Chronic Pain, Spinal Cord Stimulator, Firearms and Medical Mary Jane!
This video is NOT intended for children. I am more than sure I do not need to say that, but Youtube insists that I do. This question gets asked of me very often as …
Marijuana helps my mood and dealing with the fact that the pain is always there it doesn’t take it away nothing does the epidurals help a little but the pain is always there my pain management is suggesting the spinal cord stimulator from Boston Scientific I really hope it helps with the pain
Love your videos Gunny.
I don't think you're crazy at all. Here in Nevada you cannot have a medical marijuana card and a concealed carry permit
Marijuana helps my mood and dealing with the fact that the pain is always there it doesn’t take it away nothing does the epidurals help a little but the pain is always there my pain management is suggesting the spinal cord stimulator from Boston Scientific I really hope it helps with the pain
Love your videos Gunny.
I don't think you're crazy at all. Here in Nevada you cannot have a medical marijuana card and a concealed carry permit