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Marijuana Health Benefits

Surgeon General: "No such thing as Medical Marijuana"

In states like Colorado, where marijuana is legal, Surgeon General Jerome Adams says the potency of today’s marijuana may be a detriment to business …

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  1. Your words cannot be trusted because you're in uniform sworn an oath to follow orders so we cannot trust that you are a free thinking man because we are absolutely certain that you are not.
    you're wearing the uniform, you follow orders, you give orders
    but you're not allowed to be a free thinker so as a civilian there's absolutely no reason to respect your words.
    I respect your orders but not your thought process for anything other than the purpose of destruction.
    I respect and trust your ability to infiltrate and destroy an enemy.
    I respect the military's ability to create and spread misinformation.
    As a soldier I follow your command without question!

  2. The process has already started thsy are going to weed out all drug addicts people on disability, psychwards, psych meds ,medical marijuana in California for example it's only legal on state level as in most states they just want to ID all drug addicts half or more of people that smoke pot do harder drugs I'm being kind saying half every dollar you put in fair box to ride any public transit the the federal government Department of Transportation matches dollar per dollar when they pave a road in front of your house or down the street or on the freeway government pays for half that's in every city county and state in America they pay for half of medical Medicare food stamps everything so for example in California prisons a bill for $6 for half of their share everything those paid into public services and the FEDS say sorry we're not paying half anymore I will pay for half but you have to make medical marijuana illegal could you think the state's going to pick once they do that the state makes it illegal again all the people working at dispensaries all the people growing marijuana will be prosecuted and put in jail that's start you will not get your Social Security benefits you will not receive any benefits doctor patient confidentiality will be out the door employers will have access to public records and they're going to say Joey sorry we know you have a 4 year degree but so does Mike but he never had a medical marijuana card the feds know aliens are real they are cleaning house only the healthy body and mind will be picked or allowed to live everyone else will be terminated how I developed my theory was I need a heart transplant and being over 50 I was 49 at the time the feds said sorry over 50 and a known drug addict ,drug addict meaning I was giving a ticket by a cop for possessing a quarter ounce of marijuana in my possession so I've been given a death sentence by th feds for not being a user but for having it in my possession I was sitting in the passenger seat of a minivan my friend my friend ran into Burger King and they stopped and asked if they could search the car I said go ahead I didn't know that there was a quarter ounce of marijuana in the driver's map pocket of the door so they did this to me guess what's going to happen to you and I'm a US Army honorably discharged veteran were all in for a rude awakening that's part of the reason why if they want to take all the assault rifles away the process has started if you think they come in peace anytime an intelligent being goes on an expedition it is to their benefit not to the benefit of them being explored whatever you do don't let your children label themselves with any type of medical that's all they are doing that's all they are doing you are marking yourself on marking yourself yes I said that twice God don't let them take the guns away don't let your children ghem selves anyone working at a dispensary or license to grow or to sell there is a 7 year statute of limitations get out of the business now and hopefully nothing happens before the statue Runs Out

  3. CBD is nothing short of a miracle for me I was able to get off of muscle relaxer and’s and lower my cardiac meds I will eventually be off of those because it’s dropped my blood pressure to normal levels! By the way I have cerebral palsy So big Pharma has done nothing for me for pain management marijuana is a miracle plant douche bags like this need to do some research!

  4. So what's your answer to chronic pain sufferers or cancer patients besides opioids or opiates that is pure chemicals and will seriously harm your organs???

  5. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go to the bar and go beat my wife and my children tonight and kill someone on the highway to boot my booze is legal
    and yours isn't na na na na

  6. How can we continue to act marijuana but allow prescribing children amphetamines like ritalin and adderall?!?! This is propaganda driven by big pharma!

  7. Oh why did they disable comments on their video? And they do have "medical opium" they call it opioids. pretty lame for an anesthesiologist specialist. I AGREE THAT THIS MAN IS PAID PUPPET. Increases in mental health issues among youth? Couldn't be from all the heavy metals they inject babies with in the preventative vaccines. This pompous ass is supposed to work for us, looking out for our best health. Why does he not report on all the shit corporations are doing to kill us slowly? Americas Doctor.? YOU'RE FIRED!!! oh shit did trump really trademark that phrase?

  8. lets talk of more research on those untested vaccines that contain mercury,aluminum, and human dna . forced apon newborns. lets stop dumping fluoride into water supplies. oh yea what about allowing poly sorbate in processed food. GLYPHOSATE in and on everything we eat. Surgeon General another puppet.

  9. Big Pharma owns this guy.

    People with his misguided belief about marijuana are a dying breed, A few decades from now it will be legalized everywhere, it's only a matter of time.

  10. Bought Off, BIG PHARM is taking our Surgeon General and making himself a clown! I've used legal medical marijuana for some time and can stop any time! BIG PHARM pushing pills making AMERICA SICK! BIG PHARM OWNS THE FDA!

  11. "Our mothers marijuana" was supposed to be the ruin of civilization back in the 50s Maybe they shouldn't have cried Wolf so many times

  12. I used to be an advocate for legalization in college, but seeing what it's doing to the community I can't hold that stance any longer. I live in a lower-income area and while there are many factors that negatively impact the local working-class families, legal pot has only made it worse. Adults are smoking pot openly in parks and public areas around kids without any thought to the second-hand effects they're causing. I know of at least two single-mothers that game their WIC subsidies and welfare allotment for joints – routinely smoking out on their front porch without even bothering to look for work or attend school. I routinely find the remnants of blunts and empty weed dispensary bottles left on the sidewalk and billboards propagandizing weed shops plastered all over the place. It's sad. It's really, really sad. I'm not against responsible adults using pot for medical reasons (if they're honestly doing that for those reasons and not just looking to get high) but right now there's almost zero responsibility or restraint being shown by people in my area.

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