At least.. get the pronunciations right lady! Show lil effort in the video for people to actually take interest in the topic.. Wish Dhavan guy would make video on this Topic instead with more detailed facts.
Please decrease data and tell subject
This lady is totally crap. First learn how to pronounce and second not a single death reported till now. It will be legalized soon. We're waiting.
major medical companies are funding for prohibiting the legalization of marijuana
maryy Jua aana
Marijuana = marjanaa 😂😂😂😂
J is silent in Marijauan🙄
Euphoria- a state of intense excitement and happiness
Marijuana which is scientifically cannabis sativa, a psychoactive herb and hemp which is cannabis sativa L. a non-psychoactive one.Thank you
According to a research marijuana first came into human life in regions of nowadays Siberia and Mongolian land around 12000 B.C.
Thank you Joicy ma'am. Have a sweet and sound day!
Marijuana should be legalise
Hlo ma'am it seems u have cold , take rest and get well soon . Btw 👌 explanation.
Ma'am it's मेरीयुअना
Very well presented madam. However if you could give the comparisons of its addictive property with other narcotics or even with coffee, that would be really great. Also the history of it, means why and when it was banned? Which country insisted? and who is getting profit out of it and why it is legal in other developed countries?
So many facts are wrong, please check facts before you post it in your videos,
It doesn't cause cancer, actually it is used for medical treatment in cancer tumors.
India may logo se daaroo pachti nahi. ganja peene ke baad to sadko pe bawaal kernge.
this lady is a crap ..its holy drug and people are just abusing it..ITS not at all addictive .
Good morning madam
Well, ab tak ka record h , marijuana pee ke aaj tak koi ni mra h
Your lecture is very informative n to the topic ,,, thanks mam
India walon Nasha karna hai karo par rape to mat karo….
Every demerit is found in most addictions , ganja sells, why doesn't govt removes the ban and collect taxes instead , we will get pure ganja . Indians always despise their roots while the world is smoking and selling. We will ultimately legalize it afrer giving the foreign/rich people to capture the business untill we do ( already the reality). Megalize larijuana
Ban by British government for the selling of alcohol 🍷,tobacco, smoking 🚬. Hopefully ban should b removed
सारे नशे बंद होना चाहिए और अथर्ववेद में केवल दवाई के रूप में उपयोग करने बोला है चिलम फूंकने नहीं बोला है।।जैसे एल्कोहल दवाई में उपयोग होती है।।
Take this video
Please Prashant Sir
We need garav sir
usa ने un. मे नियम बनाये और फ़िर उसकी खेती us मे लीगल करके दवाये बनाकर महंगी महगी पूरे वल्ड मे बेचता है ….😅😅
As soon as she sais merijuana.i stopped video 😂
Make hindi video
No knowledge
F u girl….
fuck off
Thank you
this is great!
At least.. get the pronunciations right lady! Show lil effort in the video for people to actually take interest in the topic.. Wish Dhavan guy would make video on this Topic instead with more detailed facts.
Please decrease data and tell subject
This lady is totally crap. First learn how to pronounce and second not a single death reported till now. It will be legalized soon. We're waiting.
गंजा नही होता गांजा होता है😜
major medical companies are funding for prohibiting the legalization of marijuana
maryy Jua aana
Marijuana = marjanaa 😂😂😂😂
J is silent in Marijauan🙄
Euphoria- a state of intense excitement and happiness
Marijuana which is scientifically cannabis sativa, a psychoactive herb and hemp which is cannabis sativa L. a non-psychoactive one.Thank you
According to a research marijuana first came into human life in regions of nowadays Siberia and Mongolian land around 12000 B.C.
Thank you Joicy ma'am. Have a sweet and sound day!
Marijuana should be legalise
Hlo ma'am it seems u have cold , take rest and get well soon . Btw 👌 explanation.
Ma'am it's मेरीयुअना
Very well presented madam. However if you could give the comparisons of its addictive property with other narcotics or even with coffee, that would be really great. Also the history of it, means why and when it was banned? Which country insisted? and who is getting profit out of it and why it is legal in other developed countries?
So many facts are wrong, please check facts before you post it in your videos,
It doesn't cause cancer, actually it is used for medical treatment in cancer tumors.
India may logo se daaroo pachti nahi. ganja peene ke baad to sadko pe bawaal kernge.
this lady is a crap ..its holy drug and people are just abusing it..ITS not at all addictive .
Good morning madam
Well, ab tak ka record h , marijuana pee ke aaj tak koi ni mra h
Your lecture is very informative n to the topic ,,, thanks mam
India walon Nasha karna hai karo par rape to mat karo….
Every demerit is found in most addictions , ganja sells, why doesn't govt removes the ban and collect taxes instead , we will get pure ganja .
Indians always despise their roots while the world is smoking and selling.
We will ultimately legalize it afrer giving the foreign/rich people to capture the business untill we do ( already the reality).
Megalize larijuana
Ban by British government for the selling of alcohol 🍷,tobacco, smoking 🚬. Hopefully ban should b removed
सारे नशे बंद होना चाहिए और अथर्ववेद में केवल दवाई के रूप में उपयोग करने बोला है चिलम फूंकने नहीं बोला है।।जैसे एल्कोहल दवाई में उपयोग होती है।।
Take this video
Please Prashant Sir
We need garav sir
usa ने un. मे नियम बनाये और फ़िर उसकी खेती us मे लीगल करके दवाये बनाकर महंगी महगी पूरे वल्ड मे बेचता है ….😅😅
Smoking everyday💕❤
Bolo har har Bhole
I think you should read a usa report😂😂😂