Florida man shows deputies his marijuana plant, gets arrested
Body camera footage captured a Florida man showing deputies his nearly 2-foot tall pot plant. He went on to tell deputies to “smoke a bowl with me please.
That guy is retarded. Just stfu when you’re around cops
This is exactly why America is one fkd up place cant wait tell and all out war happens maybe the world and Americans would start to treat each other better in times of sorrow just disturbing to see this kind of thing happen over and fkn over all we do is highlight it and showcase the altercations. Dude smokes weed big fkn whoop okay its weed not fkn meth or some hard ass drug that destroys your soul ok ppl drink alchohol drive around drunk run ppl over ….no wait here … alcohol itso cool grab some beer throw up from shots of tequila and hangover… weed I want food and sofa . Oh wait what's a car? To high I forgot what I was doing hmm what's that smell …. smells good huh I'll go get some food now … after effects need more weed …..🤦♀️ I rest my case mr police man
That guy is retarded. Just stfu when you’re around cops
This is exactly why America is one fkd up place cant wait tell and all out war happens maybe the world and Americans would start to treat each other better in times of sorrow just disturbing to see this kind of thing happen over and fkn over all we do is highlight it and showcase the altercations. Dude smokes weed big fkn whoop okay its weed not fkn meth or some hard ass drug that destroys your soul ok ppl drink alchohol drive around drunk run ppl over ….no wait here … alcohol itso cool grab some beer throw up from shots of tequila and hangover… weed I want food and sofa . Oh wait what's a car? To high I forgot what I was doing hmm what's that smell …. smells good huh I'll go get some food now … after effects need more weed …..🤦♀️ I rest my case mr police man
Pigs Jesus Christ he was showing hospitality
Awesome share!