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Growing Cannabis

Ep 5 – Harvesting Stage Instructions – Craft Cannabis @ Home

Welcome to the Cannabis Learning Networks beginners guide on how to grow your own organic cannabis at home – this is episode 5 of 5 in our series! Congrats …

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  1. I’ve stumbled acrossed this and I’m to lazy to find out for my self if anyone can give me an answer for how big can 1 plant get like from 1 seed how much room should I give it.

  2. This is undoubtedly the best growers video guide in the net to this moment. The infos, the precise instruction, in a scientific way in avery good sequence even the background music.. That is it. It's is exactly all what a beginner a home grower needs. Greetings from the other side of the globe 🙂

  3. Great video man! Well done 👍 👏. Right to the point, well scripted, likeable, passionate and well spoken host! Keep it up!

  4. Wish me luck, i grew mine with no money spent. Since i didnt add any nutrients to soil my plant produced few buds. I just want to see how it grows in colorado weather. Ala natural lol and im just going to dry it in my shed see how that turns out 😅

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