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_In_opt_ const GUID& DeviceInterfaceGUID,
_In_opt_ const GUID& InterfaceGUID,
_In_opt_ const LARGE_INTEGER& RecoveryDevicePath,
_Outptr_result_maybenull_ GUID* Port,
_In_opt_ HANDLE TerminalEvent,
_In_ const GUID* DevicesToDisable,
_In_ uint32_t DevicesToDisableCount,
_In_ const LARGE_INTEGER* Timeout,
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download: Catia V5, Found: 15 Results, Updated: 06-Mar-2021. DS CATIA V5-6R2013 GA P2 Win64 Multilanguage, 8 years, Software, 1, 1.71 GB, 1, 0. [ 1 ]Opioids in the management of pain in patients with AIDS: an emerging controversy.
Patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease frequently experience severe pain. The primary treatment goal is to provide adequate pain relief with minimal side effects. This approach is complicated by the presence of neuropathy in many patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and by the high prevalence of depression and substance abuse in this population. It is not surprising that physicians are greatly influenced by cultural and religious issues when confronted with a patient whose pain is refractory to pharmacologic therapy or analgesia. Opioids are a major pharmacologic component in the treatment of pain. These medications, however, have been contraindicated in patients with HIV disease because of the risk of precipitating HIV infection in healthy persons. The risk of infection is defined and quantified for each opioid. In practice, physicians have had to take into account the risks of opioids to patients with AIDS when treatment of pain was considered unavoidable. Because pain in patients with AIDS can be disabling and is often intractable to both medical and surgical therapy, some physicians have proposed the use of very high doses of opioids in these patients. Prescription of high doses of opioids in patients with AIDS is an emerging controversy. This article reviews the literature relevant to opioid use in patients with AIDS and suggests alternative approaches.Q:
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