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Cannabis Oil

Police Search Terminally Ill Cancer Patient’s Hospital Room For Marijuana | NBC Nightly News

A Missouri police department and a local hospital are under fire tonight after officers searched the belongings of a cancer patient in end of life care for marijuana.

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  1. ITS CALLED POLICE ARE DOMESTIC TERRORISTS WITH NO COMPASSION FOR A DYING MAN…. They uphold the law until it’s against them….. then it’s “We’ve conducted a full/extensive investigation over the last year and a half and have come to the conclusion that OUR officers acted lawfully. We will NOT be releasing any information because it is now a personnel matter which is confidential.” THEY HATE THE COUNTRY AND THE CITIZENS AND THERE IS ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY.

  2. Proves police are evil and want you to die. Weed should be legal! Everywhere. Noones died from it EVER. This is a joke. The cops just want to profit to buy toys for the department because they don't understand the healing and relaxation of weed. That's the truth. They too know it's a plant. Yet alcohol aka legal poison is fine give me a break!!!

  3. Has a petition been started to fire these clowns and bar them from any future work related to law enforcement? THIS is why people call police officers pigs.

  4. No! Not happening….very disappointed in those officers! No reasonable person would've said that they're going to use the video to explore and imorove on …what?!?! This is alarming to any sane person. Fire those cops,!!!!!!!

  5. Someone needs to shred some asbestos and release it into the air of their station. Hopefully knowing that they will get cancer sometime in the next 30 years will help change their attitudes towards cancer patient rights.

  6. This hospitals reviews say it all. Nothing lawful about this. The staff responsible for this at Citizens Memorial Hospital should also be immediately fired along with the officers.

  7. Ironic… it's been legalized by vote, and yet they are using the operation to teach for future situations… what future situations? It's no longer an issue – by vote.

  8. It is too bad that not one person in this room said "This is really looking bad for us..Let's get the fruck outta here and let him die in peace." Shows the level of compassion from all hospital staff and from what we've now come expect from those that serve and protect by writing revenue generating citations and putting helpless people in jail. You can see it in their attitudes, voices and actions. Sad day for everyone…. including the dying patient.

  9. Remember that "Protect and Serve" is NOT for you, its for them. This is the new look of community policing. There will be alot of hand wringing and written apologies and nothing, nothing will change or get better. The police were there to find an arrest able offense to issue a citation for revenue.

  10. shameful and heartless
    I bet these guys would tackle a 5 year old if they saw him j walking
    “just doing my job” is what captured nazi said too
    These guys aren’t hired to think for themselves which is precisely why the hiring qualifications need to change! Emotional intelligence should be the foundational hiring requirement.

  11. Hospital should be sued for violating hipaa laws, if it's not manufacture or produced by big Pharma and nobody's making a profit, if We have opioid epidemic that is going on in our country, what a disgrace to our country has become!!! money first.. This man's is in stage four and has slim to no chance of surviving. Please just let this man live in peace.. Shameful absolutely shameful no compassion for people in our country.. And I love my country.. But I am ashamed of all the corrupt Congress and state legislators..JMO

  12. "I'm not in your situation, so I'm not going to play the what if game." So the cop has zero empathy for a terminal cancer patient….. sad.

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