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Camelia is a multi-language IDE written using the Caml OCaml Compiler, designed to ease the life of both experienced OCaml users and those who are just starting to learn the language. The initial release comes with integration for the Caml M20 compiler, the most recent release for OCaml.
Camelia is a simple, not-so-heavy IDE, the aim is to give the user a few good options and then let him/her use the OCaml language as it is.
This is a beta release of Camelia, It is currently available only for Windows.
Show Camelia Menu
The above menu is a collection of some of the features offered by Camelia.
OCaml Menu
Download Camelia
Download Camelia, it contains all you need to get started. Camelia is free.
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Check the latest Camelia news and Releases on the official homepage.
Download latest Camelia
To get the latest releases, go to and download the latest version from the “Download Camelia” link.
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As Camelia continues to be developed and tested, new features will be added.
Current Camelia Info
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Current Camelia Info
Download Camelia. Camelia is free.
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Check the latest Camelia news and Releases on the official homepage.
Current Camelia Info
Download Camelia
Download Camelia. Camelia is free.
Download Camelia
Available for OSX now:
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Check the latest Camelia news and Releases on the official homepage.
Download Camelia
Download Camelia. Camelia is free.
Download Camelia
Available for OSX now:
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Check the latest Camelia news and Releases on the official homepage.
Download Camelia
Download Camelia. Camelia is free.
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Check the latest Camelia news and Releases on the official homepage.
Camelia is an IDE written in OCaml with the help of students and with new users in mind. This page contains
Camelia Crack Registration Code PC/Windows
Camelia is a development environment for OCaml, based on the syntax. It is special in that it integrates a lightweight IDE in the form of the graphical view. It also supports two kinds of highlighting: for OCaml code and for XML. For OCaml code, it supports syntax highlighting and error highlighting. For XML tags, it supports a specialized kind of highlighting for tags, that is appropriate for finding the definition of element names. It also supports using an integrated XML document editor for editing XML documents, instead of an external one. It has a friendly ui and is developed as an open source project, so that everyone can add his/her own features.
Camelia is written in OCaml, and has no external dependencies. It has been tested on Linux (Debian and Ubuntu), on Mac OS X (MacPorts, on OS X 10.5.4) and on Windows (Cygwin).
Camelia :
The Camelia homepage :
Website :
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Documentation :
There are the tools mentioned in the other answers:
I have been using ocamldoc for several years now and I think it fits all my needs.
xmllint and ocamldoc will work for you, I think.
# Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
‘target_name’: ‘toolbar_tests’,
‘type’: ‘executable’,
‘sources’: [
‘msvs_settings’: {
‘VCLinkerTool’: {
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Camelia is a graphical programmer’s toolkit for OCaml. It helps users to get up-to-date and quick support for OCaml syntax and its compiled semantics. Camelia IDE includes strong features like an OCaml parser (lexers), an OCaml compiler, error reporting, and an integrated debugger.
It also contains all the features an IDE can offer like syntax highlighting, tool-tips, and most importantly a new way to write and test OCaml code.
The development effort was done during the FormAction (University of Liege, Belgium) by a team of students.
Version 2.0.0 shipped with:
– support for OCaml 3.12
– more stable (formula-like) parsing
– better API (different call order)
– support for Stepper and Calculator
– a GUI now ready to be displayed
– more documentation
Changes from to
– new method : make_exc_package
– new method : omni_analysis
– new method : omni_parse
– new method : omni_text_edit
– new style_class : OcamlBool
– new style_class : OcamlString
– new style_class : OcamlChar
– new style_class : OcamlDouble
– new style_class : OcamlInteger
– new style_class : OcamlLoc
– OcamlFile has been wrapped
– new method : parse_file
– Bug fix: important need to backtrack
– Bug fix: some errors are now correctly reported
– New API: list of exceptions has been added to CameliaExceptions
– New API: is-completions
– New API: show-menus
– New API: get-menu
– New API: window-is-active
– New API: window-has-focus
– New API: view-is-active
– New API: view-has-focus
– New API: set-trace-on
– Bug fix: package-compare
– Bug fix: window-attach
– Bug fix: window-close
– Bug fix: highlight-errors
– Bug fix: set-menu-custom
– Bug fix: layout-menu
What’s New in the?
Camelia is a light-weight IDE for OCaml. The goal is to focus on the
features which are most useful for learning a new language. For the
same reason Camelia does not include the many rich frameworks,
features, and extensive libraries provided by the other IDEs. The
main goal is to help developers get started writing OCaml, without
having to spend a lot of time on trivial tasks.
Camelia’s design is inspired by the Smalltalk IDE Smalltalk.
Camelia is tailored for users who are not necessarily familiar with a programming language. An ide having all the features necessary to write a full application is not designed for such users, therefore Camelia does not offer a full project management and built in editor, but limits itself to basic development tools (syntax highlighting, code completion, etc.).
Camelia contains a library which allows you to develop your OCaml application in a Microsoft Windows environment.
Typing a.ml
The above image is called a.ml. (Here a is the name of the file where the definition of the module a resides). If you look at the left side, it shows the file structure of Camelia. If you look at the right, it shows the syntax highlighted code.
The file structure is exactly like what you would have in an OCaml ide such as ocaml_dev_build_mode_ultra.
Click on the right hand side to see the complete code
Camelia has a set of features called channels. They are the main focus of this manual.
Two channels: Commands and Completion
All Camelia commands can be run from both the channel tab and from the help tab. Every command is labeled with its purpose.
Channels is the first tab of the IDE which appears once you have opened a new file.
It allows you to enter any of the Camelia commands. The following is a sample screenshot showing the two main channels.
There is a different set of commands for entering the Camelia tool-tip which appears when you move your mouse over a variable or any other symbol. In the picture above, the variable a has a tool-tip on its right.
There are two different types of tool-tip available:
Perl-style tool-tips
Show the associated
System Requirements:
I heard this song on the radio at the beginning of winter, and I just had to buy it immediately, so I listened to it over and over, and I think I got it when I was in Italy, and then I bought it in the U.S. for some reason, and I haven’t even listened to it in a couple of months, but I listened to it again last night, and I decided to finally post my review of it, but before I do, I want to have a little contest.
I would like everyone to tell me the name of their