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John Boehner: ‘There Is No Republican Party, There Is A President Donald Trump Party’ | NBC News

Speaking at the Mackinac Policy Conference in Michigan, former House Speaker John Boehner said the Republican party “is kinda taking a nap somewhere,” …

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  1. Trump's people used to be called Reagan Democrats. They had been screwed and abandoned by corporatists in both wings of the two parties.
    Had things gone as planned, the 2016 election would have been Bush vs Clinton or Cruz vs Clinton and nobody would have said a thing about Trade Deals or Border Security. Even at the primary level everyone is paid to stick to a very narrow and near-worthless political script.
    When Trump won the primary, the creatures in the party tried to steal his win from him…kind of like Hillary did to Bernie but in more of a "better late than never" spirit.
    These populist positions are there for the taking if the Democrats would only rediscover their roots and champion populist working-class issues. But they need to do something sooner rather than later. Show they are serious.

  2. In Michigan and Wisconsin, 64% say they are embarrassed by President Trump while 63% say the same in Pennsylvania. — NBC and Marist University Poll, August 21, 2017

    While I thought Trump’s ideas appealed to me, since he’s been in there he’s embarrassed me by his behavior. … I think that his language is unprofessional. He uses words like ‘sad’ and ‘bad.’ That’s first grade language. We’re an intelligent population who elected you. Represent us! … I think the swamp is still full. I might be voting to drain that swamp some more.
    — Annie Anthony, Republican, Trump Voter, Nov 16, 2017


  4. There has been no true Republican party for a generation. The Democrats ran roughshod over the party you were supposed to be the leader of. You and the other establishment thieves were only interested in your own standing and wealth.

    The simple fact is that both parties have rigged the system for 150 years and you had to be in one or the other to win an election. Be thankful the Democrats had Hillary or Hillary had the Democrats as it turns out.

    There is the weak and there is the right and we have had neither for four decades. Your holdovers are the real problem as your RINO's are as bad as the Democrats.This is on you Mr. Boehner. You allowed an Imposter to change America to the path of socialism and had no opposition.

    The founding Fathers had a vision of the people being elected to ensure the people's voices would be heard by a benevolent Government and your ilk took that away within 20 years of this Republics birth. You should be grateful that there is a President Trump and as I recall President Lincoln was not a popular choice in1860 either but is now been elevated to the top of the great Presidents rightly or wrongly.

    You and your party never defended the Constitution and OUR rights and WE would all be slaves of the masters today if not for ordinary people fighting the establishment you represent. Thank GOD WE have what you are calling the TRUMP PARTY or America would be on the way to the ruin of socialism with CROOKED HILLARY in charge

  5. No John, there is a Republican Party, you're just not a part of it. You and your sour buddy in Columbus John Kasich are just two old irrelevant has been babies in the Republican Party. You're now like that kid that now sits at a lunch table all alone. Do something constructive with your retired life, instead of trying to be a comedian with amateur tv hosts. Run for Major of Cincinnati and help clean up that drug town. And stay away from the tanning bed. Coppertone baby!

  6. Trumps Awesome blessed by God… If God is for you who can come against thee amen all the Power n Glory riches and Blessings belong to our Lord and God Jesus Christ hallelujah amen 🙌 🙏😃

  7. Wow, just listened to your whole speech….Trump SUPPORTED YOU, then you diss him AND HIS WIFE? I guess we just saw your true character! Speechless! My spouse says you should THANK Trump for bringing the party back together! One problem…we won't buy the lies anymore. Do what you campaign on, or don't be there!

  8. No, Mr. Boehner…the Republican Party SLEPT under you! The Republican VOTERS swept the country, gave you a majority under Obama…and you SLEPT while refusing to keep all the PROMISES of REPEALING OBAMACARE, and stopping the FINANCIAL FIASCO/ DEBT BUILDING that Obama put us in. By the end of your time there, the REPUBLICAN VOTERS ( we know the leadership think THEY are the PARTY), were extremely angry at the broken promises, and the platitudes you uttered. Sorry, sir…we used to respect you, but now with what you are saying, it may have been misplaced. Don't blame the voters, blame the PROMISE BREAKERS! We got tired of smooth lies!

  9. THE GOP HAS BETRAYED ITS LEGACY AND ITS PRINCIPLES. The Republicans are empowering Trump's chaos (lunacy?) in alliance with the white supremacists of the NRA and Fox. The 2016 presidential election primaries exposed the GOP's weakness; fifteen top Republicans were trashed by Trump, an outsider, rabble-rouser and con artist. Now the GOP is unconditionally supporting him as he endangers our democracy, national security and international standing.

  10. Trump and Republicans have proven by their actions they hate the USA, Veterans, the Bible and The Constitution. Trump has attacked Veterans, Admirals, Generals, Navy SEAL's, gold star families, Fallen CIA officers, while proudly admitting to giving the Russians "Highly Classified information", gave the exact location of 3 US Nuclear subs on patrol, Trump shook hands with, and invited to the White House, PLO Terrorists that murdered US Marines in Beruit and Olympic athletes,Trump proudly admitting to doing business with the Terrorist dictator Gadafi, that ordered and financed the bombing of Pan Am Flt.103, that murdered over 250 people, When Trump was asked if he believed in GOD, Trump stated " I believe in me and money, those are real", Trump said "adultery isn't a sin", Trump said KKK, NAZI, Alt Right Terrorists are "good people", Trump openly said he wants to "do away" with Freedom of speech and Freedom of the Press, Republicans said their "Number one job is the failure of the President" , while they try to wrap themselves in the US flag and these immoral, godless, Hate the USA, support these traitors. Special operations Afgh Iraq Africa and around the World

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