We’ve never been more serious about finding the best “swish.” Find out which mouthwash ranks best! GMM #1521 See Rhett & Link play live in your city: tour …
For the past 8 months, I've been working through all 16 seasons of GMM (I'm on season 15 so almost current!!) Anyway, I've noticed something unique about season 15. I believe Rhett and Link have always enjoyed what they do, but for some reason they just seem so much happier here. I don't know, but I really do hope they are truly happy
If this was a real effectiveness test then therabreath would win. Don’t believe me try it.
Congrats to that teacher guy at the end! You go, dude!
Link: "I think we should start making episodes 4 hours." Me: " I would watch that."
I use scope
Did you know that after swishing a mouthful of Listerine you will blow twice the legal limit on a cop breathalyzer?
Listerine treats sore throats and strep throat really well though
Definitely therabreath was used incorrectly the only one who cures my bad breath all day
Let's blow each other OK . Respect
Imagine March mouthmash
clap he likes the font !
15 minutes of two Middle Aged men breathing on each other
I am the only person watching in 2019
That beard is nicley trimmed
Whatever happened to Lavoris, red and cinnamon flavored. A girl once told me that I smelled like Christmas.
14:21 That guy is SMALL BRAIN
“But i like the font” Link
As a life time Mainer, thanks for saying it's one of the best states! However, I agree, Tom's isn't the best look for us haha
act gang rise up
I swear Link's mentioning that french woman for at least the 4th time xDDD
SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS… who else gets that vine reference
When your friends breathe stinks
Listerine used to be listed as a floor cleaning supply
@youresoloud please make us a mini comp of the French Woman at Sundance
Who else tried to gargle air while they gargle these mouthwash?
4:07 They said "okay" in unison and I thought I went into another dimension for a second
warning about hydrogen peroxide will also give you sensitive teeth, so it is best used only rarely.
Only Dopes use Scope.
04:50 "on" did a very important job here
I suddenly have a urge to go use mouthwash
Don’t use hydrogen peroxide too often maybe a couple times a week. It will decay the enamel on teeth when used excessively
"I swallowed it, and I enjoyed it" . My favorite for the day.
I was just listening as i made dinner, and instead of win-givitis i heard win-vaginas

Link always brings up that lady from Sundance
Mrs. says: My Mom swears by Listerine for cleaning the toilet, bathtub, and anything else in the damn house when I was growing up in the fifties.
I like when they rank stuff together they have to use their brains more
can't believe they didn't try that candy stuff you get at Indian restaurants, it would've won, a hundred
Am i the only one who loved ‘Swish Swish this’ part
Does link have to slurp mouthwash too. downvote.
Only 21% soooooooo we should try hard liquor….
Where's the hat? 14:43
I ate a clove of garlic for a tenner
14:22 Hagrid without a beard, is that you???
U guys should swap places for a whole video, and do challenges how the other person would react
5:54 Rhett's impression of his mom. XD
For the past 8 months, I've been working through all 16 seasons of GMM (I'm on season 15 so almost current!!) Anyway, I've noticed something unique about season 15. I believe Rhett and Link have always enjoyed what they do, but for some reason they just seem so much happier here. I don't know, but I really do hope they are truly happy
If this was a real effectiveness test then therabreath would win. Don’t believe me try it.
Congrats to that teacher guy at the end! You go, dude!
Link: "I think we should start making episodes 4 hours."
Me: " I would watch that."
I use scope
Did you know that after swishing a mouthful of Listerine you will blow twice the legal limit on a cop breathalyzer?
Listerine treats sore throats and strep throat really well though
Definitely therabreath was used incorrectly the only one who cures my bad breath all day
Let's blow each other

. Respect
Imagine March mouthmash

he likes the font !
15 minutes of two Middle Aged men breathing on each other