Nicotine is the main psychoactive component of tobacco, and thus one of the most widely used and abused drugs in the world. In this video, I discuss how ...
Congratz you did it in 1 minute
Who was the one asshole who disliked this video ! this guy is great!!
Does it explain why my mate who smokes is so retarded
Where are you my man???!!!
Dont agonists cause a downregulation? Because if more Nicotinic Receptors are made, theres more receptors for Nicotine to bind to.
Can you please discuss glycine receptors? 🙂
When first starting to use nicotine (never really) there is no positive effects. You just become dependent on the drug to function.
This should be in the video!
Caffeine is even worse. I quit both
Another great video my friend! Might I suggest making the video 30 seconds longer to account for the intro? That was it's' 2 minutes of information
Thanks again for these videos
u sexy
Thanks and Big Like!
Finally the waiting is over! Oh wait, the video is already finished…
See you in the next month I suppose : ' ).
I am always amazed that you can pack so much information in 2 minutes! Thank you!