Cannabis vapor has less tar, but may contain more ammonia. What happens to respiratory symptoms when regular users of joints, blunts, pipes, and bongs …
"…heavily tax smoking…" THAT'S YOUR CONCLUSION!?!? well, thumbs down to you! I'm searching for a second opinion – possibly more CONCLUSIVE opinion
Personally, I like smoking vape it doesn't irritate my lungs or throat
Can someone answer for me if smoking it out a vaporizer damages your heart because I have been short of breath lately and my heart feels like it’s beating weird.
Don't hold your hits. Exhale some and inhale some oxygen and repeat few tines untill it's completely exhaled. Lack of oxygen is not good from holding your hits
The water used in a bong works as a filter
Am I the only one bothered that this video was exactly 1 second too long
Great video
what is wrong with your voice? are you drug addict?
Well researched.
Don't understand why theres ammonia in vaping if it's dry herb
Conclusion- Eat your weed. Its slower, and the healthiest.
Thanks, Owen Wilson.
You sound like you have difficulty to speak, like you're hesitating but clearly reading a text. Are you acting? For dramatic effect? Is it a persona for the channel? Genuinely curious.
Watching this on 4/20 🥰💚✌🏾
I love vaporizers. It feels so clean and efficient. My cannabis seems to go a lot farther, and the true taste of the flower comes out. My daily driver is the grasshopper vape, though I do enjoy tabletop vapes.
Its been 6 years since i switched from smoking to vaping. Now my teeth is white and stronger. My lungs is pink and i experienced a boost of energy. It saved my teeth and most importantly my life.
why do you talk like you have an orgasm, is it because of the cannabis?
He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s going by the books. A regular weed smoker needs to make this video instead
"…heavily tax smoking…" THAT'S YOUR CONCLUSION!?!? well, thumbs down to you! I'm searching for a second opinion – possibly more CONCLUSIVE opinion
Personally, I like smoking vape it doesn't irritate my lungs or throat
Can someone answer for me if smoking it out a vaporizer damages your heart because I have been short of breath lately and my heart feels like it’s beating weird.
Don't hold your hits. Exhale some and inhale some oxygen and repeat few tines untill it's completely exhaled. Lack of oxygen is not good from holding your hits
The water used in a bong works as a filter
Am I the only one bothered that this video was exactly 1 second too long
Great video
what is wrong with your voice? are you drug addict?
Well researched.
Don't understand why theres ammonia in vaping if it's dry herb
Conclusion- Eat your weed. Its slower, and the healthiest.
Thanks, Owen Wilson.
You sound like you have difficulty to speak, like you're hesitating but clearly reading a text. Are you acting? For dramatic effect? Is it a persona for the channel? Genuinely curious.
Watching this on 4/20 🥰💚✌🏾
I love vaporizers. It feels so clean and efficient. My cannabis seems to go a lot farther, and the true taste of the flower comes out. My daily driver is the grasshopper vape, though I do enjoy tabletop vapes.
Its been 6 years since i switched from smoking to vaping. Now my teeth is white and stronger. My lungs is pink and i experienced a boost of energy. It saved my teeth and most importantly my life.
why do you talk like you have an orgasm, is it because of the cannabis?
He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s going by the books. A regular weed smoker needs to make this video instead
Shut the .. up.