All you gotta do is bring the notice to law enforcement papers and tests with you if your gonna bring it with you that way you dont get arrested bc you have proof
police are pigs using outdated equipment, fuck them i'm still going to use it
That’s weak Should still carry it
Time for a new test kit isn't you 🐖
But it’s legal, so fuck you.
The 5 stages of grief and loss are: 1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance. I think guys like this (not all police are this backwards) are at stage 2 maybe?
legalize all cannabis
There's no way to differentiate between thc and cbd flower so let's just arrest everyone. Crazy, I used to think we live in a free country…
This is BULLSHIT! These cops are fucking stupid pieces of shit. They need to get a clue!! They need to realize that hemp flower is fully legal (federally anyway) these cops are just plain faggots and need to be thrown in jail. Fuck these cops. Fuck your channel. Fuck whoever made this video. This flower is legal, if you get arrested for hemp flower you can fucking sue the department and fuck them in THEIR ASS. Like they do to your ass
How about instead of blaming the police we start blaming the politicians.
Fuck pigs! 🖕
So basically it is 100% legal and there is nothing stopping consumers and business owners from buying it other than fear mongering by ignorant police? Nice
Omg the police should suspend the field test cuz it obviously doesn't work as intended I shouldn't get arrested for somebody's equipment it doesn't work properly. If the federal government and state governments a I can have something legally then that's it.
Iowa state law still classifies cbd as a schedule 1 drug and the only way to get around that is by getting a prescription from a doctor. I haven’t heard anybody get prescribed cbd.
Here’s the kicker, many businesses still sell cbd products. Haven’t seen any cbd flower yet. Apparently in some cities the police contact business telling them to stop. I drive by a family video everyday, yes those still exist, and there are signs every where saying they sell cbd. They’ve been up for months. Another gas station out in the boonies sell cbd gummies but do not advertise it.
At this point with all the pointless confusion it needs to be legalized.
Sell it at most smoke shops
That field test is the cheapest way to test products.,.Its a huge FAIL rate.
Y’all… that’s how you know CBD is so good for us. Government doesn’t like it. Corrupt af. They don’t want us healthy. Smh. Totally uncalled for to make it harder to get CBD flower by basically threatening and acting like your just warning the public. Stay woke people.
That's the police's fault it tests the same
they look like completely dumbasses
OK so you get arrested for doing LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG and then sue the police department and get rich
Why are ppl so scared of weed fucking pussies
Tell dummies that cbd is not an impairment and nothing like its cousin thc and if it had any traces it usually not enough to do anything!
So she sells chemicals/vaping material to the public but something that might be natural and beneficial she doesn’t feel right about… makes sense.
CBD is a a Canabinoid. These tyrants need to get serving the people and come up with a test that shows that its hemp buds or marijuana as they say(STUPID!) Its all weed its all Cannabis, even if they have diff Canabinoid profiles. Hey when did Mexico and Canada beat us when it comes to freedom of medicine?! Aint this America the Land of the Free! Cmon people! Get withthe showgram here! For petes sake
If you had it in a vape in New York you'd be f*** they'd say it's a felony. I'd be fighting it to the fullest extent of the law but I'd lose unless I had a lot of money which I don't but I'd fight it anyway
Ignorant police. "We can't test for the the level". What? I guess they can't do a Google search either. This has to be corruption and cronyism, how can a "police chief" be that clueless about lab tests. SMH. o_O
Guilty until proven innocent
Fuck the police these lazy fucks are too stupid to buy testing kits that test for THC. Fuck the pigs.
Cbd flower has regulated, set amounts of lab tested thc, also CBD is completely legal. That shop owner wanted some soccer mom clout. Legit this is the moment you gotta say change the tests they're using to test the plant matter considering its testing for a legal compound the test is registered useless if its testing for cbd.
Federal judge overturned butt chin Holcomb's illegal flower law. Yet another great day for Indiana. Now we move a little closer to marijuana legalization in full. It is inevitable Holcomb, you crusty old turd.
No entity is ever going to be able to enforce a law over what people choose to do to their own bodies.
arent the police department going against the law for arresting people?
Lisa stop being a pansy and give the people what they want
All you gotta do is bring the notice to law enforcement papers and tests with you if your gonna bring it with you that way you dont get arrested bc you have proof
police are pigs using outdated equipment, fuck them i'm still going to use it
That’s weak
Should still carry it
Time for a new test kit isn't you 🐖
But it’s legal, so fuck you.
The 5 stages of grief and loss are: 1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance.
I think guys like this (not all police are this backwards) are at stage 2 maybe?
legalize all cannabis
There's no way to differentiate between thc and cbd flower so let's just arrest everyone. Crazy, I used to think we live in a free country…
This is BULLSHIT! These cops are fucking stupid pieces of shit. They need to get a clue!! They need to realize that hemp flower is fully legal (federally anyway) these cops are just plain faggots and need to be thrown in jail. Fuck these cops. Fuck your channel. Fuck whoever made this video. This flower is legal, if you get arrested for hemp flower you can fucking sue the department and fuck them in THEIR ASS. Like they do to your ass
How about instead of blaming the police we start blaming the politicians.
Fuck pigs! 🖕
So basically it is 100% legal and there is nothing stopping consumers and business owners from buying it other than fear mongering by ignorant police? Nice
Omg the police should suspend the field test cuz it obviously doesn't work as intended I shouldn't get arrested for somebody's equipment it doesn't work properly. If the federal government and state governments a I can have something legally then that's it.
Iowa state law still classifies cbd as a schedule 1 drug and the only way to get around that is by getting a prescription from a doctor. I haven’t heard anybody get prescribed cbd.
Here’s the kicker, many businesses still sell cbd products. Haven’t seen any cbd flower yet. Apparently in some cities the police contact business telling them to stop. I drive by a family video everyday, yes those still exist, and there are signs every where saying they sell cbd. They’ve been up for months. Another gas station out in the boonies sell cbd gummies but do not advertise it.
At this point with all the pointless confusion it needs to be legalized.
Sell it at most smoke shops
That field test is the cheapest way to test products.,.Its a huge FAIL rate.
Y’all… that’s how you know CBD is so good for us. Government doesn’t like it. Corrupt af. They don’t want us healthy. Smh. Totally uncalled for to make it harder to get CBD flower by basically threatening and acting like your just warning the public. Stay woke people.
That's the police's fault it tests the same
they look like completely dumbasses
OK so you get arrested for doing LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG and then sue the police department and get rich
Why are ppl so scared of weed fucking pussies
Tell dummies that cbd is not an impairment and nothing like its cousin thc and if it had any traces it usually not enough to do anything!
So she sells chemicals/vaping material to the public but something that might be natural and beneficial she doesn’t feel right about… makes sense.
CBD is a a Canabinoid. These tyrants need to get serving the people and come up with a test that shows that its hemp buds or marijuana as they say(STUPID!) Its all weed its all Cannabis, even if they have diff Canabinoid profiles. Hey when did Mexico and Canada beat us when it comes to freedom of medicine?! Aint this America the Land of the Free! Cmon people! Get withthe showgram here! For petes sake
If you had it in a vape in New York you'd be f*** they'd say it's a felony. I'd be fighting it to the fullest extent of the law but I'd lose unless I had a lot of money which I don't but I'd fight it anyway
Ignorant police. "We can't test for the the level". What? I guess they can't do a Google search either. This has to be corruption and cronyism, how can a "police chief" be that clueless about lab tests. SMH. o_O
Guilty until proven innocent
Fuck the police these lazy fucks are too stupid to buy testing kits that test for THC. Fuck the pigs.
Cbd flower has regulated, set amounts of lab tested thc, also CBD is completely legal. That shop owner wanted some soccer mom clout. Legit this is the moment you gotta say change the tests they're using to test the plant matter considering its testing for a legal compound the test is registered useless if its testing for cbd.
Federal judge overturned butt chin Holcomb's illegal flower law. Yet another great day for Indiana. Now we move a little closer to marijuana legalization in full. It is inevitable Holcomb, you crusty old turd.
No entity is ever going to be able to enforce a law over what people choose to do to their own bodies.
arent the police department going against the law for arresting people?
Lisa stop being a pansy and give the people what they want