Will drinking when you have post concussion syndrome delay recovery? It could. There isn’t much evidence to definitively answer this question at this time, …
Thanks for this video. I didn't know I had a concussion the day after it happened, so I had a drink and have been freaking out about that drink ever since.
I read somwhere that alcohol can trigger seizures after head injuries. Is that just in more severe head injuries? Or does that include concussion as well?. I suffered a concussion 8 months ago. I have a Vegas trip coming up, and I really dont want to cancel 😩😂
Is it the same thing for cannabis ? I heard it was good for some PCS symptoms, but wont it damage the brain more ? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for this video. I didn't know I had a concussion the day after it happened, so I had a drink and have been freaking out about that drink ever since.
I read somwhere that alcohol can trigger seizures after head injuries. Is that just in more severe head injuries? Or does that include concussion as well?. I suffered a concussion 8 months ago. I have a Vegas trip coming up, and I really dont want to cancel 😩😂
Is it the same thing for cannabis ? I heard it was good for some PCS symptoms, but wont it damage the brain more ? Thanks in advance.