ACT Labor politician Michael Pettersson says he doesn’t believe there will be tension between territory and Commonwealth laws, after the Barr government …
This interviewer is pathetic, can he not comprehend a simple and logical answer.
The Sky interviewer needs to know different drugs have different affects, ice is chemical, marijuana is natural. Alcohol is a drug that is legal and has the same issues if not worse affect on our health. Good on you ACT at less one state in Australia has common sense.
The interviewer is an absolute dickhead, makes himself look an idiot lol
Quick and safe supply / drop-off. Marijuana, Female, Mdma, LSD, DMT, Ketamine, Hydros, Addy, Parks, Zance, Ritalin, Diaz, Trama, Deloud ,, Pod, Exotic Kart / Mario Kart / Dunk Vap, Caritine. wickr.apk420, text / watsapp. + 14055926030,
Complicated western laws. federal law and state law can be similar to, when a mother grants a child permission to do/have something, but the father ultimately decides whether to allow the child what they want. Watching this interview, however, it seems, the older fellow has the understanding that federal law will be ultimately undermined/overridden by state legislation. Some good points by the older fellow, e.g ; " so giving some to your neighbour, that you grew, is an offence" ? ( supply being illegal still ). Again, complicated western laws ( why ? To intentionally confuse the masses ?, therefore more likely for law enforcement to be able to charge people with criminal behaviour ? Because of confusion and resultant stress, increased likelihood people will seek a doctors opinion on getting a mental illness diagnosis and therefore a script for psychiatric drugs ? ). Perhaps the west should adopt Sharia law, that unless retarded or mentally challenged, most people will have a clear understanding of what is permissible/allowed, and what is not. Much less confusion. In much of the middle east that is occupied by a muslim majority, the promotion ( by advertising, shops..etc ) of alcohol consumption is discouraged, even forbidden at times for muslims. Pious muslims understand alcohol consumption is haram ( statements in the quran clearly support abstinence ). It makes complete sense, that if you do not want someone to do wrong, you do not provoke/tempt them to do so, unless you are somewhat a sadist, looking for an excuse to punish somebody, and sure, there are plenty of self identified muslims so inclined to do just that. keyboard warrior response coming soon ? perhaps ? 🙂
You ruined my whole adult life over a couple of cannabis plants and now you're going to let everyone do it, no penalty? WHAT! I'd rather be given belligerent status in their endless war on people like me.
pothead pollies thats why two sets of rules cannot make any crooooocked money that way what about cocaine test that were coming no news not a surprised nothing suss ??good show mick !!
🍁If you are in #Dublin California Texas Boston 🍃 Carolina UK Australian Europe 🌺drop by our shop 😀 Right in the heart of the #city SnapChat….markplugj19 …+1 415-579-2752
If marijuana is legal, how come you’re not allowed to have it in your system when your about or even drive?
Fire up
So this is Australia?
These law makers are CRAZY letting marijuana into our society.. think of the potential increase in psychosis cases?!? Takes a swig of Bundy & coke and drags his Winnie blue
I'll be honest it was nice seeing a conservative news station, everything in Canada is left leaning.
Happy for you Australia, from Canada. 🍁
Ridiculous there is nothing wrong with cannabis at all, it has never killed anyone. You can’t have alcohol legal and cannabis illegal it’s completely daft!
so he said they where a legal for a reason what was that reason?
Yeah legalise it where all the politicians live ya wankers What about the rest of the country?
Comparing a plant to illicit drugs pffft absolutely pathetic!
The interviewee has about 50 IQ points on the interviewer. Do better Sky News.
one of my friends recently suffered a heart attack due too caffeinated drinks, a combo of both coffees and V drinks. Another one of my friends is diabetic due to his love for soft drinks and surgery shit. Cannabis that has no adverse effects, and hasn't killed a single soul. Banned because fuck you… I consider sugar more dangerous than thc. Alot more dangerous.
Soon mother natures best creation will be legal all over the land of australia #freetheweed
robot answers
Cancer patients should be allowed to grow it anyone who is suffering in Australia with cancer
I think the people of Australia who suffer a serious illness should be allowed to grow and use it
The problem when drug testing drivers is if you smoke every day it stays in your system
The fucking audacity to say someone needs to see a doctor for inhaling a plant that has been proven to cure cancer.
This dude is a fuckhead
This interviewer is pathetic, can he not comprehend a simple and logical answer.
The Sky interviewer needs to know different drugs have different affects, ice is chemical, marijuana is natural. Alcohol is a drug that is legal and has the same issues if not worse affect on our health. Good on you ACT at less one state in Australia has common sense.
The interviewer is an absolute dickhead, makes himself look an idiot lol
Quick and safe supply / drop-off. Marijuana, Female, Mdma, LSD, DMT, Ketamine, Hydros, Addy, Parks, Zance, Ritalin, Diaz, Trama, Deloud ,, Pod, Exotic Kart / Mario Kart / Dunk Vap, Caritine. wickr.apk420, text / watsapp. + 14055926030,
Did u know is the must discreet and reliable site ?
Complicated western laws. federal law and state law can be similar to, when a mother grants a child permission to do/have something, but the father ultimately decides whether to allow the child what they want. Watching this interview, however, it seems, the older fellow has the understanding that federal law will be ultimately undermined/overridden by state legislation. Some good points by the older fellow, e.g ; " so giving some to your neighbour, that you grew, is an offence" ? ( supply being illegal still ). Again, complicated western laws ( why ? To intentionally confuse the masses ?, therefore more likely for law enforcement to be able to charge people with criminal behaviour ? Because of confusion and resultant stress, increased likelihood people will seek a doctors opinion on getting a mental illness diagnosis and therefore a script for psychiatric drugs ? ). Perhaps the west should adopt Sharia law, that unless retarded or mentally challenged, most people will have a clear understanding of what is permissible/allowed, and what is not. Much less confusion. In much of the middle east that is occupied by a muslim majority, the promotion ( by advertising, shops..etc ) of alcohol consumption is discouraged, even forbidden at times for muslims. Pious muslims understand alcohol consumption is haram ( statements in the quran clearly support abstinence ). It makes complete sense, that if you do not want someone to do wrong, you do not provoke/tempt them to do so, unless you are somewhat a sadist, looking for an excuse to punish somebody, and sure, there are plenty of self identified muslims so inclined to do just that. keyboard warrior response coming soon ? perhaps ? 🙂
You ruined my whole adult life over a couple of cannabis plants and now you're going to let everyone do it, no penalty? WHAT! I'd rather be given belligerent status in their endless war on people like me.
pothead pollies thats why two sets of rules cannot make any crooooocked money that way what about cocaine test that were coming no news not a surprised nothing suss ??good show mick !!
🍁If you are in #Dublin California Texas Boston 🍃 Carolina UK Australian Europe 🌺drop by our shop 😀 Right in the heart of the #city SnapChat….markplugj19 …+1 415-579-2752
Crystal meth, cocaine, weed,lsd,addy,shrooms etc available
WhatsApp +1 772 494 1075,
wickr mplug2
snapchat greenwolf386
I like that guy being interviewed alot. What a chiller.
Glasses is baked
2:53 👓💨😵
Come on uk don't be a freedom taker
If marijuana is legal, how come you’re not allowed to have it in your system when your about or even drive?
Fire up
So this is Australia?
These law makers are CRAZY letting marijuana into our society.. think of the potential increase in psychosis cases?!? Takes a swig of Bundy & coke and drags his Winnie blue
I'll be honest it was nice seeing a conservative news station, everything in Canada is left leaning.
Happy for you Australia, from Canada. 🍁
Ridiculous there is nothing wrong with cannabis at all, it has never killed anyone. You can’t have alcohol legal and cannabis illegal it’s completely daft!
so he said they where a legal for a reason what was that reason?
Yeah legalise it where all the politicians live ya wankers
What about the rest of the country?
Comparing a plant to illicit drugs pffft absolutely pathetic!
The interviewee has about 50 IQ points on the interviewer. Do better Sky News.
one of my friends recently suffered a heart attack due too caffeinated drinks, a combo of both coffees and V drinks. Another one of my friends is diabetic due to his love for soft drinks and surgery shit. Cannabis that has no adverse effects, and hasn't killed a single soul. Banned because fuck you…
I consider sugar more dangerous than thc. Alot more dangerous.
Soon mother natures best creation will be legal all over the land of australia #freetheweed
robot answers
Cancer patients should be allowed to grow it anyone who is suffering in Australia with cancer
I think the people of Australia who suffer a serious illness should be allowed to grow and use it
The problem when drug testing drivers is if you smoke every day it stays in your system
The fucking audacity to say someone needs to see a doctor for inhaling a plant that has been proven to cure cancer.
This interviewer is an idiot haha