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The Pension Time Bomb Is TICKING (Part 1) – Robert Kiyosaki, Ted Siedle & John MacGregor

5 Pension Time Bombs – Part One The most important series you’ll listen to this year! It’s estimated that there are over 50 million pensioners―in the United …

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  1. It is going to get worse before it gets better. This is going to be bad.

    I need to be prepared. My parents are baby boomers, and I’m going to be effected.

    I’m so grateful for the information, so I can make informed decisions for my family.
    Thank you.

  2. $60,000? My mother-in-law has $25,000 in her 401k and she's 67. She has a car payment and 20 years left on her mortgage. Her money management skills baffle me. She's a nurse too.

  3. Wall Street Mafia, wall street crime syndicate, wall street looters, what it tells me is if senators in Washington allow this raping of citizens retirement money then they are as criminal as wall street. They can break any rule or law, & these investment houses are looting without any consequence of criminal prosecution or imprisonment. The unethical behavior is sickening.

  4. Dude is a scam artist. He gives no new knowledge. No actionable intelligence. No methods or useable advice. He gets his money by making you thirsty to buy his seminars, books, courses and adds from you clicking on his videos. I give credit for Rich Dad Poor Dad but it is clear he is just mailing it in to get easy cash by milking the popularity of his book and not doing any furthur work.

  5. This feels kind of scare me. If you have money in a 401(k) and it’s invested in low or no load funds like index funds then you are not being ripped off. Also, do you guys offer no solutions at all. This is just an effort to sell their books.

  6. 401k defined contribution plans were never intended to replace defined benefit pension plans. True. And Social Security was intended only to be a safety net, not what anyone would need to retire on comfortably.

    In the old days Seniors lived with their family. They took care of the kids and helped with the household chores. It was a symbiotic relationship. We've lost that. When the government started Social Security more Seniors started living alone.

  7. The world population has grown from 1 billion to over 8 billion in about 150 years. Maybe the planet is trying to tell us something.

    Politicians are happy with mass immigration because they believe it helps them grow out of their pension problem. They need more people to pay for the social security and medicare commitments they made. They need a continuous stream of more suckers to pay in to keep it solvent – its the classic definition of a pyramid scheme.

  8. I agree with a lot of the notions you are trying to get through to us, but this is adding to the mass hysteria. You had said that you had predicted a 2016 crash, but didn't insert QE in your calculations. I'm sure you get the point.

  9. Everything they said I knew, from the crash in 1987. I bought my first $2000 RRSP mutual fund in June of 1987. In one week it dropped to $650. I withdrew it making my investment adviser confused and disappointed. He said it will come back, and you'll be money ahead. I told him "I know it will". At that time I realized that I have trusted complete strangers, all the way down the chain, with my retirement security. If I was going to retire at that time with $400,000 in that account, I would have lost $270,000 over night. I'm just a regular guy and would never be in a position to lose that kind of money. The $1350 that I lost was "tuition for the university of life". The only tuition I've ever paid. Now I'm self sufficient and living the dream, even in times like this. 🙂

  10. Heard "This series will be 5-7 parts long" enough. Get to the facts and quit reintroducing the guests and talk straight !!

  11. I don't get it, from what I've known of the Baby Boomers – the richest generation and the wealthiest demographic to "the Baby Boomers are not prepared for retirement". Maybe I should read that book, 'cause from that statement, it seems something doesn't add up.

  12. If I take out my pension and put the money in the bank or hold cash, isn't that just as bad as I am hearing cash is probably going to be outlawed or if the banks or Fed fails and we get a new reserve currency who knows what the new exchange rate will be? I know you like gold & silver but I can't find any physical of either. Is it better to have cash in my mattress or leave it in the bank?

  13. Robert, I just filed for a patent on a system that will kill this "VIRUS" in one day… Please give me a call60231599521… I gained this knowledge while flying in Area 51 Nevada blowing up atomic bombs…

  14. 20 year cycle…red flag 9/11 red flag C.C.P. virus…..before it was World War One and Pearl Harbour… buy in cash out buy real estate own the world it's so simple.

  15. I'm a 63 y.o. woman who was a stay at home mom that didn't stay married the required SS 10 years. The divorce said I got a portion of my husband's Teamster retirement BUT the union won't give me his address so I can get him to sign off on it NOR will the judge sign off on it, saying to get an attorney that I can't afford and EVEN THOUGH the union said all the paperwork I did myself is all in order. So I'm living on my own SS that's $490/month.
    My 57 y.o. baby sister who had a company 401k and automatic company stocks lost everything in her 401k except for her own investment portion in 2008 and recently the company made all employees sell back their stock for pennies on the dollar. She was so angry that she quit after 35+ years with the company and lives with our well off Mom in Arizona. (Which I suspect will leave me with $0 inheritance).
    Tough times for a kid raised with a dad who was a Nuclear Engineer that passed in 1987, giving his entire estate to a 2nd wife that he was only married to 10 years.
    Btw, I raised my son in Hawaii (Kapahulu) and my husband worked for MTL (a mechanic for The Bus).

  16. But if you take out your 401k before retirement age there’s 10% penalty plus 20% state minimum withholding requirement.. umm why so much deduction if that is supposedly our money.

  17. Interesting. This was released 4 working days after the DOW started to slide. In the next 3 weeks the DOW was down over 10,000 points. It's having a bounce now, but I think it will start it's decent again soon. It may reach less than 8000 before it finds a bottom. Tooo much debt.

  18. The Feds will suffer too, I had to cash out at 57 due to an accident which disabled me 100 % , after saving 20 years they took 20 % for taxes and left me with 56,000 dollars, just enough to pay off the house

  19. No one wants to lose their retirement funds. However, everyone has a moral responsibility to check where their money is being used. I, myself was blindsided to this and trusted many so-called investment gurus. Never did I imagine that a big chunk of our money was going towards building "emerging markets" i.e. China's weapon building companies, their military, state owned companies known for human right abuses, etc. Where's the outrage about this information being kept from US investors? Albeit, some may not care about this fact, but I believe most Americans have the heart to want to know the truth.

  20. 13:08 The people who rips off the average man is getting ripped off by a bigger guy, how hilarious, like a food chain.
    In other news, look at how history repeats itself:
    Time of death: Before Christ, don't remember when
    Immediate Cause: Roman invasion and decline
    Underlying cause: hyperinflation and games with people's money
    Time of death: 400 AD
    Immediate Cause: Barbarians attacking Genghis Khan style
    Underlying cause: hyperinflation, social welfare and squalor
    Time of death: 1700s
    Games with people's money
    Time of death: 1929 to 1945
    Adolf Hitler and WW2
    Time of death: 2020?
    Immediate Cause: COVID-19
    Other causes
    Stock Crash
    Unfunded liabilities.
    History repeats itself. Yet people don't do plot recognition.

  21. The workers are correct. No one can take their retirement, but they can reduced it by 50% or more and or cancel your retirement medical benefits. Then, you have to find and pay for your own medical insurance from your 50% reduced retirement check.

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