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Cannabis advocates express concern ahead of first-ever legal 4/20 event in Ottawa

The first 4-20 demonstration on Parliament Hill since marijuana became legal is expected to draw an even larger crowd than usual. But during a morning press …

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  1. I don’t know what this guy is on about, nothing he says his actually a fact, We don’t truly have legalisation in Canada, what we have is an overly regulated market controlled by conglomerate license producers who want nothing more than a monopoly on cannabis.
    This fellow is nothing short of a sell-out and a puppet spokesperson for the current monopoly.
    Consumers are reporting the fact that the cannabis sold in these so-called legal shops is of poor value and fails to meet their expectations when compare to what is available in the free market, It has been reported through multiple sources that the average price is 17% higher than in independent shops that source through small craft brewers, this is what happens when business tries to control something they know little about.
    The 420 event that just occurred in Vancouver was of a big success with well over 100,000 people plus an absolutely lit performance by Cypress Hill.
    Like most mainstream media outlets, global news lobster frame cannabis and the cannabis industry in the worst possible light, this is not journalism it’s propaganda, Remember that.

  2. "Amen Report those no good suspect police loitering in Neighbours" "Trying to forcibly confine us beg us kidnap us assault us molest us ew aye.. crazy aye.. crazy" "Good job Broth"A" good job all started out as a protest now it legal now they can regulate and tax and amen <3 a Broth"A" like Akeem RW Ross amen".

  3. i won't pay to enforce legalization (lawzilization) the proceeds should go to all positive stuff and the amount of rules needs to go right out the window none of us will listen to these crooks!!!!

  4. …." Man seeks to escape himself in myth, and does so by any means at his disposal. Drugs, Alcohol, or Lies. Unable to withdraw into himself, he disguises himself. Lies and inaccuracy give him a few moments of comfort " ….
    ( Jean Cocteau ).

  5. That GMO military weed is just as dangerous as sugar. WTF is the problem??? If your gonna destroy the people then at least let them have their choice.

  6. is this guy just complaining about the price tag of legal marijuana? I'm sure no matter what price tag they put on it the black market will under-cut it. I'd say the best way to save money is to not smoke it at all and spend your money on something else.

  7. Legislation is fantastic. It's great to see so many people happy. They just need to sell it at the LCBO and they will get their tax money. It needs to have faster access. Or perhaps their own little shops. Look to Colorado. They make tons of money from taxes. Then the cops can chase real bad guys. Not people wanting to watch a movie, and have a cookie.

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