Cannabis News – Marijuana Use and Strokes | Ep. 530 | 11-15-2019
Joe Klare discusses marijuana use and the risk of a stroke, another group attempting to legalize in Arizona and the murder of a cannabis company executive.
Doing more research is not a bad thing but it is not needed. I think the current mountains of evidence for the harms of alcohol to the body and society ought to be enough to say that we either need to outlaw all alcoholic beverages or we need to fully legalize cannabis. I think that is a accurate observation of the situation!
keep smoking and growing and watching prohibition fall down .peace
Hmm Malpractice / Doctors = early death ,eat right play a lot stay away from doctors. 50+ year burning weed.
Mornin' smokers
There are different types of strokes, the two most common are the blood “clotting” type and the “bleeding” type. One is caused by blood that clots too easily and the other one is caused by blood that is too thin and lacks clotting ability. If the type is known it can be corrected or treated with medication.
Doing more research is not a bad thing but it is not needed. I think the current mountains of evidence for the harms of alcohol to the body and society ought to be enough to say that we either need to outlaw all alcoholic beverages or we need to fully legalize cannabis. I think that is a accurate observation of the situation!
keep smoking and growing and watching prohibition fall down .peace
Hmm Malpractice / Doctors = early death ,eat right play a lot stay away from doctors. 50+ year burning weed.
Mornin' smokers
There are different types of strokes, the two most common are the blood “clotting” type and the “bleeding” type. One is caused by blood that clots too easily and the other one is caused by blood that is too thin and lacks clotting ability. If the type is known it can be corrected or treated with medication.