CBD helps to strengthen the internal balance in the body. CBD is well known to help with stress, mood, inflammation, helps with improving sleep and much more …
I think CBD is going to get to a point were the government is going to look at it like hey we need to control this because our Pharma friends is going to be put out of business of selling high price drugs to patients and then the government is going to start trying to control or FDA is going to put a status on cbd where the only way to get it is through a dr prescription and then every Pharma company will try and make cbd oil, gummies and the potency is not going to be the same as private company's.
I think CBD is going to get to a point were the government is going to look at it like hey we need to control this because our Pharma friends is going to be put out of business of selling high price drugs to patients and then the government is going to start trying to control or FDA is going to put a status on cbd where the only way to get it is through a dr prescription and then every Pharma company will try and make cbd oil, gummies and the potency is not going to be the same as private company's.
Will CBD help with ED?