DotX Crack File Only Activation Free [Updated-2022]

A’mouse only’ game where your ability to control the mouse is put to the test.
At least 10 medals for you to achieve:
– “Aha! You didn’t even move your mouse!”, “Quick thinking!”, “You are too slow!”, “Wow… I have reached a new level!”
Please note, that the Steam version doesn’t have achievements, but has the Steam Cloud feature.
What’s New
* Fixed tutorial.
* Fixed light-weight mode.
* Improved resolution.
* Author – Balazs Papp Jr.
* Game no longer displays “DotX Activation Code” on the logo.
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The game is available on the game site for purchase as a stand alone disk.
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DotX Crack
DotX Download With Full Crack is a’mouse only’ game, where you will challenge your ability to control the mouse, as well as verify your emotional resistance.
Pick up the dots and avoid bumping into the walls, as long as your health bar doesn’t reach zero.
100 dynamic and vibrant levels, where you will need the whole of your agility, reaction time, and the mouse handling skill.
Look out! Every other 10th level has an increased difficulty.
Enhance and demonstrate your skills by activating one to three challenge modes:
– Hard Mode – dots become smaller and speed of the level increases.
– Darkness Mode – playing area plunges into darkness.
– Perfect Mode – demonstrate an absolutely perfect level walkthrough.
– Steam Achievements
– Steam Cloud
About This Game:
A’mouse only’ game where your ability to control the mouse is put to the test.
At least 10 medals for you to achieve:
– “Aha! You didn’t even move your mouse!”, “Quick thinking!”, “You are too slow!”, “Wow… I have reached a new level!”
Please note, that the Steam version doesn’t have achievements, but has the Steam Cloud feature.
What’s New
* Fixed tutorial.
* Fixed light-weight mode.
* Improved resolution.
* Author – Balazs Papp Jr.
* Game no longer displays “DotX” on the logo.
For Everyone
No Online Pass
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DotX Game Screenshot Features
The game DotX Cracked Accounts developed at the combination of two indie game studios. We are glad that we can develop and present a game on our own: our fans know us well and know what we stand for.
We took the concept of a classic game “Simon” and moved it into the future. The title of the game is DotX – A’mouse only’ game where you are given a mouse. A small and handy tool that is used to move in the game, to look, to jump, to smell and to dig. Only you can decide if you want to use the mouse to get through the level or not.
You will play in 100 levels in the bright colourful world of DotX. The bright colours, the unique environments and the beautiful soundtrack along with the difficulty of the game, ensure maximum concentration for the player.
The game is a challenge, but not a challenge that you can’t overcome. The challenge is the right challenge for you. The game gives you no time to relax, the challenge will not be increased when you can finally complete the game. You will have to make the right decisions on where to dig and with what you will dig. Every dot is important and the level walkthrough is essential!
Some people might say that DotX is just like a game from 1 year ago. Yes, that’s true! We are proud of that. We are happy that we were able to develop a truly original game. The variety in the levels is something new, and the players of today are already recognizing the game among their collection of independent game games on Steam. The game is published by ourselves, so we are entirely responsible for the quality of the game and we can’t wait to present our debut to the world.
– a unique atmospheric game world, 100 challenging levels
– play with the mouse alone
– the game is available on all platforms (Mac and PC)
– this is the first time that a challenge will be made by tiny skills
– a fast game
– short loading time
– a game for everyone
– a game without…
DotX is a’mouse only’ game, where you will challenge your ability to control the mouse, as well as verify your emotional resistance.
Pick up the dots and avoid bumping into the walls, as long as your health bar doesn’t reach zero.
100 dynamic and vibrant levels, where you will need the whole of your agility, reaction time, and the mouse handling skill.
Look out!
DotX Free Download For PC Latest
+ Arrow keys Move the mouse
– Arrow keys Rotate the field of view
Dpad Move the mouse
Escape Closes the game
L Mouse wheel +/- Speed up or slow down the mouse
R Mouse wheel / Space Rotate the screen
1 Some game specific keys also have special functions
A X Back
B Save/Restore
1-8 Adjust sound volume and disable music
L Block to play /pause
R Block to turn the music up or down
L Lock: hold mouse button to make control immune to lags and the screen won’t reset anymore
0-9 Increase power
I Reset
T Alarms
– Campaign – a game mode with 1-4 levels
– Survival – a game mode with 16 levels
– One Player – only one player game
– Score – a single level game
– Survival Mode – survival mode with 16 levels
– Wipeout – five minutes of madness – one of the hardest racing game in the world
– Campaign Modes – individual campaign with different objectives, each with 4 levels (Campaign1 -4)
– Survival Modes – single game of 16 levels (Survival1 – 16)
– Time Trial – shortest game time
– One Player Game – game mode, which you can play with up to 4 players (1P1 – 4P1)
– Score – a one level game
– Steam Achievements – achievements for achievements
– Steam Cloud – map saves to the cloud with unlimited levels available
9.1 Edit Game:
– Your game has been saved to a folder in the Steam Cloud, so that you can load and play different levels from anywhere, on all your machines.
9.2 Export Info:
– You can save your current state of the game on your hard drive, and continue playing at any time from that moment.
9.3 Previous export versions:
9.3.1 – Export info from DotX version (
9.3.2 – Export info from DotX version (
9.3.3 – Export info from DotX version (1.1.0
What’s new in DotX:
[DrumHealth + 1] * 3.8f;
if (DotX[DrumHealth – 1] < 0.0f)
Vec3DotX[DrumHealth] = 1.0f;
Vec3DotY[DrumHealth] = 0.0f;
Vec3DotZ[DrumHealth] = 0.0f;
Vec3DotX[DrumHealth + 1] = 0.0f;
Vec3DotY[DrumHealth + 1] = -1.0f;
Vec3DotZ[DrumHealth + 1] = 0.0f;
//Set the input pitch and gain values
if (TouchingObject)
DrumGain = DrumsPitch;
DrumGain = DrumsPitch - TouchSlop + DrumsGainSlop;
DrumGain = Clamp(DrumGain, 0.0f, DrumGainMax);
//Silly LION support
if (StereoMode == 0x0302)
return ((DrumBoard[DrumBoardActive]->Pitch > 0.0f && TouchingObject)? (Vec3DotY[DrumBoardActive] > 0.0f) : (Vec3DotY[DrumBoardActive] > 0.0f));
return ((DrumBoard[DrumBoardActive]->Pitch > 0.0f && TouchingObject)? (Vec3DotX[DrumBoardActive] > 0.0f) : (Vec3DotX[DrumBoardActive] > 0.0f));
return DrumGain * DrumsPitch / (DrumsVolume * DrumMaxVolume);
//This function brings the drum sounds into the same level using a VolumeMultiplier
Download DotX Crack + [Win/Mac] [2022-Latest]
How To Crack:
Now you Can Add New Vanity And Logo
- Open a New File in your Desktop
- Then Go To Map Editor Option Of DotX menu
- Then Press A
Procedure To Create New Vanity And Logo:
100% Guide
I gave videos for all things are which we are going to making in DotX Game! So Stay tuned!