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COVID-19 Congressional Town Hall

All 4 members of RI’s congressional delegation join us via teleconference for our #12TownHall.

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  1. It’s all great getting back to work but there’s something wrong here ,federal money belongs to the people and our benefits belong to us again demo controlling people that have to go back to work who and where are the children going and how are the parents going to trust with their children yes senate Reed we need to know it’s ur bill now people safety is vip r.i. Goes to one extreme to another hopefully this is really sort out our children 👶 ✊🇺🇸😎

  2. How much of the original money given to select businesses to rent unihabited buildings to create hospitals we did not need, has been returned. Or were those multi million dollar gifts? Are we still renting space that was not being used and not using it?

  3. I will not give my address to any government agency.
    Once you pigs started spying on us in our homes, handing over information willingly became duplicitous.

  4. If you have exausted your unemployment benefits and still do not have a job, you are by law, employed and not eligible to eat food or live in a household. That seems fair enough.

    Unless you have gone to the government and begged for assistance, you are not unemployed, no matter how much you are starving., Said THE LAW MAKER.

    China just be laughing it's butt of listening to this.

    Is this stimulus socialism or communism?, I never studied politics. What is the difference again, besides the fact that America hates any assistance to the people?

  5. Most st all our purchases in this state go to corporations or businesses from out of state, the only people in this state that benefit from this is the state itself, the government, you people. Your kind sold us out decades ago, and with you in office, it will never change.

  6. The economy is toast, the more money you throw at it now, the less people's wealth will he worth later.

    For every scumbag politian caught taking money the did not earn, five hundred are not caught. They are just not as greedy as the ones who go down as "that corrupt politician". Hint, you can assume all of them are taking money they do not earn based solely on our lack of liberty.

  7. Hey Jack, they will starve before getting evicted. Then what are they supposed to do. You really have no idea how the citizens you rule over live. You are going to be surprised when the riots start.

    Actually you will not, that is why police is your first choice in public safety. They protect the state from the people and the shear number of police and private security in Providence alone, tells a story you can not seem to comprehend, it shows how much inelsecurity comes along with a wholly corrupted government.

  8. They did not give people all that money to help the people, they did it to save the very manipulated economy that foots their campaigns

    Still no call outs.

  9. Back to work? The majority in this state support s bloody revolution to over throw the state and federal government. Orderlies at RIH have to hide from police, that is on security footage too. All I had to do was ask how they survived the barbarians.

  10. Langevin you foul disgusting person, the city of Warwick starved me out of food, home, medical care and a family.

    If you keep ignoring it, you are pure evil.
    If you keep claiming to support the opposite of what really happened and nobody calls you on it, it is my constitutional obligation to take matters into my own hands.

    Now, let's talk about the ak47 terror attack I survived in the city of Warwick.

  11. Before that POS from Warwick utters the word hero, he better get back to Warwick and clean house. You have police and fire pensions costing millions of dollars a year and paid to unchraged and unindicted criminals.

    You do not get to withhold justice from people who hate you for withholding justice and that is what you are doing.
    You took the money from your injury and said eff you to others long enough, you disgusting excuse for a human being l.

    Only in a white Catholic church do you have to please the preacher to eat and drink.
    Perhaps you do not understand the difference between religion and state, having been raised in this hell hole.

  12. The Democrats are only interested in taking cannabis from the actual grievances nner city small business people who were brave enough to stand up to the tyranny, and putting it in the hands of the White market run by corporate America.
    I would not be surprised to see those businesses up in flames or being robbed by large gangs by mid summer. That would be illegal but just.

  13. That s government can only stuff bills with money unrelated to the bill if it goes to business interests, not people's rights or liberty.

    Why can't you call these fools out in real time? I am.

  14. Keeping cannabis illegal is a crime against humanity all by itself If you are still at war with that plant, you should have guns pointed at your heads by the people, no matter fs ands or buts.

  15. Hazard pay should be retroactive to day one and I should be compensated for doing it myself, without prompting from clueless buttheads in Congress that should know better.

  16. You want to reward people who get sick from not following the rules they learned with the money they spent on training?

    Now firefighter should ever get this virus on duty wuile following well documented protocols. That is foolishness rewarding foolishness.

    Cops are al eady sick so it does not matter. They should be used last or canaries in a goal mine. The pigs that arrested me in the park then left me in a sun baked far for twenty minutes did not put govles on until they got to the hospital, that was after rubbing their grubby little paws all over me. Look k at the RIH security videos, you will hear me lambasiny them about it. Screw them too.

    You people are not very convincing.

  17. We are all going to start leaving our phones and electronic devices outside our homes and turned off not that you reauthorized that s government to keep spying on us. Trace that.

  18. Grocery clerks are the least protected and the only ones recieving aid get it from me when I tip them up to one hundred percent for every purchase. You people are killing ng them, not helping at all.

    Go to one and use their ATMs yourself you out of touch, above the fray, well protected elitist scum bags.

  19. One look at my circumstances and you can see how full of crap they are about oil ce and fire and Jack Reed, you are a world class ahole. You're welcome.

  20. Not one penny of stimulus has found my address. My ATM card was mailed here, state police have no trouble finding me, the hospital has no problem finding my insurance information every time the state feels I should be forced into treatments I do not need and did not ask for, but stimulus, or rights, or justice, or or liberty, or freedom? We don't know where that man lives. We can't find him.

    But please fill out your census so you can contribute to a better world?
    Not a chance. Count the Catholic priests as citizens but not me. My name is, ain't your bitch or persona non grata.

  21. The people touching filthy ATMs in every corporate owned purveyor of commerce are following every rule and most likely to get sick.

    That s is why more than half of people in New York are getting this virus, this is no more a mistake than keeping them open and running RIPTA with no safeguards from the beginning. I mentioned this more than enough times, with no response at all, to see that you this government is intentionally make ng people sick.

    I told you why too. Stimulus is bailing out the banks that you very leveraged loans using American oil to hack them, and the oil companies that should have died on the gone in the seventies, keep getting propped up. Just like big tobacco that now owns food stock and we have adulterated food suppliers es killing more people than smoking did. They also own pharmacuetical industries that treat the disease the other industries created. Those are our domestic enemies. The abush family is neck deep in it, but there are many many more. By the response, I would have to guess that Gina Raimondos secret financial backers from New York are too

  22. The only way the United State has a chance of normalcy, is to hand over 5000 government officials, corporate leaders and media executives to a world court for war crime trials and charges of crimes against humanity
    Then the rest can be tried domestically.

    We need a constitution that starts with human rights and the proper definition of a person.
    The religous freedom we have now that supports slavery must be torn down with a very detailed historic explanation as to why and the religous freedom in out state constitution should be enforced on all as a fundamental human right.

  23. What this virus is doing here is exactly what this country does to others in lieu of war.

    At the end, the country will be more broke than ever. Our response did less to protect our people and our country than any other developed nation.
    At the end, it will not be the virus starving this hideous war machine from existence, it will be every country we have used our super powers to dominate.

    China had a three month head start and is already filling all the holes left by this countries lackluster performance in keeping it's people safe.
    They only govern money and they do it the same way every time. The next three in line after is have been waiting for an opportunity to pounce on America the way our government laid in wait for another Pearl harbor. In fact, they pulled out the post 911 playbook to manage the deaths of citizens again.

    About four years ago I typed something like this on a train to Boston.

    I do not know who will be the next President but we will have a war ( I expected a military conflict but you people called this a war). Then every President following will have to learn to manage decline.

    That would s something no capitalist st can fathom, managing decline.

    More people will starve to death each year than will die from this virus this year
    I am not trying to stop that, any person that would feel good about the genocide in Iraq, should starve to death.

  24. It is not a town hall, it is a way of avoiding hearing the actual grievances of the actual people getting sick and dying from government corruption.

  25. These are the scumbags that descend on nursing homes and veterans homes every election cycle to give themselves that push over the edge. Telling the people they have their backs.

    They are money grubbing scumbags, nothing more. Whitehouse turned his back on me and he is the creme of the crop in that gang of miscreants.

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