Get rid of all old politics that’s against this problem solved
Your state will stink like Las Vegas stinks. Neighbor against neighbor with that heavy pot smell coming into every ones breathing space. Every place you go, malls, supermarkets will stink because of the heavy thc.
She wants it all!! A shortage is a joke. Plants grow. Businesses open. Never been out of the state?
You can never run out if you double the dispensary. More jobs and more financial support for the state. That guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Allow ppl to grow 6 plants, I'm moving there in April and I will be voting yes
Fuck yeah
I had read that when Michigan went from medicinal marijuana to recreational marijuana in 2019/2020 that the state was only going to license/certify the already opened medical dispensaries FIRST, before they would add additional dispensaries for recreational purchases. It's likely quite a process to open a dispensary!!
When passed more dispensaries will open duh”…
These people are either stupid or they have ulterior motives. In either case, they lack credibility. Freedom is the most important aspect of this debate and it will be achieved. No sympathy for the devil.
The people should be able to grow their own marijuana plants at home.. Just like tomatoes, dandelions & tobacco..
State headed down the wrong road….Just creating more drug addicts….And will lose employers who won't tolerate drug use…..
Lies lies lies,BULLSHIT from fox once again who is fucking shocked
If legalized it will expand the market and increase the amount being produced significantly which would both lower prices and increase business, companies that have monopolized the industry in florida don’t like the idea of recreational because they can’t over charge patients anymore
If you're going to sign any petition, sign the Regulate Florida petition. They allow you to grow up to 6 plants per person per household and are a lot more agreeable with the terms than the Make It Legal petition. I want recreational MJ to pass just as much as the next guy but I want to pass an amendment that will allow me more freedom than Make It Legal. Look into your options as far as amendments go and SIGN, FLORIDA, SIGN!!! 🌴🌴🌴
Bullshit! Grow your own and make that legal!
How self centered of that girl…
Bitch stand ur ass in line
um if its LEGAL there will be a bunch more dispensarys! Why are they acting like they dont have enough! Thats crap!
Rhe florida man incidents are about to get a whole lot more funny.
Does she know that you can have 2 types of stock? One for medical purposes and the other for casual smoking?
Wtf is that medical argument those people are making????????? That's what I call selfish!
Sign Petition protect Marijuana from Trump.!!!
Marijuana Heals, Opioids Kill. Marijuana is safer than baby aspirin.
Get rid of all old politics that’s against this problem solved
Your state will stink like Las Vegas stinks. Neighbor against neighbor with that heavy pot smell coming into every ones breathing space. Every place you go, malls, supermarkets will stink because of the heavy thc.
She wants it all!! A shortage is a joke. Plants grow. Businesses open. Never been out of the state?
You can never run out if you double the dispensary. More jobs and more financial support for the state. That guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Allow ppl to grow 6 plants, I'm moving there in April and I will be voting yes
Fuck yeah
I had read that when Michigan went from medicinal marijuana to recreational marijuana in 2019/2020 that the state was only going to license/certify the already opened medical dispensaries FIRST, before they would add additional dispensaries for recreational purchases. It's likely quite a process to open a dispensary!!
When passed more dispensaries will open duh”…
These people are either stupid or they have ulterior motives. In either case, they lack credibility. Freedom is the most important aspect of this debate and it will be achieved. No sympathy for the devil.
The people should be able to grow their own marijuana plants at home.. Just like tomatoes, dandelions & tobacco..
State headed down the wrong road….Just creating more drug addicts….And will lose employers who won't tolerate drug use…..
Lies lies lies,BULLSHIT from fox once again who is fucking shocked
If legalized it will expand the market and increase the amount being produced significantly which would both lower prices and increase business, companies that have monopolized the industry in florida don’t like the idea of recreational because they can’t over charge patients anymore
If you're going to sign any petition, sign the Regulate Florida petition. They allow you to grow up to 6 plants per person per household and are a lot more agreeable with the terms than the Make It Legal petition. I want recreational MJ to pass just as much as the next guy but I want to pass an amendment that will allow me more freedom than Make It Legal. Look into your options as far as amendments go and SIGN, FLORIDA, SIGN!!! 🌴🌴🌴
Bullshit! Grow your own and make that legal!
How self centered of that girl…
Bitch stand ur ass in line
um if its LEGAL there will be a bunch more dispensarys! Why are they acting like they dont have enough! Thats crap!
Why not?