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Cannabis Oil

CBD Oils: Are There Dangers/Precautions (Pharmacist Perspective)

CBD Oils: Are There Dangers/Precautions (Pharmacist Perspective) Bob and Brad along with guest speaker, Chris the Pharmacist present the dangers and …

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  1. I know people who said no doctor prescribed medicine eased their pain. They obtained a CBD oil and they have been pain free. They say you need to be sure to get a water based. Just like prescription drugs, every manufacture isn’t created truly for your health and has risks. You have to research. I have used the lotion and received immediate relief from the Pain resulting from a strained calf that had me using a boot. It also helped my bulging disk pain.

  2. All tied in with Pharmaceutical industry, i call bullshit ive done cannabis for 50 years, quit lying 🧚🏽‍♂️yeah, check with yer doctor good advice, fucker (not) dont listen to this crap (remember THEY the drs, ARE part of the MACHINE that is taking us down! I get remotely attacked for this, trust me, they r not on ur side (DISinfo) ⚡️💥THEY R NOT trying to do the best for you, they lie 🤢🤮 DO NOT BE AFRAID OF CANNABIS, fear is their game (FRUIT TOO) doctors lie to you! They will not help after 20 years with SAME DR, is letting me die! MORGELLONS🧡✨⚡️they care nothing about, RSO (rick simpson oil)

  3. I'm a bit disappointed in this video Given that this is a physical therapy topic, I would have thought the use of CBD for arthritis/joint pain would at least have been mentioned. I could care less about "anxiety syndrome" or the other subjects covered.

  4. I took pharmaceutical drugs and ended up finding out I have a heart condition that cause my heart to slow down extremely slow and in which 3 yrs ago, it led to a heart attack. So having to come off most pharmacy drugs, I resorted to CBD oil. However I found it didn’t help with the pain for anymore then 4 hrs at a time and was costing me 300$ a month. So I’m going old school and using videos from your site to manager the pain. Although not 100% effective, it’s still helping, it’ costs nothing and I won’t have a heart attack because I follow these videos.
    so thanks for doing these….!
    ❤️via Edmonton Alberta Canada 🇨🇦

  5. 100s of millions of people have taken these drugs for thousands of years. If there was a significant risk of liver failure under standard conditions, I'm pretty sure we would know it at this point.

  6. IMO, the pharmacist was quite fair in his presentation and didn't seem biased for or against CBD oil. I enjoyed his explanation , even though I would never use CBD oil myself. It's always good to watch Bob and Brad, the two most famous physical therapists on the internet.

  7. Cbd is not regulated… they add melatonin. I only know that because I tried it and guess what melatonin does for me the same exact thing my CBD oil did. I later did some research and found out they do actually put melatonin in there. The plant is the most natural and safest bet. But no one really wants to help fix anything or fix anyone….it's all about the dollar…. more profitable to keep people sick or injured. That's why they keep it illegal…. and God forbid you actually find a CBD oil that actually works you can't carry your firearm anymore. But people can go around twenty-four hours a day hopped up on prescriptions and mind-altering prescriptions 5 to 10 different ones a day or drink and drive and still carry a firearm. These are doctors, nurses, cops, your mother, your brother your sister your cousin. Doesn't it bother anyone that these professionals could ruin somebody's life in a blink of an eye because of prescription that are literally mind altering….. for pain. I think that's absolutely insane. Fix the issues…get to the root of the matter. Pretty messed up world we live in these days.

  8. CBD is a supplement, not a drug. Using the word “dose” is inappropriate and misleading. Like all supplements, it affects each person differently – the amount taken, frequency and delivery method is individual. Find a reputable CBD company that has purity standards, lab testing and extensive information on the container. This video is a horribly narrow representation of CBD. That being said, thank you for starting the conversation on your channel. 😀

  9. This pharmacist sounds like a wise practitioner. He favors caution over emotional trends. CBD oil, and marijuana, is the Wild West without consistency in purity of the product not to mention the lack of study for long term effects.

  10. MHO, Brad & Bob should sit on the same side of the guest. Guest doesn't have to keep turning his head and it doesn't seem like one of the interviewer is left out.

  11. I think it's crazy that a plant is illegal. I live in Scotland and God knows how long it will be before marijuana will be legalised or available on prescription. It is worth paying a bit more to get a quality cbd product. Don't vape though because those things do so much damage to your lungs and they look bloody ridiculous! I think pharmacists are great, I've found them to be more knowledgeable than a Dr on more than one occasion

  12. Cancer can be cured ONLY with a full extract oil containing THC.. both CBD and THC work hand in hand to target cancerous cells. CBD oil alone is great for everything else. Look up Dr Cristina Sanchez for the facts. PS – the word ‘Marijuana’ was concocted by the US government fascists in order to associate cannabis with Mexicans and to derail its appeal. It’s called Cannabis..

  13. Bob, thank you for making this video. Great information.
    The only downside to this was you talking over Chris while he was trying to answer. You were a bit like a cable news host. Obviously, you care about the topic and you wanted to steer the conversation but when you do these interviews (and I hope you do more), please give the interviewee a chance to answer your question.
    Thanks again for all you and Brad give to the community.

  14. Interesting. My brother was in the University of Washington Hospital for 6 months waiting for a heart transplant, his kidneys had also failed His wife and I asked about CBD oil for his pain. The doctors flatly answered NO! He was on blood thinners.
    Then a friend of mine who has had a TBI and has multiple seizures daily, her doctors don't even want to discuss that route. Could have something to do with her vagus nerve stimulator.
    My neighbor is a daily smoker of homegrown pot for over 20 yrs. She has paranoia and anxiety so bad she seldom leaves the house . Again she does not use the oil, just smokes it. Sure hasn't helped her anxiety at all but she is calm while smoking:)

  15. I have restless leg syndrome and autism. Both have made getting to sleep hard for me all my life (autism makes me obsessively think about things when I should be asleep). Hemp products totally help me sleep it' like magic.

  16. I have taken both cbd and hemp oil, and both relieved my pain from polymyalgia rheumatica and fibromyalgia dramatically.
    Certainly worked better for me than prescriptions which caused significant side effects that I don't tolerate.

  17. Completely unrelated to the video but I was diagnosed with a double disc bulge from L3-L5 and your videos helped a lot in late nights where I couldn't sleep because of the pain. Keep up the great work.

  18. I can't get the video to play at the moment, so I'm reading through the comments. Yeah, I don't think this is the best person to speak on this topic.

  19. A side effect can be stomach pain and increased bleeding risk which I only learned after taking it for about a month and experiencing stomach pain. So probably not a good idea if you’re already on blood thinners (as I am.)

  20. This is about what I thought a pharmacist would say.

    For starters, hemp is NOT marijuana. Second, playing with the doses…how many Rx has this guy dispensed over his 24 years that included drugs (with harmful side effects) where the doctor changed the size of the dosage? The quantity of times during the day to take a dose? I had been on meds several times where the doctor "played with the dosage" because he wasn't sure what the proper level was. Nobody has a problem with that!

    Hemp is one of the most versatile plants in the world. In addition to the CBD oil, the seed contains quality albeit incomplete proteins and many other nutrients. They used it in rope making, clothes, and smoked it like cigarettes. In addition, it has been used as paper (The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp, that way, if the Founding Fathers, many who were hemp growers, were caught with it by the British could smoke away the evidence) and is being tested in Europe to replace fiberglass for cars, as well as bricks for homes.

    Hemp got it's bad reputation from publisher William Randolph Hearst, who also had a heavy investment in the timber industry. With hemp being versatile and more dependable than paper and wood products, he sought to protect his investment by getting hemp classified as a narcotic and said it was the same thing as marijuana. Movies of the day like "Reefer Madness" made hemp and pot out to be worse than it really was. Hemp became illegal to use and illegal to grow.

    But, if hemp passed all the studies, the pharmacist here could be out of a job.

  21. Buyer beware ~ check out ~ go to category summaries and then check out CBD ~ their 2019 lab tested results were pretty eye opening. 34 of the brands tested had higher amounts of lead than was found in the Michigan water. For me to use it ~ I will wait for long term studies.

  22. Thanks for a sensible conversation. I am in several FB groups for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Diffuse Ideopathic Skeletal Hyperstenosis and so many discussions are regarding the miracle of CBD oil. Many do declare to just smoke pot LOL. Not gonna do that at this point. So then what dosage? Where do you purchase? etc. Too many unregulated options. Now my chiropractor and Pain Management physicians office is selling it???? I personally think it is a FAD, just like intermittent fasting and Keto (which was Atkins back in the 70's and 80's). Let not forget how expensive it is also. Trust me, I have had enough pain to want to just smoke a joint, but then you have to contend with lung cancer, which my dad and grandfather both had.. You just have to take a multi faceted approach to pain management and deal with it the best way YOU can. Keep moving is the most important thing. Love your channel to inspire me to keep moving. Thanks for all you do!

  23. CBD is hype. It does make you feel high. It's just not very intense because there is less thc. And yes you will still fail a drug test with it too…

  24. No offense but this pharmacist does not seem well informed. Cannabis should not be used for glaucoma, as it will not lower the eye pressure steadily like medications will.
    As for side effects, people have been using it for a thousand years without ill effect.
    I live in a state where medical marijuana is legal for certain conditions. Even though my illness is one that is included, my doctor was completely uncooperative and discouraging about me taking it. Reliable studies done in Europe showed it was very helpful for my conditions pain and inflammation. Doctors are not educated at all on cannabis so many discourage it.
    My state started registering cannabis doctors that give the okay for my cannabis license to use it, as well as advice about which product would work best for my condition. Thank goodness! I use drops 4 times a day. The daytime dose is mainly CBD so I don’t feel high and my nighttime dose also has THC, which helps me relax and sleep. But I have no problem waking up, unlike sleeping pills.
    I hope cannabis is legalized and decriminalized nationwide.
    The pharmacist neglected to mention the reason there are so few studies in the U.S. is because cannabis is still classified as a schedule one drug, in the same category as heroin! So researchers have to jump through lots of red tape to get an okay to do a study on it.

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