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State officials give update on coronavirus in Hawaii

Coronavirus update in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

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  1. But if you do make sure everyone is well armed that is exactly why they wants to take away our 2nd rights because we the people does start to rebel our having enough firepower to hold off a locale level sized force of police ordered in by local political authorities will absolutely force all those officer to make the decision honor their sworn oaths and our nations constitution or orders of corrupt politicians. Such a situation will thus force matters up to state and even federal levels and then the big shit show begins. Think about it folks

  2. Can anyone confirm we've tested less than 1% of the population? If so, it seems we are either intentionally masking the scope of our problem or the Gov needs to immediately activate the Guard to assist with testing or request help from the President. Most States are testing at a much higher rate. Also, the Hawaii DOH should add a major disclaimer to their Coronavirus metric: "Based on less than 1% of the population."

  3. I don’t feel srry for Hawaii people – they beat up me in Hawaii because I was white and now I have hearing problems – left me there on streets bleeding -so karma is a bitch lol

  4. The entire virus is scam just go to the local Hospital ER and ICU and see how many patients are their. All just trying to get paid to do nothing.

  5. Everything isn't fine! They can stop flights if they want to! People are playing with this virus and that is the only reason why so many are dying in the mainland and this is going to get worse in regards to availability of food and medical assistance. Tragedy arrived and it will roll like a tsunami. Shut down the airport already! Don't be stupid!

  6. Protests are being organized on Maui. Now Dictator Victorino is sending the National Guard to harass our locals, this is getting to be a dictatorship on Maui. Yesterday I saw Maui Police harassing people who are social distancing, MPD harassing elderly kapuna on the beach for resting during a walk…. next week it will be soldiers with guns enforcing Dictator Victorinos oppressive and unconstitutional home rules which are completely out of line. Maui is experiencing a Police and Military State. The time to protest this Dictator Mayor and rise up and protest has come!

  7. Now Dictator Victorino is sending the National Guard to harass our locals, this is getting to be a dictatorship on Maui. Yesterday I saw Maui Police harassing people who are social distancing, MPD harassing elderly kapuna on the beach for resting during a walk…. next week it will be soldiers with guns enforcing Dictator Victorinos oppressive and unconstitutional home rules which are completely out of line. Maui is experiencing a Police and Military State. The time to protest this Dictator Mayor and rise up and protest has come!

  8. I’m not listening to this nonsense. The God damned bus is coming every 2 hours in Kauai instead of every hour. I found that out by waiting for it. I also waited in front of Costco for over 30 minutes to get inside. YOU GOT ISSUES

  9. This is not acceptable. Doctors all over the nation and world are reporting the hydroxycloriquin is 100% sucessfull to treat this virus. This is not a pandemic and does not give the state government the right to violate our constitutional rights. There will be blow back from the actions of tyranny under the false information being forced on the population

  10. I know many people here on O'ahu who will NOT get tested because they don't have health insurance. If anyone uninsured is found positive, the estimated cost for care is $35K out-of-pocket. No thank you!!!

  11. That's why the spread can't stop, as long as people are able to travel virus is able to travel also. It's a perfect weapon to shut down nations

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