl_table’,$data);

I get:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function db_insert_id() in line 2

Which makes sense, because from within a function my $this->db is not global and does not have access to the global $this->db and $this->db->insert_id().
However I would like to use this method because its much faster than writing my own MySQL function.
Is there anyway I can use this method from within a function in Codeigniter and still get the insert_id value?


Before that
function insert_record($data)
$this->db->set(‘var’, $data);
$id = $this->db->insert_id(); // global.

After that
function insert_record($data)
$this->db->set(‘var’, $data);
return $this->db->insert_id(); // dynamic.


If you wish to make use of insert_id() with your database method from the class you may get the inserted ID from the return value.
function insert_record( $data ) {
$this->db->insert(‘tbl_table’, $data);

$id = $this->db->insert_id();
return $id;

Or the safest way to avoid the $this->db-> insert_id() method getting called as a global.
function insert_record( $data ) {
$this->db->set(‘var’, $data);

return $this

System Requirements:

Windows 8 and higher
OS: Windows 8.1 (Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 SP1, Windows RT 8.1)
Processor: Intel Dual-core 1.6Ghz+
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 320M (Windows 8, 8.1) or NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M (Windows 7 SP1, Windows RT 8.1)
AMD Radeon HD 5000 (Windows 8)
Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core i5-2310
Intel Core i5

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