Tucker: Leaders show no obligation to American voters
Voters around the world revolt against leaders who won’t improve their lives. #Tucker #FoxNews FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news …
Everything Tucker says applies in my country, Australia, as much as in the US. Tucker would make a great president.
And So The Truth Comes Out! … Thanks For Sharing Tucker
Romney is a woman
Wow that was brilliant. Tucker should consider running for congress or the senate. FOX is the only source I really Trust. Keep up the hard work. This is quality journalism and I know it is hard work.
Thanks Tucker for telling the truth.
Mr. Carlson would be a fantastic President
Tucker 2020
Where are these studies he is talking about?
Beyond well said.., wow. Brilliant and fair. Common sense mixed with reasoning and logic and facts. 🇺🇸🇺🇸 That’s what separates Tucker from the others on fox and cnn and msnbc. He is fair and very very intelligent
I don’t like Romney now.., if he challenges Trump in 2020 Then he will have lost a110% of the little bit of respect I have left for him
I don't want the government to improve my life, I want them to get out of my life. They should be for self-defense, protect liberties, and control monetary policy, that's it.
I am waiting for new Independent Tucker Carlson channel. This is most truthful and inspiring opinion ever. Brilliant mind, good heart, rare to find.
This is mostly caused by giving women an incentive to detonate the family unit. The elites made these laws to take the country apart. And idiots think it's the Russians doing it. Lol. They're just using feminism. Bravo ladies.
Hey you coward how come you left town with your tail between your shriveled balls? You can't make lying comments like you did, like you do, and not stand up to what you said.
Romney go home!
A millionaire hack who takes advantage of the common man by pretending to be on their side with fake populism while also making sure to follow the orders of his billionaire masters. Oh and he's a racist.
Romney is & always has been one of the biggest RINOs in the party & he only runs as a Republican because he couldn't get elected as a demorat! He ran for office this last time because he's a sore loser & wanted to be able to go after the president in a more public way! He's will always be a loser!
Tucker is a true hero for calling out both sides of the establishment for acting like mercenaries
Now there is a revolution! Perfect!
Is he the one that had the magic underwear?
Tucker is one of the few telling the truth, telling it how it is.
I’d be happy with a Tucker Carlson dictatorship. He’s a serious third positionalist, this type of politic is DYING to flourish once again, call it “fascism”, natsoc whatever, these ideas are peak human ideals to pursue for they would create a healthy society, a society that is focused on tradition, the family unit, against corporate tyranny, a state that is absolute and for the people. Tucker/Hawley 2024
But israel….theyd top off the israeli pm on live tv
God bless Tucker
Tucker 2024
the sheer amount of wisdom pouring out of this video is staggering tucker is absolutely right markets are tools designed to serve us not for us to be slaves to it
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Tucker's New Year's battle cry for high cognizance is one to listen to and inspire you at least weekly.
Download your favorite 'must keep' videos with "Video Download Helper" in Firefox or Chrome browser.
One of the very few media figures you can still trust to some degree
Everything Tucker says applies in my country, Australia, as much as in the US. Tucker would make a great president.
And So The Truth Comes Out!
… Thanks For Sharing Tucker
Romney is a woman
Wow that was brilliant. Tucker should consider running for congress or the senate. FOX is the only source I really Trust. Keep up the hard work. This is quality journalism and I know it is hard work.
Thanks Tucker for telling the truth.
Mr. Carlson would be a fantastic President
Tucker 2020
Where are these studies he is talking about?
Beyond well said.., wow. Brilliant and fair. Common sense mixed with reasoning and logic and facts. 🇺🇸🇺🇸 That’s what separates Tucker from the others on fox and cnn and msnbc. He is fair and very very intelligent
I don’t like Romney now.., if he challenges Trump in 2020 Then he will have lost a110% of the little bit of respect I have left for him
I don't want the government to improve my life, I want them to get out of my life. They should be for self-defense, protect liberties, and control monetary policy, that's it.
I am waiting for new Independent Tucker Carlson channel. This is most truthful and inspiring opinion ever. Brilliant mind, good heart, rare to find.
This is mostly caused by giving women an incentive to detonate the family unit. The elites made these laws to take the country apart. And idiots think it's the Russians doing it. Lol. They're just using feminism. Bravo ladies.
Hey you coward how come you left town with your tail between your shriveled balls? You can't make lying comments like you did, like you do, and not stand up to what you said.
Romney go home!
A millionaire hack who takes advantage of the common man by pretending to be on their side with fake populism while also making sure to follow the orders of his billionaire masters. Oh and he's a racist.
Romney is & always has been one of the biggest RINOs in the party & he only runs as a Republican because he couldn't get elected as a demorat! He ran for office this last time because he's a sore loser & wanted to be able to go after the president in a more public way! He's will always be a loser!
Tucker is a true hero for calling out both sides of the establishment for acting like mercenaries
Now there is a revolution! Perfect!
Is he the one that had the magic underwear?
Tucker is one of the few telling the truth, telling it how it is.
I’d be happy with a Tucker Carlson dictatorship. He’s a serious third positionalist, this type of politic is DYING to flourish once again, call it “fascism”, natsoc whatever, these ideas are peak human ideals to pursue for they would create a healthy society, a society that is focused on tradition, the family unit, against corporate tyranny, a state that is absolute and for the people. Tucker/Hawley 2024
But israel….theyd top off the israeli pm on live tv
God bless Tucker
Tucker 2024
the sheer amount of wisdom pouring out of this video is staggering tucker is absolutely right markets are tools designed to serve us not for us to be slaves to it
Based ✔
Redpilled ✔
Tucker's New Year's battle cry for high cognizance is one to listen to and inspire you at least weekly.
Download your favorite 'must keep' videos with "Video Download Helper" in Firefox or Chrome browser.
One of the very few media figures you can still trust to some degree
Tucker for President!