“On DoctorOz’s show Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains how the medical community is using CBD oil, even though it’s still considered illegal at the federal level. Find out …
I’m growing some cbd strains on my channel next. Doing blackjack cbd and cheese cbd. You make good content friend.
People need to do their research and only purchase quality CBD products. There’s a lot of garbage out there.
I didn’t care for the demonization of THC. 1:1 medical marijuana doesn’t cause a high. It does help with pain and a whole host of other problems because it contains THC and CBD! CBD alone doesn’t always work. Full spectrum vs an isolate is the best form to get. Many products actually contain very little CBD to have any benefit so research and educating oneself is key.
Charlotte Web is one good product. But the truth is many people with intractable seizures need medical marijuana containing both THC and CBD.
A CBD derived drug is not the same as CBD from the plant. The drug is man made and manipulated. Big pharma is against CBD and MMJ because they can’t patent a plant. A drug is not necessary to treat people because MMJ can do it just being extracted from the plant!
Cbd dont believe the hype y'all you need the whole plant. It's poison when using one cannabinoids that is taken out from the plant. What they're doing is the same as Monsanto. What about Rick Simpson curing aids cancer etc etc why isn't that FDA approved by using the whole plant. It's funny to me in the western world how medication making people sick in all area but yet they talk about THC euphoria is dangerous.
All the doctors want to do for people with an opiate addiction is put them on Suboxone or methadone and it does nothing but make the addiction worse. CBD would be a better way if it worked for opiate addiction.
Love the informational videos you put out keep up the great work 👍🏻
Again this is the "Single molecule solution" that big pharma loves to push.. Cannabis – BAD CBD – GOOD Soon we'll be hearing about how… Cannabis – BAD CBN – GOOD CBC – GOOD THCA – GOOD CBG – GOOD etc… Cannabis – BAD Single molecule – GOOD
I’m growing some cbd strains on my channel next.
Doing blackjack cbd and cheese cbd.
You make good content friend.
People need to do their research and only purchase quality CBD products. There’s a lot of garbage out there.
I didn’t care for the demonization of THC. 1:1 medical marijuana doesn’t cause a high. It does help with pain and a whole host of other problems because it contains THC and CBD! CBD alone doesn’t always work. Full spectrum vs an isolate is the best form to get. Many products actually contain very little CBD to have any benefit so research and educating oneself is key.
Charlotte Web is one good product. But the truth is many people with intractable seizures need medical marijuana containing both THC and CBD.
A CBD derived drug is not the same as CBD from the plant. The drug is man made and manipulated. Big pharma is against CBD and MMJ because they can’t patent a plant. A drug is not necessary to treat people because MMJ can do it just being extracted from the plant!
Cbd dont believe the hype y'all you need the whole plant. It's poison when using one cannabinoids that is taken out from the plant. What they're doing is the same as Monsanto. What about Rick Simpson curing aids cancer etc etc why isn't that FDA approved by using the whole plant. It's funny to me in the western world how medication making people sick in all area but yet they talk about THC euphoria is dangerous.
All the doctors want to do for people with an opiate addiction is put them on Suboxone or methadone and it does nothing but make the addiction worse. CBD would be a better way if it worked for opiate addiction.
Love the informational videos you put out keep up the great work 👍🏻
Again this is the
"Single molecule solution"
that big pharma loves to push..
Cannabis – BAD
Soon we'll be hearing about how…
Cannabis – BAD
Cannabis – BAD
Single molecule – GOOD