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Marijuana Medical Benefits

Former Drug Addict Reacts to Joe Biden's Stance on Marijuana | The Rewired Soul

Former Vice President Joe Biden is running in the 2020 elections as a democrat, and he just came out saying he won’t legalize marijuana because it’s a …

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  1. A lot of the people that started out abusing prescription opiates, were not using THEIR OWN OPIATES. THOSE DRUGS WERE NOT PRESCRIBED TO THEM. There is no data that says otherwise. And this fear mongering against opiates is not helping. I had an issue with them myself, but I know many people who are in extreme pain, who never abused their opiate prescription, and now are cut off completely. Because of people who misused theirs, and because of fear mongering about those opiates. It’s absurd. It doesn’t help anyone. So stop saying that they’re still being given out like candy. THEY ARE NOT.

  2. It’s really sad to me that your videos on dumb YouTube drama get so many more views than your videos that are about mental illness or politics. This shit is important and we should be talking about it.

  3. Agreed. I don't smoke weed or do any drugs (I'm only an addict of Ramyun packets and macha lattes) but I can back that weed is probably the LEAST dangerous drug out there, especially compared to prescription opioids. Biden is just some dude who likes corporate funding, and he will say whatever he needs to say to satisfy his pharma backers. Weed will run them out of business. Biden is a traitor to American values if you ask me, he's selling us all so he can make dat coin.

  4. Personally, I can’t agree with everything you say in this video Chris, but I can understand and respect your point of view despite my own beliefs and opinions.

    Please don’t get discouraged because of lack of likes or views, keep doing you because that’s the most important thing.

  5. Bro deadass i skate and when i skate sober im amazing like way way better and im happier because of it but the other night i had literally one beer and i lost my balance going back into the half pipe which barley happens and i ate complete shit man i used to be crossfaded and still skate but i was used to being drunk and or high while skating but now that ive been being sober for about a month and a half if its just a little stuff is harder to do now

  6. Thank you for speaking the truth!!! Sadly the government is brainwashing the uneducated people. I love all of your statistics in this. Bravo!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  7. There is no ingredient in marijuana which pushes someone to try any other drug. The gateway theory is just that… a theory! Dumbest thing ever

  8. Big pharma need their money! One of reasons why it isnt easy to legalize weed. Can you imagine how many people with ailments/diseases (cancer especially) would try cannabis instead of prescription meds? I know I would.

  9. Ohhh, chris, watch Vaxxed. You can buy is for like $2.99 on YouTube. The first remark you made about weed being a "gateway drug" is as ridiculous as people believing vaccines leads to autism. ALOT of parents believe the MMR Vaccine made their child autistic. When your 18 month old child is growing normally, all the normal characteristic of an 18 month old, then gets the MMR Vaccine and their child becomes a completely different child. Too many parents have had this happen for it to be a coincidence.

  10. I'm a disabled person with constant chronic pain. I'm prescribed a slow release opioid called Tapentadol. I've been on it for over a year now, the dose slowly increasing to the point I'm one step off maximum dose. I'm in the UK, so our system is very different, but if Cannabis were legal, I would use that instead.
    I have tried in the past, but I don’t like to have connections with dealers tbh.

  11. to put someone in jail for marijuana is stupid.
    if they were selling it and it had other things in there like fentanyl or something insane then yes they belong in jail.
    if they are going to keep marijuana illegal — with the exception of medical marijuana — at they should just be fined… I don't know how I feel about legalizing it entirely though, but I do think that having them in jail is pretty ridiculous… especially those that are sentenced for much longer than people who have committed murder.

  12. I agree 1000%. I view weed as a non-addictive medicine. It helps with all of my mental disorders and fibromyalgia. However, I also believe one should reach a certain age of maturity before smoking regularly (in most cases) due to natural brain development.. I was 20 when i first started smoking and it literally saved my life. Yes, I have experimented with other substances over the years.. and found I really don't prefer them, they exacerbate my 'conditions'. But marijuana, well, i wouldn't be alive today without it. I found a certain 'enlightenment' that allowed me to see beyond my anxious, depressive, PTSD-driven state of mind to something brighter and more positive. Biden clearly has not experienced this clarity and appears to be stuck in the "Reefer Madness" propaganda, which, in my mind, is ignorant as hell. Our country was literally founded on marijuana/hemp as I view it and I'm vastly confused over how this desire to abolish it came to be during a time when drugs like cocaine, heroin, etc were being used unmonitored on the regular without care for the state of society.. wth??

  13. I'm really liking your videos lately Chris. I'm glad you seem to have finally put the whole cancelling situation behind you. Keep up the good work!

  14. Weed is a gateway drug…idk why a former addict like you is saying other words. You know damn well that is what you started out with. People think oh marijuana isn't bad so they try something else or they smoke pot for so long that they're an addict already so they want something more strong. Also they cause mental health problems. You also dont know the dose like heroin it could be not strong or could be so strong that ur heart over works so no marijuana is a dangerous drug and im glad it isn't legal. Its dangerous to children too, someone smoking it in front of them they get high without wanting to or understanding why they feel the way they do. Idk why ur saying all this but views come to mind…strike 1

  15. I'm learning about neurodevelopmental disorders like autism in abnormal psychology class and there is no proof at all that vaccines cause autism.The methodology behind the experiments for proving vacines cause autism were faulty asf and also they found that there is the same rates of autism with kids who got the vacines and the kids who didnt.Anti vaxxers are strange.

  16. With all respect to Vice President Biden, I think it's an age thing. 30+ years ago, the story went that someone on the corner sells a child/teenager weed, then says "You like that? You'll love this…" leading to cocaine, crack, heroin, everyone becomes a junkie, can't work, dies. People in this generation wouldn't go from one "drug" to the next. Pretty much no one thinks marijuana is even close to cocaine, heroin, or non medical use of prescription drugs, not at all. It's like a separate thing altogether, almost like saying if you eat broccoli and lentils with chamomile tea, you'll end up with a fast food, candy, sugar addiction.

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