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This poignant biopic tells the true story of Rich Mullins, a musical prodigy who rose to fame as a Christian music artist only to walk away from it all to live on a …

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  1. I bought his records and even played his records on the radio, but I had no idea he was drinking and dealing with so much personal anguish at the height of his popularity and fame. And perhaps he alluded to that in his interviews and such but I don't recall anything other than his witty and insightful quips and reflections and, most of all, songs. And I do recall his death being a shock akin to that of Keith Green in '82. And I would say Rich and Keith had a lot in common–both were excellent writers of songs about grace and brokenness and people and their horizons stretched beyond the recording-and-performing lifestyle and neither sought the spotlight in the epicenter of pop Christian culture. And in regard to this movie specifically, yes, heartbreaking to see the verbal beatdowns Rich got from Dad–and that seems to be a common creative-people thread, the abusive parent of an artistic child–but it was weird, too, for those parents who went through the Depression, a World War, and then post-war society and prosperity. Thankfully and ultimately, Rich got to ride his big wave of music and ministry for two decades. He was one of the best at it and if his later work has been released on vinyl, I really should add another record or two to my collection.

  2. When your dad is a mean spirited mule and your mom hangs on the tears of angels ; together they create a torture songwriter genius. What God has asked of him to bleed the truth, poetry, songs and his life.

  3. He was a incredible talent and missed to this day. His music touched so many. I didn’t have a clue he struggled so badly in his family life, parents have no idea how badly their words and behavior can effect their children. He’s sitting at his heavenly fathers knee now, no longer broken.

  4. 1: admission of powerlessness and that LIFE is untidy 2: we ALL came into this world, a bloody mess, with NOTHING in hand and we can NOT TAKE anything out of the world 3: those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into SENSELESS nonsense [blind, deaf, numb, etc.] and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction 4: the love of money is the root of all sorts of evils

  5. So the next time you look up catch up at the store look for Red Gold Ketchup look on the back and you'll say Elwood Indiana you have a good day

  6. Cool cool I live in Indiana matter fact Elwood Indiana where they make ketchup it's called red go so the next Red Gold ketchup but I was born in York South Carolina raised in Tennessee now I live in Elwood Indiana my mom was from Terre Haute Indiana

  7. Ask you're self, are you following the church? or you're following Jesus.? That's the key to enter to the truth. Follow Jesus be like him. The church is a good thing only if you do good things for others just like Jesus did, but if you are only on words is not counted believe and be a model to others. This movie represents reality but is what you learn what's important ask for forgiveness and forgive others so you can be free. God is love pray and have faith.

  8. …And for all those whose thinking to “build” their own religion or start a new church, God already built his church, SHE IS ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH…not man made or established by man but by JESUS himself.

  9. Catholic Church don’t find or seek saints…She makes them…and we believe that SAINTS HAS PAST, SINNERS HAS FUTURE by God’s grace🙏😇

  10. In essence faith is above all things. Love and forgiveness simple right and guess what it's easy that's even the best part! God is love and to see Christ and to be a prize to be a disciple of Christ means you forgive. May God bless and remember he's alive every single moment of every single day

  11. Richard Mullins is dead?! This movie portrays a selfish self-centered all encompassing man who claims he knows God but does not know God Christ or the Holy Spirit for he gives so much of nothing to everyone he sings about it if I had something to say to Mr. Mullins it would be this, you are not a poet for in the port Liza heart and then that heart is God

  12. Hoping and praying that the new landscape of "corona virus" will have a GOD impact in people's hearts around the world. People need to lay down their pride, scarcasim, abusive nature, violence and greed at God's feet. Turn away from all sin, repent fully and never turn back. The Corona Virus; is a small mild precursor to what the REAL tribulation WILL be like. ( This is nothing; compared to God's wrath ). Get ready; the rapture of the church will take place very soon. Praying that people start reading their bibles; instead of debating with other's online. Every man and women should know scriptures and what will be taking place; so no one is scared or confused. Have total faith in JESUS / YESHUA. Now is the time to trust God, Jesus and the holy spirit.

  13. What a depressing movie! It would seem that our Creator
    loves death, pain, misery and a few miracles to keep us going so we can be
    tortured for more years. Yes I'm calling God on it because what loving father
    would allow their children to suffer so? And today we have almost three million
    murders a year in this country, one million in the womb, another million in sex
    trafficking, and another million for body parts… wow we have really come a
    long way haven’t we? I'm grateful for all miracles however if life wasn't so
    screwed up we wouldn't need them all the time just to survive. Perhaps this is
    really Hell and we are too stupid to realize it and perhaps God loves pain and
    suffering and death because as an inventor I know that when my invention is not
    working for good I will disassemble it and start again till I get it right. Has
    there not been more than enough suffering, pain, agony, depression, torture and
    death? It can only mean that this is Creators goal in fact because it is
    getting better perfected every generation. Again what father would allow such
    suffering of his children? Not me!!!! and I'm just a man, a man that abhors
    suffering of the innocent more than it appears God loves suffering. I'll keep
    begging and praying for the souls of the innocent but I will also speak the
    truth of the matter as they are clearly apparent and rail against it to Creator
    till he changes his mind or puts me out of my misery too. I believe that it is
    time for man to stop accepting less and manifest better for everyone with or
    without God. Perhaps if we set an example and then give thanks to Creator it
    may change his mind and see that joy, Happiness, health, prosperity and abundance
    are more worthy of his creations.

  14. RIP 💖I love our Creator A'ho/Amen. Wow that Jess turned out to be a psycho, I thought the blonde would have been a better pick she liked him from the beginning he didn't see that sad. He's such a big cry baby with issues sarcastic maybe never had a chance to grow up I guess sad many mental health issues that never got resolved. Amazingly beautiful music indeed 💖 these producer's are jerks. We all are on borrowed time make the best of it

  15. What a sad story. It left me feeling lonely and depressed. What happened to the other man riding in the jeep with Rich? I wonder if he died too.

  16. I really hate it when people say that they were abused!! This guy never had any idea about being abused! I would have taken his existence in a hot second. Try massive broken bones! Being kicked with steel toe work boots, teeth being knocked out, waking from unconsciousness, breathing is powdered dirt, then being beat again!!! Sheeple get a clue! This guy lived so good!!! I have listened to stories like this my whole existence, it just makes me angry!!! Should have had my so called father and mother, then you would know ABUSE! Gives those of us that were truly abused massively the short end of the stick!!!! Where was god for little kids like me ? No where to be seen! People there are truly abused children, that no one ever sees or cares about ! Open up your eyes!!! This guy was so LUCKY!!!

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