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. the owner of the bulls, perhaps even as many as 10. Since he is a breeder, he has gained his experience on both sides of the fence. He has been breeding animals for so long that he has seen improvements and setbacks in every breed. He sees the good, the bad and the ugly.
In addition to that, he has built his farm. He has the barns, the workshop, the feed and breeding equipment, the veterinary services. He has all the conveniences necessary for a successful agricultural enterprise.
The caretaker has been working for the owner for twenty-five years. He keeps house and takes care of all the guests. He takes care of the animals, feeds them, gives them water, maintains clean stalls and pens and fences, all with love and good humor. He is on call for any problems. He has been a part of the farm for twenty-five years and he knows every cow and bull by name.
Life on a farm can be very rewarding. A farmer lives almost the way we do. He works from dawn till dusk, seven days a week. We call this way of life a hard way of life, but that is actually part of the fun. It is hard work, but it is also very rewarding. In this article we will discuss the rewards of a life on the farm.
The music teacher is faced with a dilemma. The school budget is not much better than the last year. Once again, the teaching staff must decide how to spend the money. The music teacher has several areas to consider.
The first thing the music teacher needs to do is to analyze the program to see where cuts can be made.
For example, can some of the band activities be eliminated? Can the school provide transportation for one band member or can the band parent help pay for the extra bus cost for band members?
If extra material cannot be found for the music program, music programs must be moved to the already planned sports programs.
If the music teacher sees no choice but to eliminate the music program, now the question becomes, “What kind of music will this affect?”
If the music teacher is able to find a way to save the music program, the next thing to consider is what level of music can be offered.
Many music programs have levels. In the
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