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Can Christians Masturbate? | God is Grey

“Thou shalt not masturbate” isn’t in the Bible. So, what are the 7 main arguments AGAINST MASTURBATION? LASTLY, can you tell the difference between …

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  1. "Ejaculation is good for your health"
    ok but so is sex – does that mean I should not restrain myself from having sex when it does not honor God?
    All these things are inherently good, they only become bad when used in the wrong ways (i.e. not God' ways). Which is why even though sex is good for your health, it is still wrong for a christian to commit adultery for example.

  2. Proverbs 7 New International Version (NIV)

    Warning Against the Adulterous Woman

    7 My son, keep my words
        and store up my commands within you.
    2 Keep my commands and you will live;
        guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.
    3 Bind them on your fingers;
        write them on the tablet of your heart.
    4 Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,”
        and to insight, “You are my relative.”
    5 They will keep you from the adulterous woman,
        from the wayward woman with her seductive words.

    6 At the window of my house
        I looked down through the lattice.
    7 I saw among the simple,
        I noticed among the young men,
        a youth who had no sense.
    8 He was going down the street near her corner,
        walking along in the direction of her house
    9 at twilight, as the day was fading,
        as the dark of night set in.

    10 Then out came a woman to meet him,
        dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent.
    11 (She is unruly and defiant,
        her feet never stay at home;
    12 now in the street, now in the squares,
        at every corner she lurks.)
    13 She took hold of him and kissed him
        and with a brazen face she said:

    14 “Today I fulfilled my vows,
        and I have food from my fellowship offering at home.
    15 So I came out to meet you;
        I looked for you and have found you!
    16 I have covered my bed
        with colored linens from Egypt.
    17 I have perfumed my bed
        with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon.
    18 Come, let’s drink deeply of love till morning;
        let’s enjoy ourselves with love!
    19 My husband is not at home;
        he has gone on a long journey.
    20 He took his purse filled with money
        and will not be home till full moon.”

    21 With persuasive words she led him astray;
        she seduced him with her smooth talk.
    22 All at once he followed her
        like an ox going to the slaughter,
    like a deer[a] stepping into a noose[b]
    23     till an arrow pierces his liver,
    like a bird darting into a snare,
        little knowing it will cost him his life.

    24 Now then, my sons, listen to me;
        pay attention to what I say.
    25 Do not let your heart turn to her ways
        or stray into her paths.
    26 Many are the victims she has brought down;
        her slain are a mighty throng.
    27 Her house is a highway to the grave,
        leading down to the chambers of death.

  3. I appreciate your courage and your good intention on maybe help someone with your point of view. I want to try to help you too: In marriage, there's a way to have pure sex or immoral sex, the difference is if you are giving pleasure or simply using someone else's body to give pleasure to yourself. That would be selfish, right? The same thing in masturbating, it's immoral to use your body to give sexual pleasure to yourself. I'ts making your body a slave to your instinct. Masturbating was always sensual and immoral in all the ages of christian history. I don't think they all were wrong. It is not written explicitly in the bible, but it is a clear principle of purity and order.
    I advise you to pray to God to awaken your consciousness about this. I believe
    that our father will enlighten you.

    With love. From Brazil.

  4. Can I borrow about this topic from you? I will write stuff so it can clean things up for the Christians. And you are like fresh spring air of topics. I love your stuff. And I want to deliver ur message more futher where I live. Because I am agree so much what u talking about. And this stigma of sexualtiy in the Church should looke more futher. I am so thankful for what you are doing for many Christians. God bless you Hunny! <3 <3

  5. All Wrong! It says in the bible to not be Drowned in flesh desires. That includes masturbation and other flesh desires. A man shalt not live by a bread alone.
    All of you are being demonize by these channels. Stop masturbation and stop breaking one of the commandments in the bible. May Yahuah guide you to the truth.

  6. I’m not sure what to think. I feel like I may have felt the conviction in my soul not to do it, but to live several years without any sexual exploration or intimacy to only one day turn it on and expect it all to work out sounds crayzay

  7. Look im only a teen but God is anti fear is wrong dont you know in proverbs it says fear God and its not that since of its God run away its more oh thats God what do i do the song i can only imagine is a great example of that flee from sexual immorality it says in chorinthians well simple masterbaution is sexual very much so and not only that this is quite similar to the commandment thou shall not kill well okay i havent killed anyone so im good one may say ask that person have they hated anyone before if they have they then are too a murderer in Gods eyes 1st-15 Jhon says if you have ever hated someone then you are a murder and you know no murder has any residement heaven God tells us dont got too the roof of the building he might not explicitly say hey dont jump off the building but thats because he already said dont go too the roof God said flee from sexual immorality oh yeah masterbaution is sexual and if you do it frequently then you are not fleeing thats that simple you know there are many people in the bible who might i say were very pivotal and imparel to the many books of its contents who were indeed afraid for example mosses God called on mosses to free his people to go too the pharaoh and say pharaoh let my people go and mosses was terrified see he had a public speaking problem so you know what mosses did he had another man stand in front of the pharoh and told him to say this this and that and the man would say this this and that or take Samson for example who broke every nazarite vow and felt ashamed and when he lost the girl he loved he hid away in a cave in grief you see im not saying grief isnt ok its its something you should do why because its the human condition you say you have no fear i say that's good for you but you ought to fear God you say masterbaution is not a sin because its not explicitly stated in the bible i say thats because he done told us not to go too the roof when he said flee from it and no there is no loop there is no grey area God is very black and white just have to study his word every day every hour a Christians purpose is to tell the gospel to the broken yet we ourselves are broken but thats the beauty in it God uses broken people because were one word human we sin every day almost alot without knowing everyone is afraid of something if your afraid of God than your good if your not well then your afraid of something else that or your lying to yourself and dont know it yet not for me too figure out but you have a nice day may God bless you

  8. well i alightly disagree because there are catherogries of sin so i think while it doesn't address it directly it is sexual immoritality we are the temple of the holy spirit and our bodies are not our owns to do with as we please so in that sense it's a sin

  9. Hi all, I don’t believe it is a sin. Because of the following:

    1 John “3:4 Everyone practicing sin also practices lawlessness, and sin is the breaking of the Torah.”

    Romans “4:15 For the Law works out wrath; for where there is no instruction in the Torah against an action, then there is no transgression.”

    So sin is breaking God’s law, and if there’s no law against an action, there’s no sin. Also, there is an instruction from God as follows:

    Deuteronomy “4:2 You shall not add to the Word which I command you, nor take from it, to keep the commandments of YAHWEH your Elohim which I command you.”

    Masturbation is like alcohol. Drinking it is ok, but for one prone to drunkenness (which is a sin), it is best avoided. But we can’t call alcohol a sin, nor can we say masturbation is a sin, because God has not said so. There are no fence laws in the Bible. Fence laws are the laws of man, not of God. Fence laws are from the Pharisees .

  10. and to that notion that says that if you masturbate, you will become sexually awakened, I would say, Boys start off liking Girls first, long before they even realize what that organ between their legs is for.

  11. Hello, guys! I just want to share my insight about this rarely talk subject yet so important topic. First, I would like to add an information about this video. My purpose of sharing my idea is to help the believers of the Lord who are battling with this topic. I don't want to debate or argue anyone. I am sincere in posting this. I only want to help those people who can read this.

    So to answer the question, is masturbation a sin or not? First, let us lay down the foundation. I believe that to answer this, we should consider the biblical perspective and scientifical perspective. The Bible does not specifically mentioned the word masturbation. But the bible is warning us of many sexual sins, such as adultery and fornication. When it comes to science, it says that masturbation is a normal activity of an individual, for human is a sexual being. So now, what should be our stand in this very important subject. I would like to emphasize that we should balance this by biblical perspective and scientifical perspective. So the answer is, masturbation is not a sin. The bible says temptation is not a sin. We only commit sin, if we yield and give in to the temptation. So the moment a person masturbate while thinking, imagining, and fantisizing another person whom he/she is not married to, that's how it become a sin. He/she is commiting spiritual and mind fornication and spiritual and mind adultery. But if a person do it without thinking, imagining, and fantasizing another person, that person does not committing sin. There is a scientific explanation that a person is normal to masturbate because sperms in a man's body must be released to lessen the risk of prostate cancer, lessen the risk of barrenness (lower sperm count), and lessen the sexual tension in one's body (human is a sexual being). But it should be done at least twice a week. If a person does it in unusual ways and unusual counts without those purposes of releasing, the mind of that person is corrupted and addicted to that activity already. That's the another point where he/she is sinning. So the question is how to masturbate without thinking, imagining, or fantisizing another person?

    1. Pray before you do it (Ask the Guidance of the Holy Spirit to help you not to think, to help you not to entertain impure and lustful thoughts while doing it)
    2. Have your daily devotion in the Word, the bible says, If we hide His word in our hearts we may not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11)
    3. Spend more time in worship everyday
    4. Have a weekly fasting (at least 2-3 times a week) so that you can discipline your flesh

    I hope that this may help you.
    God bless.

  12. Never thought I would ever comment on any of this! I became a Christian as a young adault. I felt it was my christian responsibillity to accept that God wanted me to remain pure till marriage, or devote myself to lifetime celibacy and self shame for masturbation… I was taught basic self shame and towing the Republican political line! I am still a Christian, but I cannot accept evangelical dogma, or ever support a bigoted fakkke president!

  13. Well what happens when a man masturbates? He spills his seed. So it is the same thing in the end result. And God promised Abraham that his seed would total many nations. So God blessed the seed and one decedent of Abraham threw God's blessing onto the floor like it was common. Not good. And why masturbate when one has a partner that is faithful to the Lord? Yes we should not fear anything. We are commanded to be working out our salvation with fear and trembling. Fearing the Lord.

  14. I'm not saying in anyway that I masturbate but there's something so natural about it because to me if God didn't want us to masturbate he wouldn't have made us that way I grew up in a strict Church that says masturbation was wrong and to this day I still have friends that believe that way while it is true that masturbation can be used to fulfill your your sexual desires you can always find a way to turn those desires into some kind of lesson teach you how abusive sex can be I mean it makes me sick to say that masturbation is a sin when it is when it is clearly not. I feel blessed for thinking that way.

  15. For women is it quite obvious cause they have a special organ that is only used for pleasure and it takes no part in reproduction. Who invented it? Devil? So why don't Christians circumcise then?

  16. Well, look at it this way…
    Could you see Our SAVIOR doing this?
    Or would you still "give into this urge" if you knew
    OUR CREATOR was watching you?!
    This is how you can determine if something you are doing is right or wrong.
    Surely, you understand that anything that is an "urge" or can become addictive, is committing a sin?!

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