Just thinking of the way black people were treated for so many years, for doing what white people freely do today.. but YouTube likes to remove comments that speak the truth. And put racism at a Forefront in America.
I’m quite sure some of these dudes wouldn’t line up like that for a job.
Any Cop that arrests anyone for Mary-Jane these days is a Sadist Anti-Human Pig… Fuck their Racist Laws…
I wish I have a Mom like Nancy
Just thinking of the way black people were treated for so many years, for doing what white people freely do today.. but YouTube likes to remove comments that speak the truth. And put racism at a Forefront in America.
I’m quite sure some of these dudes wouldn’t line up like that for a job.
Any Cop that arrests anyone for Mary-Jane these days is a Sadist Anti-Human Pig…
Fuck their Racist Laws…