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Cannabis Oil

Fenbendazole, ct scan & tumor marker update

My journey surviving pancreatic cancer using Joe Tippens protocol, fenbendazole, prayers, and a very positive attitude. Diagnosed in October of 2018 – Stage 1 …

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  1. Just ran across your YouTube Visio about your CT scan results. You will be in my prayers.
    I'm starting the Joe Tippens protocol next week as soon as the fenbendazole arrives. I told my doctor yesterday that I was taking a much needed break from treatment so I'll be getting blood work every 30 days.
    I have Multiple Myeloma Bone Marrow Cancer, 5 – 7 yrs normal survival, its been almost 9 so that's good. May God bless all on this journey. 🌻🐎💕

  2. Got rid of my testicular cancer and lymphoma with fen and ginger tea.
    It took 2 years.
    I never took conventional medicine.
    I started drinking lemon with baking soda every morning and noticed that it improved my digestion buy it did not alkalinize my blood to the level I needed.
    Here is the cure for free:
    The human diet.
    3.water cress
    4. Spinach
    If you feel you need more protein
    Add boiled egg whites.
    Eat all you want only adding lemon and salt.
    Medications ;
    I took it once a week for 2 years 10cc orally
    Ginger tea.

  3. The doctors don't want patients doing anything but the TOXIC Chemo because it's ALL about Big Pharma and $$$. Most people don't realize that most of the Doctors collect Royalties from the Pharmaceutical Company. It is so sad what has been happening in our Country. We HAVE to Advocate for ourselves and just like this FenBen, they all know about it but let's Face it Cancer is a HUGE $$$ maker. They could cure cancer, look at how many Homeopathic Docs have been removed from this earth, I don't think all these Docs commit suicide as they say. I have been a victim of the Corrupt FDA and Doctor that was collecting millions. I am so happy that you are doing so well, just keep doing what you are and make sure you are taking the other vitamins that will help. God Bless, prayers for you!

  4. I would take something for detoxing your liver, when you take Fenbendazol, love, next to tea and water. (And take lots of vitamine C…)
    Also your home redecorating is like redecorating your inner being, I suppose.
    Love the way you share your path with us. Your path to healing cancer🙏🏽🦋🦋

  5. Currently having chemotherapy for liver cancer. Is Fenbendazole (Panacur) good for eliminating such cancer and at which doses with which vitamin supplements?

  6. Btw your vitamin E is a blood thinner, you are taking a high dose if i remember…that is probably your bruising on your port site. Probably for sure.

  7. You are a hero!! U take care of those liver enzymes, young lady.😘 i just found you today. My new bf, soulmate, former classmate has been hard on his body with cigarettes and alcohol and has some spots on his lungs that need looked at. We are 53 years old. Im a new vegan, no alcohol or smoking. Also Hospice nurse. Im getting ready to help him if he has cancer…but prefer not to have to use my hospice skills.

  8. I wonder if you used the sauna to produce a heat stress, because the stress of chemo or the stress of fasting or the stress of a hot bath or sauna are supposed to cause the cancer cells to die off. Another stress is to fight a severe flu which should encourage your immune system to kill of any bacteriological invaders and/or cancer cells. Did you get any feverish bouts of the flu?
    I read that the fenben starves the cancer cells because it blocks their feeding on glucose (they need 32 times the amount that a regular cell consumes). Did you restrict your consumption of carbs?

  9. So glad you are doing ok, please can you tell me were can I buy fenbenzadol as cancer in my lung had half my other lung removed I’m on immunotherapy. Thank you for all your knowledge x

  10. I am just saying like Dr. Berg on youtube : if they don't want to treat you then , find another doctor . I agree ! I am following several more people on youtube , that are now using fenbendazole because they want to live longer if that's possible ! It's now really popular in China too i believe !

  11. Prayers for total healing ! You are doing great! You are absolutely beautiful! Keep on fighting !
    Could liver enzymes be up because tumors are shrinking and your body has to get rid of the gunk that has come off those tumors ?

  12. On edit to add: http://www.PhoenixTears.Ca and
    If you need to see actual evidence that cannabis oil and or CBD have therapeutic value, here is some science and some ongoing clinical trials using cannabis extract, of course it isn't labeled simply cannabis oil, it has a fancy name and most likely an outrageous price tag. I also take issue with the first paper only touting "synthetic" cannabinoids and claiming that THC and CBD did nothing.

    Colorectal cancer: Scientists halt growth with cannabinoid compoundsPublished: Friday 8 February 2019 Written by: Catharine Paddock, Ph.D.

    Scientists have identified several cannabinoid compounds that could potentially treat colorectal cancer.

    A team at Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine in Hershey tested hundreds of cannabinoids on various types of human colorectal cancer cells in the laboratory.

    Of these, 10 synthetic cannabinoids showed the ability to stop cancer cell growth. The well-known cannabis compounds tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) showed negligible ability to do the same.

    The researchers see their findings as a starting point for further studies to better understand the anticancer effects that they observed, and to evaluate the compounds' potential for drug development.

    They report their results in a paper that features in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research.

    "Now that we've identified the compounds that we think have this activity," says senior study author Prof. Kent E. Vrana, who is chair of the Department of Pharmacology, "we can take these compounds and start trying to alter them to make them more potent against cancer cells."

    "And then, eventually, we can explore the potential for using these compounds to develop drugs for treating cancer," he adds. 

    Detailed Description:

    Several studies have shown a potential anti-tumor role for cannabinoids by modulating cell signaling pathways, inhibiting angiogenesis, inducing apoptosis, and overcoming chemotherapy resistance. In phase I trials, cannabinoids have been shown to enhance the uptake of chemotherapy into malignant cells without affecting normal cells. The investigators seeks to demonstrate that the combination of chemotherapy with BRCX014 will have a greater anti-tumor and anti-proliferative activity when compared to standard of care alone.

    Condition or disease       Intervention/treatment 

    Cancer of Pancreas     Drug Cannabidiol (CBD)

    Cancer of Liver            Drug Bortezomib

    Cancer of Rectum       Drug Leucovorin

    Cancer of Colon          Drug 5-FU

    Gall Bladder                Drug Oxaliplatin

    Myeloma Multiple        Bevacizumab

    Glioblastoma Multiforme Drug Irinotecan Gemcitabine Temozolomide 

    The current state and future perspectives of cannabinoids in cancer biology
    Paweł Śledziński, Joanna Zeyland, […], and Agnieszka Nowak

    Additional article information

    To date, cannabinoids have been allowed in the palliative medicine due to their analgesic and antiemetic effects, but increasing number of preclinical studies indicates their anticancer properties. Cannabinoids exhibit their action by a modulation of the signaling pathways crucial in the control of cell proliferation and survival. Many in vitro and in vivo experiments have shown that cannabinoids inhibit proliferation of cancer cells, stimulate autophagy and apoptosis, and have also a potential to inhibit angiogenesis and metastasis. In this review, we present an actual state of knowledge regarding molecular mechanisms of cannabinoids’ anticancer action, but we discuss also aspects that are still not fully understood such as the role of the endocannabinoid system in a carcinogenesis, the impact of cannabinoids on the immune system in the context of cancer development, or the cases of a stimulation of cancer cells’ proliferation by cannabinoids. The review includes also a summary of currently ongoing clinical trials evaluating the safety and efficacy of cannabinoids as anticancer agents.

  13. I see it like a ant bed.the ant bed hardens after most of the ants have either gone or died.the cbd softens the bed the wormer kills the ants.and as with a ant bed the ants try to find a new keep doing what your doing and i think cbd be uped and with the liver enzymes up milk thisle which you are maybe a break with the wormer so your liver can get a little relief

  14. Prayers to you dear, I hope this helps you, remember that Joe TIppens used I want to say vitamin E and definitely CBD in concert with his fenbendazole recovery from terminal lung cancer. Another thing to consider is actual cannabis oil, (The Real Stuff) depending on where you are. If you do a search for Cannabis Health Radio Channel on YT or if you just search Stage IV Pancreatic/Lung/Liver cancer etc on YT there are a many examples of people's use of the oil in many different stages/cancers.

  15. Have you told your docs that you are on Fenbendazole? Just curious to their reaction. I have a good friend that is going on it for brain cancer.

  16. "There are two ways to live: You can live as if nothing is a miracle; You can live as if everything is a miracle." Einstein

  17. Makes perfect sense to me that tumor cells dying and their debris that is not absorbed by macrophages going into the blood stream would be another thing that would increase tumor markers.

  18. So rooting for you!! That fenben protocol is amazing. I told a friend about it who is stage 4 metastatic ca. Praying for you both. Does your doc know you are on it?

  19. If you want to beat cancer using fenbendazole, you have to stop all sugar, including sugary vitamins. Take organic food based vitamins, eat organic vegetables and fruit. Eat only organic meat and chicken. Lastly, exercise so you will fill all your cells with oxygen. Healing cancer completely from the system takes some time, and staying free from cancer will depend on clean, healthy eating and living. God bless you

  20. True. That your liver thing could be related to the fact your liver doesn't take rest Thursday Friday sat Sunday…???

  21. Hi.. Thanks for ur video.
    I am businessesman but recently i am uplodading antiparacites anticancer effects four followers about 8000.

    I have seen ur video.
    If u do not mind.. i would like to upload your video with Korean translation..
    Let me know if u authorise this.

    Thanks in advance.

    And hope to get well completely with Fenben!

  22. Inflammation can be caused by EMF's. Be sure you're not living under a Wifi and that Smart Watch is not good for you dear. I also get inflammation from drinking coffee if it's NOT Organic…I'm guessing it's the Glyphosate that triggering that, EMF's & Glyhphosate both cause Cancer, so you know. Here's some more good info & glad your scan is looking good. Peace Sister

    If you're a woman and if you ever get PREGNANT or you have CHILDREN, especially a daughter, do not carry your cell phone on you OR work/sleep next to Wifi's/Smart Meters/EMF's, etc.. This is from the Yale University Medical (don't listen to me) , here's some honest ethical PHD's/MD's that are actually trying to improve the Health & Well being of the People. Developing fetuses are at EXTREME RISK, then Little Girls, because they are born with a finite number of eggs, once those eggs are damaged it's PERMANENT. Men can regenerate sperm, which is a positive for us, but CHILDREN in general have thinner skulls & more water in their brains, so the EMF's penetrate & persist worse. Lab experiments with Rats & Mice, exposed to normal EMF's experience Fertility issues. By the 3rd Generation 40% were STERILE and by the 5th Generation ALL were STERILE. Our cells are no different than theirs…..(Mammals)

    EVERYBODY BETTER WAKE UP or it WILL cost you TIME from your Life or worse, a Loved One & your Genealogy!! (Over 1800 Studies – EMF's cause DNA Damage, even the mitochondrial DNA! ) (Health Liability WARNINGS from Wireless Manufactures)

    Mobile Phone Mast Effects on Common Frogs (Rana temporaria) Tadpoles: The City Turned into a Laboratory

    MAINSTREAM EMF/RF Science is Pseudo-Science i.e. Industry PAID Agenda Junk Science, no different than VACCINE Pseudo-Science & Tobacco Science & Asbestos Science & Glyphosate/Round-Up Science & Cannabis Science & (rBGH)Bovine Growth Hormone Science & 2,4-d Science & Mercury Dental Amalgam Science & GMO Science & Global Cooling Science (70's) & Global Warming Science (90's) & Anthropogenic Climate Change Science & Lead Gas Science & Artificial Sweeteners Science & Pregnant Women-Fetus X-Ray Science & Downwinders Science & Nagasaki/Hiroshima Radiation Science & Fukushima Radiation Navy Sailors Science & Gulf War Syndrome Science & Depleted Uranium Science & 9/11 NIST/FEMA Science & DDT Science & Agent Orange Science & Geo-engineering Science & Cholesterol Science & Talcum Powder Asbestos Science & Chemo-Radiation Cancer Science & Autism Spectrum Science & Archaeology Origin Science & Water Fluoridation Science & Black Salve (Cansema) Science & Vitamin C Science & Amygdalin/Laetrile Science & Hoxsey Formula/Essiac Tea Science & Bio-SOLIDS Science & I can go on & on & On , folks! These are ALL Non-Replicable, BROKEN MODEL'ed, Agenda BIASED Science that VIOLATE the SCIENTIFIC METHOD = CORRUPT FRAUDULENT SCIENCE (invalid/wrong)

    We ALL should ASSUME… That ALL VACCINES now contain the CARCINOGEN known as Glyphosate-Weed-KILLER & 1/3rd of ALL Vaccines now contain ARSENIC! A study done in January 30th, 2017 out of Germany CONFIRMED it. You'll want to look under : Potentiell toxische Elemente/Potential Toxic Elements & Arsen-Gesamt/Arsenic Total Here's a couple links on the Scientific Study. Spectrum Analysis Results on 16 Vaccines

    – ALL vaccines tested contained mercury in small amounts (even the ones that were supposedly “mercury free”).

    – Half the vaccines contained toxic, carcinogenic nickel in small amounts.

    – Slightly over 1/3 of the tested vaccines contained small amounts of arsenic.

    – Over 90% of the tested vaccines contained uranium (yes, the stuff used to make nuclear bombs).

    – ALL tested vaccines contain minor traces of aluminum, even if not labeled .

    – The aluminum content in the so-called attenuated vaccines is around 1000-6000X times above the safe limits for drinking water! And these vaccines are supposedly “safer”?

    MomsacrossAmerica tested 5 Vaccines and ALL had Round-up/Glyphosate in them. Glyphosate is a CA Prop 65 Carcinogen & listed as a Group 2A with the WHO/IARC, "Probable Carcinogen to Humans". A TOXIN is a TOXIN, no matter the ppb or excuse given. MOMS are doing the JOB of our Federal Alphabet Agencies are supposed to do….so sad, but way to go MOMS!!!! (show'em how it's DONE!) Here's a link, enjoy! These Spectrum Analyzed results (EVIDENCE) were sent to Congress, Senate, HHS, CDC, etc. and ALL IGNORED the DATA, which is what PAID SHILLS do, naturally 🙂

    In addition, Dr. Anthony Samsel also tested over a DOZEN Vaccines and found that over 90% of the VACCINES, contained the TOXIN ROUND-UP! Multiple labs were used in the test, to maintain objectivity. He as well sent these Scientific Findings to Congress, Senate, CDC, NIH, FDA, HHS, EPA, WHO and they haven't done SHIT about it. These Alphabet Agency's simply IGNORED the DATA (FACTS), just like Dr. William Thompson's testimony was IGNORED (FACT). (They're Remorseless Worthless POS, real simple).

    Here's a link, enjoy lstening to Anthony :

    Momsacrossamerica also tested Mothers breast milk and found 3 out of 10 Women's breast milk were contaminated with Round-Up/Glyphosate. Once again, the FDA, EPA and Monsanto have LIED, conducted Fraudulent Science. Of which, it is their OPINION that Glyphosate does NOT Bio-accumulate, which this test proves them to be wrong. What a surprise, yet another example of Pseudo-Science by our Alphabet Regulators, LOL!

    Peace Sister

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