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Marijuana Medical Benefits

Best Way to Eat Moringa is to Drink It – How to Juice Fresh Moringa Oleifera Leaves

John from shares with you the best way to eat your fresh Moringa Oleifera leaves from your tree. In this episode, you will …

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  1. boil it with lemongrass.. take out lemongrass after boiling. d water and moringa leaves to blender, add avocado, banana, or any fruit u want.. add 3 teaspoon of honey.. theres ur juice!

  2. i am from Kerala a southern state of India, never knew these moringa trees that we had in the backyard was a super food. moved to to the USA when i was 9yrs old and now 37 – i have two 10ft tall moringa trees growing in my houston home. about to make that juice 🙂

  3. Hi sir, we have morning tree in our garden. It is grown from seed and bought from nursery. It is very bitter taste. What will we do to make it good taste

  4. Cooked it with my chicken noodles. I also mix it with my tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce and lasagna. Dried it and make tea ☕️

  5. The juice of that thing( even a little) is very harsh. It must be disguised or diluted heavily if you don’t want to dread taking it.

  6. This is just wonderful!!! You did a fantastic job of sharing your knowledge and expertise!!! I searched for more info. on Moringa after reading a scientific report..that moringa seeds (in an aqeuous solution) absorb the drug i was unknowingly poisoned with by big pHARMa…Do NOT take this so-called antiboitic…it's actually an off the shelf…pulled chemotherapy drug (quinilone)…laced with highly toxic fluorine…called Fluoroqinilones (FQ's)…easy to re-name them…change names in various countries, re-market them, or just add a little of this or that..anything to de-populate the world…you'll never take a drug again…or buy into western "medicine"…if you watch the hour long documentary on Youtube about a drug called Thalidimide…will open your world to the trickery that hasn't changed….the truth came out 60-70 years after Thalidimide began on the market. WE ARE NOT PROTECTED by our governments or "regulatory" bodies….there is a huge disconnect…and it's intentional. I was a RN…and we are kept in the dark…so are physicians…and Canadians are much less protected than Americans with drug "satefy". Thank you to all the U.S. citizens for lobbying your government…it still took too much effort and time to get some of the positive changes…the FDA is partly funded by big pHARMa…so no wonder. I'm an angel…here to heal others and now forced to heal myself…but i don't know how…the body should of healed…9 years disabled in Canada…and just put the pieces of the puzzle together end of 2018…i can't get a lawyer up here…callled 300 or more…there is only ONE class action and no one ever calls me…i had the classic beginning symptom..spontaneous Achilles tendon tear…(fluorine can destroy all connective tissue) at least it didn't rupture (that means surgery)…you can't heal cuz it destroys mitochondria…some americans have had over 20 surgeries…this is NOT how the body was designed!!! Anyway…the moringa may be the only thing to help heal mitochondria…the energy producer in cells (no wonder why i have SEVERE fatigue, pain at all insertion tendon sites, severe muscle weakness, night sweats long after menopause,…it also destroys DNA, and it leaves behind 2 enzymes that surround cells to BLOCK healing…what a stupid system!!!…This drug/poison was purposefully made to de-populate the world…Gulf War syndrome as you guys call it down there IS Ciprofloxacin poisoning.."cipro…as it's called…and it is a FQ! I'm against chemo…i could cure myself of cancer that big money maker that is caused by all the chemicals that the elite want us to use…and the chemical trails in the air…and people are freaked out about the current man-made virus? This de-populationprogram has been going on for years…that's why you never here about many of the harmful substances…the elite own the media…I'm ticked at myself too..cuz when i was about 8…i said to ? "all the plants are hear to heal us"…i wasn't taught this…It's inner knowing…yet i got stuck in the programming…the matrix…i do not watch any media for years…no radio, no tv, no movies…to stop fear control through the subconscious doesn't know false from true…so when a person sees a horrific thing…it gets processed thru all teh cells/body, mind, spirit…and a person might think they can say…oh…it's just a movie…but the brain…the mind doens't work that way…the violence/gore is also to de-sensitize people. I am cancelling Netflix…i can't scroll thru without seeing distrurbing images…no thanks…evil jerks out there!!! Many millions want peace, love, and harmony…it's coming…we are in the age of aquarius…we are collectively mediating….getting our brain waves back to normal fluctuations…that pineal gland…is the 3rd all….the all-seeing eye….where TRUTH is discovered….all the glands are celebrated and honored in yoga or Qigong. The dark ages will be behind us all soon…Nature heals. Love to All !!!

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