Great tour! Probably my most favourite thing to do…just looking for what’s new. I think your weather is about two weeks behind us here in Southern Ontario, although we all have little micro climates that produce exciting early sprouting. My winter aconite flowered the first week of April and is finished now.
We all have different slugs that plague our yards. I don't know the name of my weed…maybe gettheeckoutofhere!
Wisconsin! We are zone buddies! Greetings and garden love from your neighbor to the west.
I have stopped watching to comment.. near the skunk cabbage there is some animal droppings. When can we play, "deer or rabbit poo?" ?
Very interesting video. You must have really good soil! Amazing how different weeds you have. I didn't know one single one (I live in Spain) but I knew most of the plants. Sometimes I leave nice weeds in my garden like euphorbias or poppies. Thank you!
My hydrangeas are starting to leaf out slowly. Hostas are pushing up. Clematis are shooting up. Seedum rosettes are visible. Daylilies are up and hellebores are coming back. So exciting. Thank you for sharing your garden and knowledge with us. I am further north of you by a couple hrs.
This was helpful. Thanks. My husband is re-doing our entire garden, so we have nothing but dirt!!! The lack of color has me starting seedlings at an alarming rate! But we will get plenty of weeds to deal with in time. Thanks for the helpful video.
Enjoyed this very much! Seeing lots of things popping up in my garden. Also in my winter sowing containers. We are in for a big heavy wet snowstorm on Sunday up here in Washburn Co. Zone 3a. It won't hurt a thing. A cold week in store also, then I hope spring will stay put! Your videos are always informative and humorous! Thanks!
Hello My neighbor gave us some Monarda which we dug up in clumps from her yard with what must be Creeping Charlie. I didn't know was hat it was, I thought maybe watercress. I left it because I felt bad for it…lol. Needless to say, it took over about 5 square yards in one growing season! But it looks pretty. I wonder if it will suffocate my plants or if it's fine to leave as a ground cover.
Dame's rocket a weed? I love it, but I don't let it go to seed. The plants are short-lived, so I save the seed on maybe one plant and sow it where I want it.
Thanks! Big help!
I find these videos very interesting. I'm on Maryland's eastern shore and it's interesting to see what other types of weeds are out there, instead of here. Your Creepy Charlie, is what I call Chickweed, it LLLLoves my garden, it actually pulls out really easy tho. Happy gardening.
Very interesting and useful video. Thank you!
Love it! I feel inspired to dig around and finally see growth in the Spring!
2:04 Finally I got the answer! Need to remove these right away. Manually pulling them out is the only way? I have so many around my garden.
GREAT video! I knew most of the plants, but I was finally able to identify the Lady's Mantle in my garden. I planted it several years ago but lost the tag. Thank you!
Walking & wondering is EXACTLY what I have been doing. Thank you this helped a lot!
A very good point: dont let it go to seed, that's probably how it got there. Very few weeds that proliferate through the root system per any one region.
I have an abundance of sticky weed. I know there is a proper name for it, however, my daughter always called it that and it stuck. Much like the weed itself. It will stick to clothing and skin. I can pull it out by the handfuls, but I think it has already seeded itself for next year. The other invader is wild violets. You know if they flowered I wouldn't mind them being there, but they are a nuisance in some places. Nowadays I can't get out and weed as I used to because I can't kneel down. Well, I can, but I can't get back up without help. My daffs are nearly finished and my tulips are coming along nicely. I have some, but not a lot, catapoop as well. I have a family of owls nesting in one of my trees. I've seen and heard them. They are lovely to watch and they keep the mice population in check! Having fun isolating in middle TN. Stay safe.
I live in south Louisiana and we’ve had spring in like early March late February. So I’ve been pulling weeds for a while now. But what I have in abundance is clover. Clover clover. Everywhere. It’s crazy how many little clover nuts I’ve pulled out.
Ugh creeping Charlie my back yard is full of it already. I have crocus, daffodils and hyacinths blooming. I have about 150 clearance bulbs that I painted New Year’s Day that starting pop up in the containers I put them in. So that’s a bonus!! I received 2 Little limelight hydrangeas today, will they be ok outside on an east facing porch? Actually more importantly,when is it safe to plant them?
You’re right! We’re all looking for signs of life in the garden these days. I wish you could’ve included pics of the full grown blooming plant. Might be something I’d like to add in my own beds some day.
I keep wanting to play this game in my yard, but nothing is growing yet. The weather just won’t cooperate.
I enjoyed this video. I moved into my currant home last August and I'm watching all the flowers coming up. So far, I haven't run into too many weeds, but it's still early.
I was so surprised how early I saw my Sedum rosettes peeking out of my leaf mulch in the garden. Thanks for taking us along.
I am checking every day to see whats coming up…..and I forgot I planted some more tulips….and they are stating to pop! YAY! And of course the weeds are doing better then the plants! Thanks for sharing!
Hey I recognize those weeds! (Unfortunately) I've got lots of Creeping Charlie, he's a real creep all right!
At 10:00 that's chickweed (Mouse-eared Chickweed possibly?) Loved watching this, thank you. You have some plants I don't normally see around here. I am in zone 5b – Carolinian zone, in southern Ontario.
Thank you for the informative video! I have a significant amount of bishops weed growing in my garden beds among the desirable plants. Do you have any recommendations on how to get rid of it? I try to pull it our but it just comes back…
Tulips and snake’s head fritillaries are blooming this week and the hostas are shooting forth. Kansas Zone 6a-ish but very mild winter – so maybe 6b for this year. Great video. The more time we spend in our gardens the more skilled we are in recognizing our friends.
Erin, I am curious to know if you rake all the leaves when you clean up, do you use the blower or do you clear them by hand? In other words, how do you know that you are not clearing the good plants?
I absolutely love the title because I am going through that right now………
Some gardener’s cut back foliage of perennials after frost hits. However here I can see that you have left foliage on the plants that dies off and then the new growth you are showing. What is the thought behind it?
Great tour! Probably my most favourite thing to do…just looking for what’s new. I think your weather is about two weeks behind us here in Southern Ontario, although we all have little micro climates that produce exciting early sprouting. My winter aconite flowered the first week of April and is finished now.
We all have different slugs that plague our yards. I don't know the name of my weed…maybe gettheeckoutofhere!
Wisconsin! We are zone buddies! Greetings and garden love from your neighbor to the west.
I have stopped watching to comment.. near the skunk cabbage there is some animal droppings. When can we play, "deer or rabbit poo?" ?
Very interesting video. You must have really good soil! Amazing how different weeds you have. I didn't know one single one (I live in Spain) but I knew most of the plants. Sometimes I leave nice weeds in my garden like euphorbias or poppies. Thank you!
My hydrangeas are starting to leaf out slowly. Hostas are pushing up. Clematis are shooting up. Seedum rosettes are visible. Daylilies are up and hellebores are coming back. So exciting. Thank you for sharing your garden and knowledge with us. I am further north of you by a couple hrs.
This was helpful. Thanks. My husband is re-doing our entire garden, so we have nothing but dirt!!! The lack of color has me starting seedlings at an alarming rate! But we will get plenty of weeds to deal with in time. Thanks for the helpful video.
Enjoyed this very much! Seeing lots of things popping up in my garden. Also in my winter sowing containers. We are in for a big heavy wet snowstorm on Sunday up here in Washburn Co. Zone 3a. It won't hurt a thing. A cold week in store also, then I hope spring will stay put! Your videos are always informative and humorous! Thanks!
My neighbor gave us some Monarda which we dug up in clumps from her yard with what must be Creeping Charlie. I didn't know was hat it was, I thought maybe watercress. I left it because I felt bad for it…lol. Needless to say, it took over about 5 square yards in one growing season! But it looks pretty. I wonder if it will suffocate my plants or if it's fine to leave as a ground cover.
Dame's rocket a weed? I love it, but I don't let it go to seed. The plants are short-lived, so I save the seed on maybe one plant and sow it where I want it.
Thanks! Big help!
I find these videos very interesting. I'm on Maryland's eastern shore and it's interesting to see what other types of weeds are out there, instead of here. Your Creepy Charlie, is what I call Chickweed, it LLLLoves my garden, it actually pulls out really easy tho. Happy gardening.
Very interesting and useful video. Thank you!
Love it! I feel inspired to dig around and finally see growth in the Spring!

2:04 Finally I got the answer! Need to remove these right away. Manually pulling them out is the only way? I have so many around my garden.
GREAT video! I knew most of the plants, but I was finally able to identify the Lady's Mantle in my garden. I planted it several years ago but lost the tag. Thank you!
Walking & wondering is EXACTLY what I have been doing. Thank you this helped a lot!
A very good point: dont let it go to seed, that's probably how it got there. Very few weeds that proliferate through the root system per any one region.
I have an abundance of sticky weed. I know there is a proper name for it, however, my daughter always called it that and it stuck. Much like the weed itself. It will stick to clothing and skin. I can pull it out by the handfuls, but I think it has already seeded itself for next year. The other invader is wild violets. You know if they flowered I wouldn't mind them being there, but they are a nuisance in some places. Nowadays I can't get out and weed as I used to because I can't kneel down. Well, I can, but I can't get back up without help. My daffs are nearly finished and my tulips are coming along nicely. I have some, but not a lot, catapoop as well. I have a family of owls nesting in one of my trees. I've seen and heard them. They are lovely to watch and they keep the mice population in check! Having fun isolating in middle TN. Stay safe.
I live in south Louisiana and we’ve had spring in like early March late February. So I’ve been pulling weeds for a while now. But what I have in abundance is clover. Clover clover. Everywhere. It’s crazy how many little clover nuts I’ve pulled out.
Ugh creeping Charlie
my back yard is full of it already. I have crocus, daffodils and hyacinths blooming. I have about 150 clearance bulbs that I painted New Year’s Day that starting pop up in the containers I put them in. So that’s a bonus!! I received 2 Little limelight hydrangeas today, will they be ok outside on an east facing porch? Actually more importantly,when is it safe to plant them?
You’re right! We’re all looking for signs of life in the garden these days. I wish you could’ve included pics of the full grown blooming plant. Might be something I’d like to add in my own beds some day.
I keep wanting to play this game in my yard, but nothing is growing yet. The weather just won’t cooperate.
I enjoyed this video. I moved into my currant home last August and I'm watching all the flowers coming up. So far, I haven't run into too many weeds, but it's still early.
I was so surprised how early I saw my Sedum rosettes peeking out of my leaf mulch in the garden. Thanks for taking us along.
I am checking every day to see whats coming up…..and I forgot I planted some more tulips….and they are stating to pop! YAY! And of course the weeds are doing better then the plants! Thanks for sharing!
Hey I recognize those weeds! (Unfortunately) I've got lots of Creeping Charlie, he's a real creep all right!
At 10:00 that's chickweed (Mouse-eared Chickweed possibly?)
Loved watching this, thank you. You have some plants I don't normally see around here. I am in zone 5b – Carolinian zone, in southern Ontario.
Thank you for the informative video! I have a significant amount of bishops weed growing in my garden beds among the desirable plants. Do you have any recommendations on how to get rid of it? I try to pull it our but it just comes back…
Tulips and snake’s head fritillaries are blooming this week and the hostas are shooting forth. Kansas Zone 6a-ish but very mild winter – so maybe 6b for this year. Great video. The more time we spend in our gardens the more skilled we are in recognizing our friends.
Erin, I am curious to know if you rake all the leaves when you clean up, do you use the blower or do you clear them by hand? In other words, how do you know that you are not clearing the good plants?
I absolutely love the title because I am going through that right now………

Some gardener’s cut back foliage of perennials after frost hits. However here I can see that you have left foliage on the plants that dies off and then the new growth you are showing. What is the thought behind it?
Love this!