I love it. Bill was lying though. Just like he said ''I never had sexual relations with that woman''. If trump legalizes it federally he will get reelected.
How was the COKE you were snorting on the white house desk Bill? any good?
Kamala Harris Is just another Obama they talk about they use but didnt do shit in regards to legalizing it nothing but hypocrites even worst Kamala Harris locked up pot smokers true fact and even locked up parents because of truancy and even laughed about it. she’s nothing but a typical prosecutor that makes people innocent people suffer I would rather have tulsi gabberd legalize marijuana than any cannidate that runs in 2020
Kamala: Shillary 2.0
What about this new research coming out of Yale on the dangers of marijuana use? Its starting to look worse than we thought.
I love it. Bill was lying though. Just like he said ''I never had sexual relations with that woman''. If trump legalizes it federally he will get reelected.
How was the COKE you were snorting on the white house desk Bill? any good?
Kamala Harris Is just another Obama they talk about they use but didnt do shit in regards to legalizing it nothing but hypocrites even worst Kamala Harris locked up pot smokers true fact and even locked up parents because of truancy and even laughed about it. she’s nothing but a typical prosecutor that makes people innocent people suffer I would rather have tulsi gabberd legalize marijuana than any cannidate that runs in 2020
Kamala: Shillary 2.0
What about this new research coming out of Yale on the dangers of marijuana use? Its starting to look worse than we thought.
Why such a long time ago ?