Anti-Shaya is a very small and portable piece of software that you can use to lock the keyboard. It can be seamlessly handled, even by users with little or no experience in software programs.
Although this utility has been developed to prevent a particular cat from making changes to the workstation by climbing on the keyboard (like stopping music from playing), you can use it to prevent other people from using the keyboard, since it comes with password protection.
Since installation is not a requirement, you can simply save the program files to any location on the hard drive and run the executable file directly.
As an alternative, you can move Anti-Shaya to a USB flash drive or similar storage unit, in order to run it on any computer with minimum effort.
What's important to specify is that tools like Anti-Shaya do not work with the Windows Registry or leave files behind on the hard drive after removing them.
The interface of the app is made from a small, rectangular window with an uncomplicated layout. You can use the predefined password or change it into anything else. Once you lock the keyboard, the main frame minimizes to the system tray area. The keyboard can be reactivated by clicking that icon and entering the respective password. In other words, be careful not to forget the password. There are no other options available through this program.
Anti-Shaya runs on a moderate quantity of system resources, has a good response time and works smoothly, without causing the OS to hang, crash or pop up error dialogs. We haven't encountered any issues throughout our evaluation. Thanks to its intuitive layout and overall simplicity, Anti-Shaya can be easily handled, as it delivers a straightforward solution to locking your keyboard.

Anti-Shaya Crack Free [March-2022]
Anti-Shaya Crack Free Download is a lock and unlock utility for your keyboard that prevents your hands from knocking the keys of your computer.
You can use this program to block any user from changing the settings of the computer without the password and only the one that knows the specific code is allowed to access your settings.
Download Anti-Shaya Activation Code
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Anti-Shaya [March-2022]
Anti-Shaya is a simple software application that you can use to lock your keyboard. It can be seamlessly handled by even the least experienced users. Although this utility was designed for use in preventing a particular cat from climbing on the keyboard, you can also use it to prevent other users from using your computer’s keyboard. Anti-Shaya comes with password protection.
When used, this utility locks the keyboard by minimizing it to the system tray area, just like other system utilities. You can then simply add the program icon to the system tray area, drag it to the desktop or open it directly from the search bar.
As an alternative to installing the application, you can also save the program files to any location on the hard drive and run the executable file directly.
What’s important to specify is that tools like Anti-Shaya do not work with the Windows Registry or leave files behind on the hard drive after removing them. In other words, don’t forget the password. There are no other options available through this application.
We’ve tested Anti-Shaya using Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows XP Professional and received positive results. It runs smoothly and doesn’t crash or hang the system. As a consequence, we recommend this utility to any computer that uses the Windows operating system as it can be automatically minimized to the system tray and hasn’t made the system crash.
As a safeguard, you might want to specify a password to unlock the keyboard. However, be aware that it’ll be remembered by the operating system and not be deleted. A more complex alternative is to use Free USB Keyboard Locks, which can replace the keyboard keystrokes with random codes.
Anti-Shaya Key Features:
Keyboard Lock – you can use it to prevent a particular cat from climbing on your keyboard.
Random Keyboard Lock – you can use it to make keyboard inactivity noticeable, when you don’t want others to use your computer.
Password Protection – you can specify a password to unlock the keyboard.
System Tray Icon – the user can simply drag it to the desktop area and open it directly from the search bar.
Program Files – Anti-Shaya can be installed on any computer, even a USB Flash Drive or SD card.
Filed Under: Utilities
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Anti-Shaya PC/Windows (Updated 2022)
Anti-Shaya is a very small and portable piece of software that you can use to lock the keyboard. It can be seamlessly handled, even by users with little or no experience in software programs.
Although this utility has been developed to prevent a particular cat from making changes to the workstation by climbing on the keyboard (like stopping music from playing), you can use it to prevent other people from using the keyboard, since it comes with password protection.
Since installation is not a requirement, you can simply save the program files to any location on the hard drive and run the executable file directly.
As an alternative, you can move Anti-Shaya to a USB flash drive or similar storage unit, in order to run it on any computer with minimum effort.
What’s important to specify is that tools like Anti-Shaya do not work with the Windows Registry or leave files behind on the hard drive after removing them.
The interface of the app is made from a small, rectangular window with an uncomplicated layout. You can use the predefined password or change it into anything else. Once you lock the keyboard, the main frame minimizes to the system tray area. The keyboard can be reactivated by clicking that icon and entering the respective password. In other words, be careful not to forget the password. There are no other options available through this program.
Anti-Shaya runs on a moderate quantity of system resources, has a good response time and works smoothly, without causing the OS to hang, crash or pop up error dialogs. We haven’t encountered any issues throughout our evaluation. Thanks to its intuitive layout and overall simplicity, Anti-Shaya can be easily handled, as it delivers a straightforward solution to locking your keyboard.
What is important to know about Anti-Shaya is that there are a few known issues that you might run into:
Problem [1]
– Certain Windows versions don’t work properly with Anti-Shaya. We have encountered this problem on Windows 10.
Solution [1]
– You can use the version that can be downloaded from the official Anti-Shaya website.
Problem [2]
– The program might take a long time before fully locking the keyboard.
Solution [2]
– You can adjust this setting in the Options menu.
Reason [1]
– Due to the common issue that many computers have multiple users on them, the program might not always lock the keyboard. This might lead to unexpected results. For example, if the
What’s New in the?
Anti-Shaya is a very small and portable piece of software that you can use to lock the keyboard. It can be seamlessly handled, even by users with little or no experience in software programs.
Although this utility has been developed to prevent a particular cat from making changes to the workstation by climbing on the keyboard (like stopping music from playing), you can use it to prevent other people from using the keyboard, since it comes with password protection.
Since installation is not a requirement, you can simply save the program files to any location on the hard drive and run the executable file directly.
As an alternative, you can move Anti-Shaya to a USB flash drive or similar storage unit, in order to run it on any computer with minimum effort.
What’s important to specify is that tools like Anti-Shaya do not work with the Windows Registry or leave files behind on the hard drive after removing them.
The interface of the app is made from a small, rectangular window with an uncomplicated layout. You can use the predefined password or change it into anything else. Once you lock the keyboard, the main frame minimizes to the system tray area. The keyboard can be reactivated by clicking that icon and entering the respective password. In other words, be careful not to forget the password. There are no other options available through this program.
Anti-Shaya runs on a moderate quantity of system resources, has a good response time and works smoothly, without causing the OS to hang, crash or pop up error dialogs. We haven’t encountered any issues throughout our evaluation. Thanks to its intuitive layout and overall simplicity, Anti-Shaya can be easily handled, as it delivers a straightforward solution to locking your keyboard.
Anti-Shaya Screenshots
Anti-Shaya Trial Info
Anti-Shaya Trial Version Info
Anti-Shaya Free Download
Anti-Shaya Free Download
Anti-Shaya is a very small and portable piece of software that you can use to lock the keyboard. It can be seamlessly handled, even by users with little or no experience in software programs.
Although this utility has been developed to prevent a particular cat from making changes to the workstation by climbing on the keyboard (like stopping music from playing), you can use it to prevent other people from using the keyboard, since it comes with password protection.
Since installation is not a requirement, you can simply save the program files to any location on the hard drive
System Requirements:
Your computer will need to be able to run Fable: Remastered at a minimum of a recommended OS X system setting of 2.0 GHz or faster dual core CPU (3.0 GHz or faster is recommended), and 4 GB of RAM. Windows users require Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10. A recommended minimum system setting of 2.0 GHz or faster single core processor (3.0 GHz or faster is recommended), and 4 GB of RAM. Minimum system requirements may vary depending on the configuration of your computer.