Avatar The Legend Of Aang Book 1 Full Download
roku was born to a noble family in the fire nation’s eastern lake city. his father was a high-ranking noble, but his family suffered from the hundred year war, which ended after roku’s father died during the war and was replaced by his aunt, roku’s mother. [28] his eldest sister was lady lindal, whose noble lineage was blamed for the fire nation’s disastrous international reputation. people called them “the most arrogant people in the fire nation” and believed that they killed the fire lord and the grand prince. however, it was actually the treachery of lindal’s own servant within the fire nation government that led to the assassination of the fire lord, and the fire lord himself later discovered the truth. [28]
roku’s teachings on the avatar of earth had a profound influence on aang. though aang wielded the spirit of air to control his avatar state, roku believed that in spite of having so much natural power over aang, it was his heart that guided him and that the true avatar was the one who felt compassion towards others and held true kindness towards all living beings. knowing the danger the world was in, roku instructed aang to fight not just for himself, but for his friends as well. he also believed that though aang had set out to change the world, that it would only be complete when he truly understood and appreciated the four nations and their cultures. for this reason, roku taught aang to find peace between all nations and their people, making him the first avatar to fully realize roku’s legacy. [14]
just before leaving the earth kingdom, in an aftermath of the war, aang, katara, and their friends sought to stop zuko from being forced to fight azula for the fire nation crown. they discovered that after his failed assassination attempt in ba sing se, azula had suddenly gained the ability to bend fire, which allowed him to regain control of the fire nation and to take back his crown. therefore, aang vowed to do everything in his power to change azula’s fate by forcing him to face the other members of the fire nation high council in an attempt to have his brother banished. [20]
after a series of events known as the southern water tribe revolt, aang was forced to meditate and accept that he was the avatar, and he could not change azula’s fate. there, he was contacted by an unseen spirit named iroh, who informed him that, through his actions as the avatar, he would have to spend time in the spirit world to right the wrongs he had done.
as aang traveled in the spirit world, he encountered the world of mortals, and was taken there by the earth king and queen, who aided him in returning to the earth kingdom. in the mortal world, aang soon made powerful allies, including the fire nation princess azula, and he began to prepare for the upcoming presidential election, which zuko was set to take.
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