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This work reports experimental results in a comparative study of selenium (Se) speciation and removal from selenite (SeO3 (2-)) and selenate (SeO4 (-)) by three different sulfite-reducing bacteria (SRB) with the purpose of finding the best technology for drinking water treatment. Se was monitored in real-time samples of selenate or selenite by single determinations using ICP-MS. The experiments were performed in conditions simulating the optimal parameters (mainly temperature and Se content) identified for drinking water treatment using a pilot activated sludge unit. Two aerobic SRB, Desulfitobacterium dehalogenans (sulfite oxidizing bacteria, SOXB) and Desulfomonas spp., and one anaerobic SRB, Desulfobacterium auripigmentum (sulfate reducing bacteria, SRB) were tested. The results showed that after 24 h, 75-100% removal of selenium and 100% of selenate conversion to selenite could be achieved at an initial Se concentration of 5 mg L(-1) by anaerobic SRB. When selenate was used as a Se source and SOXB were used, the conversion of selenate to selenite was less efficient (30-50% at 5 mg L(-1) Se), due to the fast formation of selenite that causes growth inhibition of the SRB, and selenite toxicity for SOXB. It was shown that when selenite was used as a Se source, anaerobic SRB are the best option to remove selenium from water and the reaction has to
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