Auto DVD Backup Activation Code With Keygen X64 (Final 2022)

Auto DVD Backup Download
1. Convert DVD/VOB to MPEG-4 AVI with multiple files / subtitles (not realtime).
2. Convert DVD/VOB to OGG PCM audio with multiple files / subtitles (optional)
3. Convert DVD/VOB to OGG video with multiple files and subtitles (optional)
4. Convert DVD/VOB to XVID-A video with multiple files and subtitles (optional)
5. Convert DVD/VOB to MP3 PCM audio with multiple files and subtitles (optional)
6. Convert DVD/VOB to AC3 PCM audio with multiple files and subtitles (optional)
7. Convert DVD/VOB to OGG Vorbis audio with multiple files and subtitles (optional)
8. Convert DVD/VOB to RAR4 compressed subtitles with multiple files (optional)
9. Convert DVD/VOB to MP3 WAV PCM audio with multiple files (optional)
10. Convert DVD/VOB to MPEG-4 VOB with multiple files and MPEG-4 video (optional)
11. Convert DVD/VOB to OGG Vorbis audio with multiple files (optional)
12. Convert DVD/VOB to RAR4 compressed subtitles with multiple files (optional)
13. Convert DVD/VOB to MP3 WAV PCM audio with multiple files (optional)
14. Convert DVD/VOB to WAV PCM audio with multiple files (optional)
Auto DVD Backup Options:
1. Partial or full output file size (optional)
2. Number of pass (1 to 3 – for faster conversion but less output options) (optional)
3. DVD/VOB title selection: all chapters, random, last/first (optional)
4. DVD/VOB subtitle selection: all subtitles, random, last/first (optional)
5. DVD/VOB audio selection: all audio tracks or all audio tracks in audio tracks only (optional)
6. Codec selection: Xvid, DivX, Xvid AVI (optional)
7. RAR4 subtitles selection: all RAR4 subtitles or all RAR4 subtitles in subtitles only (optional)
8. Ogg Vorbis audio selection: all OGG Vorbis Audio (optional)
9. Ogg Vorbis subtitles selection: all OGG Vorbis Audio (optional)
10. MP3 WAV audio selection: all MP3 WAV
Auto DVD Backup Free Download
Auto DVD Backup is an automatic DVD backup tool. It uses a number of different tools to convert an unencrypted IFO/VOB set of a DVD into a two-pass XviD AVI file which is coupled “on the fly” with multiple audio tracks and multiple RAR-compressed subtitles, and, optionally, also have an MP3 soundtrack added (AC3 optional). The result (ready to be burned on CD-R or DVD-R) can be played back with any Windows PC equipped with the XviD codec (for video playback), the Ogg Vorbis DirectShow filters (for OGG audio playback – optional) and VobSub for DirectShow (for subtitles playback – optional).
■ XviD video codec (required)
■ AviSynth (required)
■ The DirectShow Ogg Vorbis filter collection (optional, for OGG audio)
■ VobSub (optional, for subtitles)
Auto DVD Backup Description:
Auto DVD Backup is a GUI (Graphical User Interface). It uses a number of different tools to convert an unencrypted IFO/VOB set of a DVD into a two-pass XviD AVI file which is coupled “on the fly” with multiple audio tracks and multiple RAR-compressed subtitles.
RAR Compression
The result (ready to be burned on CD-R or DVD-R) can be played back with any Windows PC equipped with the XviD codec (for video playback), the Ogg Vorbis DirectShow filters (for OGG audio playback – optional) and VobSub for DirectShow (for subtitles playback – optional).
Auto DVD Backup Description:
Auto DVD Backup is an automatic DVD backup tool. It uses a number of different tools to convert an unencrypted IFO/VOB set of a DVD into a two-pass XviD AVI file which is coupled “on the fly” with multiple audio tracks and multiple RAR-compressed subtitles, and, optionally, also have an MP3 soundtrack added (AC3 optional). The result (ready to be burned on CD-R or DVD-R) can be played back with any Windows PC equipped with the XviD codec (for video playback), the Ogg Vorbis DirectShow filters (for OGG audio playback –
Auto DVD Backup Crack Patch With Serial Key [March-2022]
Auto DVD Backup is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for the popular DVD ripper Software “WinDVD”. The program does not directly use the WinDVD app but instead uses a number of different tools to convert a unencrypted IFO/VOB set of a DVD into a two-pass XviD AVI which is coupled “on the fly” with multiple AC3/MP3/WAV/OGG audio tracks and multiple RAR-compressed subtitles.
The result (ready to be burned on CD-R or DVD-R) can be played back with any Windows PC equipped with the XviD codec (for video playback), the Ogg Vorbis DirectShow filters (for OGG audio playback – optional) and VobSub for DirectShow (for subtitles playback – optional).
In case you want to create a bootable image on CD/DVD you can use Daemon Tools.Download the installer file here – CLICK HERE
Please read the Readme.txt file for more information.
Auto DVD Backup is a GUI (Graphical User Interface). It uses a number of different tools to convert an unencrypted IFO/VOB set of a DVD into a two-pass XviD AVI which is coupled “on the fly” with multiple AC3/MP3/WAV/OGG audio tracks and multiple RAR-compressed subtitles.
The result (ready to be burned on CD-R or DVD-R) can be played back with any Windows PC equipped with the XviD codec (for video playback), the Ogg Vorbis DirectShow filters (for OGG audio playback – optional) and VobSub for DirectShow (for subtitles playback – optional).
■ XviD video codec (required)
■ AviSynth (required)
■ The DirectShow Ogg Vorbis filter collection (optional, for OGG audio)
■ VobSub (optional, for subtitles)
Auto DVD Backup Description:
Auto DVD Backup is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for the popular DVD ripper Software “WinDVD”. The program does not directly use the WinDVD app but instead uses a number of different tools to convert a unencrypted IFO/VOB set of a DVD into a two-pass XviD AVI which is coupled “on the fly” with multiple AC3/MP3/WAV/OGG audio tracks and
What’s New In Auto DVD Backup?
■ Automates the process of extracting all IFO/VOB information from an unencrypted DVD, creating a two-pass Audio-CD-style XviD avi file and subsequent creation of a compressed RAR file with multiple subtitles.
■ Supports DVD region coding and region lock.
■ One simple interface to automate the whole DVD extracting and conversion process.
■ Can use multiple files (DVDs with multiple titles) with the same process.
■ The maximum file size of the resulting XviD avi file is limited only to the sector size of the DVD filesystem.
■ The maximum file size of the resulting RAR file is limited to the sector size of the DVD filesystem.
■ Supports any region code and region lock.
■ 100% scriptable with GUIs (Graphical User Interface): for simple use.
■ Can be configured to work without using RAR (prefered way, but not mandatory).
■ Can be customized to meet your particular needs.
■ Very easy to install (just one folder to install, with one file to add).
■ Very easy to configure.
■ Uses the very powerful AviSynth audio converter for the audio-only part of the conversion process (audio only). It comes with a very powerful configuration interface.
■ Can use presets (default ones provided).
■ Has some advanced features that are highly recommended (I’ll try to keep them up to date in the future).
Main features:
■ Automates the process of extracting all IFO/VOB information from an unencrypted DVD (to be used with Autodvdcover) (also known as ‘blank’ DVDs).
■ Extracts all the IFO/VOB information from the DVD, creates a two-pass XviD avi file (video only) and multiple subtitles RARs files (compressed, for optional compression later).
■ Supports DVD region coding and region lock.
■ Can use multiple files with the same process.
■ Can use many types of audio and subtitle formats.
■ Can create a disc image which includes the IFO/VOB and audio DVD movie (same process used in AutoDvdCover).
■ Supports Blu-ray, HD DVD and region coding as well as audio/sub
System Requirements For Auto DVD Backup:
• RAM: 2GB
• Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 570 with 256MB VRAM or AMD HD 7970 with 1GB VRAM
• CPU: Intel i3 3.4GHz/AMD FX-4100 or higher
• OS: Windows 7 64bit
• HDD: 20GB
• Video: 720p
• Teraflops: 4.1
• Memory: 128MB
• Hard Disk: 20GB