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Biased motion detection correlates with task related differences in stimulus processing in the visual cortex.
Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded to determine if motion sensitivity in the visual cortex is related to current sensory load. ERPs were recorded to moving and stationary checkerboard patterns at the same retinal eccentricity in normal subjects. The ability to detect motion was found to be suppressed by the presence of an event in the same visual field as the moving stimulus. This suppression appeared to be associated with N140 modulations and was most pronounced for those subjects with higher motion detection thresholds. N140 (150-250 ms) amplitude was maximal for centre-centre and maximal motion detection thresholds. There was no evidence that motion detection was affected by stimulus duration or contrast. Subjective reports and a subsequent saccade reaction time task indicated that the increased detection of stimuli at the same eccentricity was accompanied by increased processing for stimuli at this retinal position. These results suggest that, when an event occupies an equivalent cortical position to a moving stimulus, it suppresses activity in the cortical regions responsible for processing the moving stimulus.Questions About Your Insurance?
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System requirements:Directtaxvksinghaniapdffree is compatible with Mac OS X v10.8.5.This directtaxvksinghaniapdffree is released on the platform of Mac.
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How to find the difference between two times in Javascript
How can I find the difference between two times in javascript:
var time1 = new Date()
var time2 = new Date()
These should be consecutive times that I want to find the difference between.
Moments in JavaScript
The operation you describe is called subtraction in Moment.js.
moment().subtract(moment(), “hours”)
The moment() constructor expects a number
Bancos Valores (BV), a subsidiary of investment fund 2B Capital, purchased 76,010 new shares of stocks in Brasil Telecom Group, S.A.B. (Brazillian Telecom Group) (NYSE:BRA) on Friday, April 26th. 1,200 more shares were bought by Jonathan Silver in the first quarter of 2015. Brazillian Telecom Group has a market cap of $1.88 billion; it is part of the technology sector and telecommunications industry. The firm has a 10.81 P/E ratio. Green Arrow Capital is Brasillian Telecom Group’s most important shareholder, controlling approximately 10.01% of its stock.
High Fliers:
Contrasting with the technology sector, the biotechnology sector’s businesses have a median P/E of 84.9. Green Arrow Capital is the top owner of shares of The Medicines Co. (NYSE:MDCO) with a total of 12,657 shares. Citigroup Inc. (NYSE:C) is the largest institutional holder of The Medicines Co., owning 1,632 shares.
Sprint (NYSE:S):
The company’s strong position has kept it afloat, although investors have been seeking anything to justify the value in Sprint, as it has not been able to demonstrate any growth in the most competitive wireless industry. In the fourth quarter, Sprint was able to boost fourth-quarter earnings by a mere 0.6%.Q:
Restrict the select box
I want to make a select box which I have to restrict from selecting multiple value. For example when I select the value 1, it should not allow me to select the value 3 and 4.
function check(str) {
if (str.length < 1) return;
var sel = document.getElementById("sel");
for (var i = 1; i