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Mr. Short Game Podcast Ep 10 – Products for 2020 and CBD for Golfers

In this episode I talk about the new products to watch out for in 2020, how to approach using swing aids and avoiding injury, plus CBD for golfers. #podcast …

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  1. It's not just inflammation reduction that benefits from CBD use, it's also the reduction of anxiety. Shame there's such a stigma surrounding the plant. CBD/CBG is very different to THC. The former have anti psychotic (anxiety) properties which can also help reduce the negative effects of the latter.

    Isn't the important 6 inches in golf is between the ears?

    CBD mimics the same endocannabinoids the body produces from meditating and rigorous working out. Of course you can achieve the same affects naturally, it just takes a lot more work to get there. Ideally to maximise potential, doing all of the above may reap the most rewards.

  2. Google CBD and liver function. I started taking it and happened to have routine bloodwork done about a month later, and my AST and ALT were elevated for the first time in my life. Stopped taking it and retested 2 months later and numbers came back down. Not saying this is the case for everyone but sharing my experience. I will say it did seem to help with aches and pains while I was taking it.

  3. Wedge advice please!

    I play graphite shafts in my irons and love them.
    I am about to replace my two Ben Hogan wedges with new ones and wonder should I go heavier/lighter/stiffer/softer in my wedge shafts, compared to my irons, or just the same throughout?
    Also any suggestion for wedge grips? Firmer than your irons for extra feel and touch?

    What are your thoughts in general? Many thanks!

  4. Spend zero $ on swing aids. Get a lesson and practice. Then practice some more. That's why I love golf. You can't buy being good, you have to earn it.

  5. Love your channel. I’ve reoriented my practice time in the last couple of years; I now spend far more time on my short game. Your channel has played a huge role in helping me achieve my goals. I’ve decided that the best approach for me is a backyard putting/chipping green. This approach makes so much sense for so many reasons. I’ll also incorporate a full swing area (into a net). When augmented by a low dollar launch monitor I’ll have a great home practice area.

    I intend to install the putting green myself to save money. There are lots of DIY putting green videos, but no “expert” opinions from guys like you on what turf products might be better than another, pros and cons from product to product, what products to stay away from, etc.

    Is this issue worth a video segment? Thanks for everything.


  6. If your having that bad of back issues look into fascia blasting, my wife does it and helps many people with back problems. And you are 100% correct, all those guys had that was electric was a tens unit, you can get them for less than $50 on amazon. Also, not a loser that you dont drink, smoke, or do drugs. Im kinda jealous, wish i had no vices other than golf, but i drink beer now and then and vape nicotine.

  7. I saw the chipping tips you got from Bob Vokey, and man, it improved my chipping significantly, and its easy. I was doing it wrong the whole time. Thanks.

  8. Amen to that 1 person vehicle thought. I need something like that!

    Somebody please make an electric trolley with fat tyres that can also carry the player.

  9. Absolutely agree with you concerning CBD products…many other things you've covered also, but CBD, absolutely agree! Thx for sharing your views, as always this was very interesting!

  10. Did you happen to see John & Ashley at the golf expo in Orlando, Florida? They have a YouTube Channel "Stacked Golf"? They buy all different used golf clubs from 2nd hand stores or garage sales and then take them to the golf course for a demonstration. Ashley is the world's greatest putter, even better than you Mr. Short Game…

  11. Hi, about CBD oil, I'm not a good golfer but I'm addicted to the game. Problem is that I have severe osteo artrosis and arthritis at the same time. Anti inflammatory drugs can maybe help, but they have so much very bad side effects. I can tell you that it's maybe strange but this illness is very hard and diet is not the solution , it helps but it's not the cure. I'm trying CBD at the moment and here in Europe its very good regulated by the government concerning quality. So don't talk about it like a drug. I'm convinced that it will help a lot of people to enjoy the game. CBD is not equal to POT and if correctly produced its free of THC and a natural product. And I'm pretty sure that it's better than all the other, chemical stuff that's in the normal medication a doctor would give you. CBD users like me are no drug addicts, they just trying to find a solution for the immense problem making life difficult and very very painful, and at the same time trying to play the game as long as possible.

  12. As a person that got inured injured playing baseball professionally then picked up a pain pill addiction (clean 12 years) I will not take anything either but have been reading great things about CBD but I hate pot so I'm with you I don't want the smell or taste either

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