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Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary Explains Donald Trump's Success

TV’s “Mr. Wonderful” says that the president has deregulated the economy in a powerful way. Subscribe to our YouTube channel: …

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  1. We are getting closer to Nov when we will then see the defeat of the incompetent bafoon that lives in the White House. O Leary and the like can praise and laud this bombastic critter forever _ it doesn't matter. Sure o'Leary and many other moguls who profited from Trump's tax policies love the son of a bitch. The he cant lose predictions are as full of dreck as Trump . The nation will come back in spite of the disease in the White House

  2. 3:20 "Our fastest growing demographic right now is 9-18 year old women." Does anyone know what he's referencing? Youtube will automatically censor links so can anyone describe what he's talking about?

  3. Capitalism and democracy are the most evil political and economic ideologies in the history of mankind. The syphons wealth from the bottom to the top. A pyramid scheme run by schemers and criminals, rats 🐀. A world for rats!

    Socialism is a world for real people because under socialism you don’t get robbed. When your not robbed you get to work and you keep the fruits of your labor. Under capitalism you work and you stay poor, you work to survive under capitalism. Under socialism you work to get rich.

  4. The removal of regulations has lead to the economy of whole swatches of the country being dependent on industry that pollutes and that is harmful the the population.. It didn't happen over night.. But each president beginning with Reagan has added to these destructive, suicidal policies.. turning us into a nation with the highest rates of chronic diseases among it's peer nations… and lowering our IQs and shortening our life spans… these presidents and corporation CEO's have caused more suffering and deaths than anything in history… World wide, pollution causes 9 million premature deaths a year. As long as corporations can get by with it with mass murder, they will continue.. It will take something drastic, like JUSTICE .. to have any hope of reversal… These murderers need hanging.

  5. It seems like the federal reserves interest rate interference in capitalist markets is part of the cyclical nature of the semi-capitalist system we have in the US.

  6. I find the so-called libertarian interviewer a silly know-it-all. Who in their right mind believes President Trump is against free speech and fair trade? Can someone point out to Mr. Lug nuts that free and fair trade is not the same, i.e. China, China, China. And Trump is actually making that closed-mind bastion of our time, the universities, become more accepting to free speech. Trump is a rock star for free speech.

  7. Kevin O'Leary worships the almighty dollar above all else. Make money and screw the little guy. He won't be satisfied until the environment, the American middle class and our national security are destroyed along with every shred of common human decency. In a zero-sum game, there are no long run winners; we all lose. That will be the Trump legacy.

  8. Of course he loves Trump he's worth 400 million and doesn't want to pay his fair share like the other 99%? Especially, because he doesn't worry about His family's health care or the 99% of the rest of the nation Trump does not support like this greedy asshole Mr. wonderful.

  9. Kevin is disgraceful — and yet his reaction to Trump's presidency is to be expected. He has benefited from Trump's pandering to the top 1% — regardless of the fact
    that Trump's policies have done so much to hurt the average American. Yes, the economic boon started under Obama has continued, even if not as rapidly. For that, one cannot ignore the benefits. And deregulation can certainly be a boon to businesses!

    Folks, we have to remember that the GOP for the past 40 years has fought against consumer protection laws, against environmental regulations, has undermined
    union organizing, fought against worker health and safety laws, pushed laws to restrict voter rights, switched from having corporate funded pensions (remember those?) to the burden of employee financed retirement in the form of IRA's and 401(k)'s (which have been disastrous for many), fought against a minimum wage (which has kept so many people from suffering homelessness), have pushed for policies to encourage overseas manufacturing without providing a safety net for American workers, have fought against the funding of programs to help workers displaced by automation, pushed against fully-paid employer health plans so that now the workers need to substantially fund their own plans often now with less coverage …among other things. And don't forget that Trump attempted to push through legislation to remove health care for 30 million Americans — which if it wasn't for McCain, might have actually passed.

    In fact, over the past 40 years, the ENTIRE productivity gains of the lower/middle class has been transferred to the top 1%, including Kevin and his pals, at your expense
    through all sorts of tax loopholes and policies — all pushing the idea that the top 1% will invest that money better than you and that tbe benefits will "trickle down." It is a sucker's tale that the lower/middle classes fall for EVERY time it is pushed. Those productivity gains have been estimated to be as much as over 12 TRILLION dollars — enough to have fully funded Johnson's War on Poverty and still enable every family in America to live in a McMansion.

    At lot has been written about this. I'm not making up numbers. One of the most important analyses of this was Hedrick Smith's book, "Who Stole the American Dream." If you haven't read this,

    you had better get on Amazon and get it now. It should be required reading before anyone makes the mistake of thinking that libertarianism (vs. being a liberal) is the
    way to go. Or at least check out this talk by him at Brown University:

    Yes, Kevin's smiles are so sincere, aren't they? That is because he is so sincerely grateful to Trump for screwing you over to his own benefit.

    With Trump, we have seen our allies mock us as we have undermined important diplomatic relationships. We have now seen how Trump has used taxpayer money to
    threaten an important military alliance with Ukraine for the sake of his own personal benefit. We have seen this president lie continually, THOUSANDS of times, and seen how he has cheated contractors, consumers, and bankers through his business ventures and his (supposedly) philanthropic organization. We have seen how he obtained money from his father by defrauding the government: We have seen how Trump has used his office for personal enrichment that violate the Emolument's Clause. We have seen how Trump has done everything to obstruct investigations into his wrongdoing. We have seen how Trump has used his office to humiliate veterans and others who have opposing views. We have seen him pander to dictators and undermine our national security by his inability to understand the social and military issues in EVERY part of the world. All while claiming to "drain the swamp" he has put more corrupt people into advisory positions than any president in recent memory — a number of whom are now in jail. He has undermined the legitimacy of our justice department, intelligence services and foreign service officials, and now has been attempting to portray the constitutional oversight role of Congress as a "hoax." And one of the worst things of all is his attempts to undermine the legitimacy of a free press by calling the reporting by venerable news organizations "fake news." This threatens our very democracy, folks. Yes, it really is that serious! This is what demagogues do as they solidify power. Are we looking at Trump as another Hitler? No, but there are now plenty of other autocrats such as in Turkey, Poland, Russia, Hungary, Philippines and Latin America who are undermining democracy in these ways.

    And yet, Kevin ignores all of this. Kevin has supported a right-wing media that pushes misinformation and outright conspiracy theories via Fox "News" and conservative
    radio. He has ignored all he learned in grade school about the importance of good character in our leaders and the true meaning of our constitution with his support of Trump — all in the name of making all that profit. Many thousands of people courageously dedicated their lives to passing regulations that are so important for us all. Sure, they can hurt business. They are there to keep outrageous actions of businesses in check. Yes, they can hurt profits. And yes, some have been excessive. But those are there to protect us. And when they are rolled back, such as financial protection laws, we end up with the great recession of 2008 where so many of us lost our homes. You want to call those regulations and things like Social Security and universal health coverage "communist" or "socialist?" Well before you do so, keep in mind that a whole bunch of more socially advanced countries than ours are doing just fine. Hey, now Canada has a longer life expectancy than us and they eat just as many Big Macs. Our arrogance and conceit only shoots ourselves in our own feet.

    Look at the suckers below fall for Kevin's sincere and immoral admiration of Trump. It is disgusting. Maybe Kevin is right in that Trump will win in 2020.
    But that would be a sad day for all of us — except for those 1 percenters.

  10. overall a great video. only some of it was about trump but still interesting nonetheless. chinas middle class is certainly something to watch for. good points brought up about protecting intellectual property over there as well

  11. I had in my mind that Kevin O’Leary was a ruthless businessman.. But after watching him speak on a personal level I realized he’s actually a pretty nice guy, he’s relatable.. He has that duality to his personality. That taught me something about the business world..I’m happy he’s found success ✌️❤️

  12. Giving Trump credit for the economy is just plain ignorance. Politicians don't have any power compared to multinational companies and banks which manipulate the market according to their needs.

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