GIVEAWAY NOTIFICATION – calling all sleepers! To get more entries in our monthly mattress giveaway, just click the link below and enter your information (so that we know you clicked through). And keep an eye out to win more entries on the next video!
If you didn't make it on time, don't worry – just get your notifications turned on, and get ready for the next video!
2 out of 3 isn't bad….but the price does give me pause.
Hey! Check out NCBD they have awesome CBD products! High Quality Cheapest Prices Free Shipping by far that I have tried.
I am very interested in the benefits of taking this oil. It might help relieve my stress.
Lots of information packed into one video
You learn something new everyday
This would be helpful for falling to sleep.
Put sheets on your bed you savage
I’ve never used CBD oil and probably never will just my own personal preference but I do appreciate the info. It seems like this would be quite helpful for my husband as he has a hard time sleeping at night but not sure if we’d use this.
I just started using a CBD creme for my knee pain. I have not tried CBD for sleep and would love to see how it helps.
very informative, too bad we doon't get along.
Well, this was a very interesting review!!! My hubby has 5 disks fused in his back, so he's dabbled with CBD oil, so it's not a total stranger in our house. I personally don't know a lot about the CBD world. I would love to try this product for sleep, and occasional anxiety. I don't like the high price of this bottle. That's a huge drawback for me right now anyway. I also have a racing mind, and am up a couple times a night. The relaxing part sounds really nice, but again to pay so much and not be able to stay asleep all night… I'd have to pass right now. Great, informative review! I like learning about new things!!!
Personally I use a CBD oil vape pen which is just as effective at helping me get settled down for sleep & also much more cost friendly than the drops. Love my CBD!
This is promising as a sleep aide. I like that it worked before bedtime for faster sleep.
Friends have been recommending CBD oil to me. This review was really helpful. I'll keep American Hemp in mind as I compare it with local brands.
Yikes, this chick really likes her cbd oil.
I love CBD so I am a fan of these different videos! You really have to try around to find your fit though.
According to the review this is expensive but maybe not worth the money I would try meditating and yoga my opinion only
Great review but much too expensive for my wallet… i learned lots and thanks so much for the info
Thinking of trying some, but not really sold on it yet.
I have heard many good things with HEMP oil. so I will have to try it
This guy (who is apparently very confused with his effeminate & off color choices) is deceived in "zen" & troubled by his sin. SO MANY people are lost & in bondage to their sin. I, myself, was deceived as a so-called, self proclaiming Christian for 30 years & looked NOTHING like Jesus because I wasn't repentant &/or FOLLOWING Jesus; only my sin. …gotta turn from that sin because you HATE it. There's nothing but death & torment in sin & without Jesus's transforming Salvation. Blessings in Jesus!🙋 💔👣👣💝💖
I've been interesed in CBD oil for some time but I did not know it helps to fall asleep! Wow it is expensive but I guess that's expected. Hahaha, totally "zen"ed out. I like that! Thanks for the honest review!
OMG need to try this 💚💚
It looks interesting, but I am skeptical.
I've been considering using CBD oil to help me sleep so I really appreciate the review. I need help staying asleep more than I need help falling asleep, however, so this one is probably not the one for me. Thanks for the review!
i bought some for my mother, thought it would be good for her, but she never seemed to like it. maybe i just bought the wrong kind though. which is possible lol, but this one looks good!
I have never tried CBD oil and did not know about how beneficial this is. Thanks for the great info. I'm going to share this with all my friends and family.
American hemp oil looks awesome. I always having difficulty falling asleep early at night. I have to try this oil. Best part is it is natural.
I’ve never tried CBD oil but have wondered about it’s benefits.
Too pricey
Thanks so much for the great info on CBD oil and thoughts on this product. Love the presentation!
Informational video. Thanks for sharing!
I've been really curious about CBD, so I learned a lot. I'll definitely keep it in mind, if only it weren't so expensive…
This will be great for my hard to fall asleep nights…thank you!
GIVEAWAY NOTIFICATION – calling all sleepers! To get more entries in our monthly mattress giveaway, just click the link below and enter your information (so that we know you clicked through). And keep an eye out to win more entries on the next video!
If you didn't make it on time, don't worry – just get your notifications turned on, and get ready for the next video!
2 out of 3 isn't bad….but the price does give me pause.
Hey! Check out NCBD they have awesome CBD products! High Quality Cheapest Prices Free Shipping by far that I have tried.
I am very interested in the benefits of taking this oil. It might help relieve my stress.
Lots of information packed into one video
You learn something new everyday
This would be helpful for falling to sleep.
Put sheets on your bed you savage
I’ve never used CBD oil and probably never will just my own personal preference but I do appreciate the info. It seems like this would be quite helpful for my husband as he has a hard time sleeping at night but not sure if we’d use this.
I just started using a CBD creme for my knee pain. I have not tried CBD for sleep and would love to see how it helps.
very informative, too bad we doon't get along.
Well, this was a very interesting review!!! My hubby has 5 disks fused in his back, so he's dabbled with CBD oil, so it's not a total stranger in our house. I personally don't know a lot about the CBD world. I would love to try this product for sleep, and occasional anxiety. I don't like the high price of this bottle. That's a huge drawback for me right now anyway. I also have a racing mind, and am up a couple times a night. The relaxing part sounds really nice, but again to pay so much and not be able to stay asleep all night… I'd have to pass right now. Great, informative review! I like learning about new things!!!
Personally I use a CBD oil vape pen which is just as effective at helping me get settled down for sleep & also much more cost friendly than the drops. Love my CBD!
This is promising as a sleep aide. I like that it worked before bedtime for faster sleep.
Friends have been recommending CBD oil to me. This review was really helpful. I'll keep American Hemp in mind as I compare it with local brands.
Yikes, this chick really likes her cbd oil.
I love CBD so I am a fan of these different videos!
You really have to try around to find your fit though.
According to the review this is expensive but maybe not worth the money I would try meditating and yoga my opinion only
Great review but much too expensive for my wallet… i learned lots and thanks so much for the info
Thinking of trying some, but not really sold on it yet.
I have heard many good things with HEMP oil. so I will have to try it
This guy (who is apparently very confused with his effeminate & off color choices) is deceived in "zen" & troubled by his sin. SO MANY people are lost & in bondage to their sin. I, myself, was deceived as a so-called, self proclaiming Christian for 30 years & looked NOTHING like Jesus because I wasn't repentant &/or FOLLOWING Jesus; only my sin. …gotta turn from that sin because you HATE it. There's nothing but death & torment in sin & without Jesus's transforming Salvation. Blessings in Jesus!🙋
I've been interesed in CBD oil for some time but I did not know it helps to fall asleep! Wow it is expensive but I guess that's expected. Hahaha, totally "zen"ed out. I like that! Thanks for the honest review!
OMG need to try this 💚💚
It looks interesting, but I am skeptical.
I've been considering using CBD oil to help me sleep so I really appreciate the review. I need help staying asleep more than I need help falling asleep, however, so this one is probably not the one for me. Thanks for the review!
i bought some for my mother, thought it would be good for her, but she never seemed to like it. maybe i just bought the wrong kind though. which is possible lol, but this one looks good!
I have never tried CBD oil and did not know about how beneficial this is. Thanks for the great info. I'm going to share this with all my friends and family.
American hemp oil looks awesome. I always having difficulty falling asleep early at night. I have to try this oil. Best part is it is natural.
I’ve never tried CBD oil but have wondered about it’s benefits.
Too pricey
Thanks so much for the great info on CBD oil and thoughts on this product. Love the presentation!
Informational video. Thanks for sharing!
I've been really curious about CBD, so I learned a lot. I'll definitely keep it in mind, if only it weren't so expensive…
This will be great for my hard to fall asleep nights…thank you!