EDUCATION, say it with me. E-D-U-C-A-T-I-O-N. Education. If you don't want the "kids" to smoke cannabis or consume in any way then the parents and wiser older people around them should be educating them on it. It's not going to matter if Grandma takes CBD oil or their dad smokes in the backyard or no one in the family consumes it. In this day and age you need to educate YOURSELF and YOUR CHILDREN properly. That doesn't just mean to tell them it's bad and don't do it because they WILL see it eventually and in high school, they'll see and hear about it all the time. Treat it like alcohol, at least until they can understand the difference between medical and recreational. At least keep it a conversation before other people tell them what it's about and then the parents don't have any control at that point.
Marijuana does not cause addiction or any type of over dose if you truly study the plant you would understand the Homeostasis of the plant None have eve died from the plant and more have became panic and worry about nothing when they take to much this does not mean it is addictive nor does it prove there is a proof that there has been a over dose. The terms that these doctors use is incorrect I personally have used cannabis for Sever Anxiety and insomnia and depression in both plant form extraction and edibles, Clearly you understand what Homeostasis is this is what happens to the body when you use cannabis and even at high doses does not cause overdose or addiction I have found first hand that even if you have to much and you lay down and sleep it off this is not alcohol and should not be treated as a addictive misunderstood synopsis meaning the use of fear mongering and miss used information when clearly there has been no study's to find scientifically that there is any truth of addiction or overdose from the plant I can kill that augment with this fact " Marijuana is a schedule one drug and can not be tested without approved consent from the United States Government." It seems this fear mongering of the ones that clearly don't like the cannabis plant or its use who choose to use there own bios to go nationally on TV and lie to the public never seems to amaze me. My question to these people are would you rater the drug dealers that clearly use the black market to continue to deal the plant from the playgrounds to children or schoolyards or neighborhoods? Is it not more ethical to stop arresting people of color and lower income just because they choose a safer alternative? Clearly no one has ever died from the use of cannabis even in its highest dose but should be used and not over used to the point where you feel you have had to much. So you must understand as a Activist I have nothing to gain No monetary interest in money or fame or any type misleading the public to believe only my point of view I believe you should make up your own mind and not let something like fear mongering that these MD's use to get people into there recovery center addiction and treatment when there clearly is no addiction but a choice of treatment and counsel or jail they use Big Pharma because that is there bread and butter to keep you hooked on Prozac and others for mental health and pain pills and pills clearly you would not need but they use it to counter and make you use other pills to ward of side effects of the prescriptions they first gave you…this cycle and they have a monetary interest just like the Police that want to keep you into the system keep you in there sights so they can use civil forfeitures to rob you of every thing you own make you a slave to the system now they use tickets and call these more humain NO they still make you a slave to there circle where if you refused to pay it you would be jailed and it would still be placed on your record How is this humain? they want to keep you in there system they have a interest and this is the only reason they are fighting agents the cannabis movement clearly we have exposed the truth that there is none of these things to be found scientifically proven. Now if you want say well we have these test or these test have been done show me a test don by over 200 different places who has done the same study and came up with the same conclusion based on scientific facts? You have none if you took such a study and they where all unrelated wroth one another have no personal bios any want to find the factual truth in what the science has told them and they a majority came to prove that then i can understand your Argument of needing to sound the alarms and more people more aware of the dangers if there where clearly facts saying and proving there where. What you have is a lot of bios opinions who clearly know they are the minority and they can not win because there bios opinions are clearly over looked because as i have said before they are not based on factual truth of the factual science. So they use fear mongering to lie write books of untruths and fears based on a rate of people going to the hospital because they clearly are first time users or have never had any use with the plant or have not used the plant in min years and now took to much and fear they have overdosed you haven't just get some rest and you will be fine and it does not last 12 hours maybe 3 at the most and it does not take over this again is your own panic and you should be fine eat something or take some time to relax Cannabis has never killed anyone it does not effect the body in that way where you are at risk at any time of overdose that's just the factual truth about it and I have no other interest other then to stop the fear mongering and hate of a plant. #Mpp#Norml#Marijuwana#Showmethefacts#Showmethetruth#Cannabis#MedicalMarrijuwana#Fox#News#Nationalnews#Doctors#Phycdoctors#Truth#USHouseofrepresinitives#UsSenate#USDrugAdminastration#Dare#Legealize#Vote#CannabisHeals#Marijuwanahelpsdementia#FactsaboutCannabis#TruthsAboutCannabis#Newyourktimes
EDUCATION, say it with me. E-D-U-C-A-T-I-O-N. Education. If you don't want the "kids" to smoke cannabis or consume in any way then the parents and wiser older people around them should be educating them on it. It's not going to matter if Grandma takes CBD oil or their dad smokes in the backyard or no one in the family consumes it. In this day and age you need to educate YOURSELF and YOUR CHILDREN properly. That doesn't just mean to tell them it's bad and don't do it because they WILL see it eventually and in high school, they'll see and hear about it all the time. Treat it like alcohol, at least until they can understand the difference between medical and recreational. At least keep it a conversation before other people tell them what it's about and then the parents don't have any control at that point.
Marijuana does not cause addiction or any type of over dose if you truly study the plant you would understand the Homeostasis of the plant None have eve died from the plant and more have became panic and worry about nothing when they take to much this does not mean it is addictive nor does it prove there is a proof that there has been a over dose. The terms that these doctors use is incorrect I personally have used cannabis for Sever Anxiety and insomnia and depression in both plant form extraction and edibles, Clearly you understand what Homeostasis is this is what happens to the body when you use cannabis and even at high doses does not cause overdose or addiction I have found first hand that even if you have to much and you lay down and sleep it off this is not alcohol and should not be treated as a addictive misunderstood synopsis meaning the use of fear mongering and miss used information when clearly there has been no study's to find scientifically that there is any truth of addiction or overdose from the plant I can kill that augment with this fact " Marijuana is a schedule one drug and can not be tested without approved consent from the United States Government." It seems this fear mongering of the ones that clearly don't like the cannabis plant or its use who choose to use there own bios to go nationally on TV and lie to the public never seems to amaze me. My question to these people are would you rater the drug dealers that clearly use the black market to continue to deal the plant from the playgrounds to children
or schoolyards or neighborhoods? Is it not more ethical to stop arresting people of color and lower income just because they choose a safer alternative? Clearly no one has ever died from the use of cannabis even in its highest dose but should be used and not over used to the point where you feel you have had to much. So you must understand as a Activist I have nothing to gain No monetary interest in money or fame or any type misleading the public to believe only my point of view I believe you should make up your own mind and not let something like fear mongering that these MD's use to get people into there recovery center addiction and treatment when there clearly is no addiction but a choice of treatment and counsel or jail they use Big Pharma because that is there bread and butter to keep you hooked on Prozac and others for mental health and pain pills and pills clearly you would not need but they use it to counter and make you use other pills to ward of side effects of the prescriptions they first gave you…this cycle and they have a monetary interest just like the Police that want to keep you into the system keep you in there sights so they can use civil forfeitures to rob you of every thing you own make you a slave to the system now they use tickets and call these more humain NO they still make you a slave to there circle where if you refused to pay it you would be jailed and it would still be placed on your record How is this humain? they want to keep you in there system they have a interest and this is the only reason they are fighting agents the cannabis movement clearly we have exposed the truth that there is none of these things to be found scientifically proven. Now if you want say well we have these test or these test have been done show me a test don by over 200 different places who has done the same study and came up with the same conclusion based on scientific facts? You have none if you took such a study and they where all unrelated wroth one another have no personal bios any want to find the factual truth in what the science has told them and they a majority came to prove that then i can understand your Argument of needing to sound the alarms and more people more aware of the dangers if there where clearly facts saying and proving there where. What you have is a lot of bios opinions who clearly know they are the minority and they can not win because there bios opinions are clearly over looked because as i have said before they are not based on factual truth of the factual science. So they use fear mongering to lie write books of untruths and fears based on a rate of people going to the hospital because they clearly are first time users or have never had any use with the plant or have not used the plant in min years and now took to much and fear they have overdosed you haven't just get some rest and you will be fine and it does not last 12 hours maybe 3 at the most and it does not take over this again is your own panic and you should be fine eat something or take some time to relax Cannabis has never killed anyone it does not effect the body in that way where you are at risk at any time of overdose that's just the factual truth about it and I have no other interest other then to stop the fear mongering and hate of a plant. #Mpp #Norml #Marijuwana #Showmethefacts #Showmethetruth #Cannabis #MedicalMarrijuwana #Fox #News #Nationalnews #Doctors #Phycdoctors #Truth #USHouseofrepresinitives #UsSenate #USDrugAdminastration #Dare #Legealize #Vote #CannabisHeals #Marijuwanahelpsdementia #FactsaboutCannabis #TruthsAboutCannabis #Newyourktimes